9. Percy

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Disclaimer:  all characters belong to J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan

I woke on the morning of the departure to Hogwarts to an unearthly screechy about mud bloods and blood traitors. I was instantly out of bed and dressed eager to see what was going on. This was the most exciting thing that had happened since Diagon alley a couple of weeks ago. Ever since then we have just been cleaning the house which wasn't as fun as it sounds. I mean sure you find interesting creatures and objects in a wizards house but it IS still cleaning.

Anyway, I pulled on a shirt and some jeans before running down the stairs where I found the most hilarious sight. There was a picture of a sour looking woman yelling and screaming here hard off while Mr Weasley and Remus Lupin wrestle with velvet curtains on either side, obviously trying to close them. Stifling a laugh I go over and help. I grab the curtain on the left and the curtain on the right, snatching them out of the men's grip, and I wrestle them together. As soon as the corners touch everything goes silent as the lay stopped yelling. Arthur and Remus stood to the side panting after their fight with the curtains. I smiled at them and they nodded on thanks, I saluted them back before going in search of food. I found the other kids in the dining room looking quite dishevelled and shaken after the wake up call.

I sat down at the table smiling as a plate of breakfast delights such as eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes and Danishes etc. was placed in front of me. I quickly started eating eager to get plenty of food before the long journey. Halfway through my plate I looked up and to try and diffuse the tension I asked the question on my mind. "Who was that in the picture frame?"

They looked at each other before Hermione answered, "That was Mrs Blacker the last owner of this house, also Sirius's mother. She is convinced that we are all mud bloods and blood traitors taunting her house with out presence." I digested that information before smiling at her and thanking her for the information. I then stood to go and finishing packing (throwing everything in my trunk then jumping on it to make sure everything fits) before what is sure to be a long journey ahead.

At about 9:00am we left the house after Mrs Weasley and Sirius had a big argument about whether or not he could come. Sirius ended up having to stay home but the look in his eye told me that he would be at the station. We then got some cabs to King's Cross station. When I saw the ticket I did a double take because it said platform 9 3/4 which I am pretty sure doesn't exist. I did another double take when I saw everyone else running at the barrier between platforms 9 & 10. Deciding I had seen weirder I took a deep breath and followed.

When I entered the platform my breath was taken away. There was a gleaming Scarlett steam engine with the words 'Hogwarts Express' printed across the side in large golden letters. There were millions of people a mixture wearing wizard and 'muggle' clothing as they called it. There were gleaming white marble columns and a sign proclaiming it 'Platform 9 3/4'. However, I was quickly drawn from admiring the sight by Mrs Weasley's voice. "Oh do god's sake Sirius if you had to sneak out at least try and act like a dog or you'll be discovered." I looked around and saw a large black dog, Sirius animalistic form, standing on its hind legs near Harry with Mrs Weasley scolding him. I held in a laugh as Sirius went back down on all fours and nudged Harry towards the train, giving him a lick farewell as he entered the train. I quickly followed dragging my trunk after me.

When I entered the train I looked through all the different compartments. I saw so many groups of friends getting together after a long summer break me I wished it was me meeting my friends tat Camp Half-Blood. I pushed those thoughts down, when this quest is over I can see them again, I thought. Satisfied I continued on my search for an empty compartment. One had Harry, Ron, Hermione Ginny and a couple of strangers in it and as much as I wanted to join them and wipe away any suspicion they had if me beating evil I let them catch up its their friends. Instead I kept going be got to an empty compartment so I went on put my trunk on top of the racks and sat down.

I had probably been sitting for about 5 minutes when a boy opened the door me said, " why are you sitting here, this is our compartment so you are going to have to leave."

"Make me," I told him looking up with a bored expression. The boy who spoke had a pale complexion and pale blonde hair. He had a disapproving expression like the one drama queen wears when he speaks to me as if saying, 'you're not even worth my time'. Next to him were two stocky boys that seemed to flank him like body guards. There was also a rather unattractive girl who seemed to be looking at the other boy slightly love struck and another boy who just seemed impassive. They all had a snobbish aura about them so assumed that they were pretty important or at least thought they were. The first boys face turned red. "I am going to say it again, just in case you are hard of hearing, this is our compartment, now get out," he said.

I stood up and walked over to him, "I don't see your name on it, do you?" I asked looking right in the eyes.

"I bet your just a filthy mudblood anyway," he said. I didn't know what that meant but I figured it was an insult. That's it, I thought, Mr I-am-better-than-you needs to learn a lesson. I turned around as if I was going to walk away before turning around and punching him in the face. He let out a girlish shriek and held his bleeding nose. He ran out the compartment and "My father will hear about this."

"Your father doesn't scare me," I called after his retreating figure. I chuckled and sat down, getting comfortable for the long train ride ahead before we reach Hogwarts.

Hey Everyone,

School Holidays are here for me and I  off for 3 weeks.  I know normally this is a good thing but seeing as I write this story on the SCHOOL bus I will not be updating for awhile however I will hopefully get my other story updated.  Any constructive criticism on this chapter is welcome and be patient for the next update because it will be at least a month.


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