14. Percy

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Disclaimer:  All characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling or Rick Riordan

I wasn't expecting Harry, Ron and Hermione to come bursting into Hagrid's hut while I was trying to clean up after my recent fight with a hellhound pack that was lurking in the forest. On the other hand I should have expected it because I had heard whenever the trio either wanted information or to talk to someone they would go to Hagrid. This wasn't the only information I neglected to think about; I also forgot that wizards aren't accustomed to people disappearing for a day then finding them covered in blood. The trio looked shocked but Hermione quickly stormed over to me, I almost expected her to pull an Annabeth and judo flip me. Hagrid was obviously trying to be helpful and put himself between us as fast as he could to distract them but that didn't stop them.

"Where have you been all day? We were searching everywhere for you," Hermione yelled at me.

"Miss Granger, calm down," Albus tries to placate her but I decide the secrets out and tell him not to worry; that the trio deserve to know and would find out eventually anyway. Turning to Ron Harry and Hermione I said, "ask away."

Instantly I am interrogated:

"Where have you been?"

"Why do you have blood and golden dust on you?"

"Where did you go last night?"

"What were you doing today?"

Once the question onslaught stopped I took a deep breath and responded.

"In the forbidden forest, I was attacked by monsters, Umbridge's office and making sure the school is safe, I think that should answer all those questions."

I had been as truthful but vague as I could to try and hold on to the demigod secret.

"What were you doing in the forbidden forest? It's forbidden not to mention dangerous at the best of times,"Hermione asked, disbelief and shock rolling off her.

"Protecting you by making sure the school was safe and killing monsters, mind you I did also meet a rather ice pack of skeletal horses," I answered, remembering the strange creatures I had met earlier that day. By now I had completely confused the trio and Albus sighed. "You're going to have to tell then the whole thing Perseus, as much as you probably don't want to, otherwise they're going to end up with more questions than answers for next time you see them."

I sigh, knowing he's right. Steeling myself, I close my eyes and take a breath before opening them and staring directly at the trio.

"What I'm about to tell you is extremely secret, no one else can know unless I say so," this caught their attention and I continued, "I'm a demigod, half human half god, specifically Greek god. I know how it sounds but I am a son of Poseidon and I am experienced in battle as I have been training for battles and fighting them. since I was 12. I spend my life either killing monsters that are trying to kill me, at camp half blood or with my mum trying to go to school and live normally. Albus, I mean, professor Dumbledore, called me in to aid in the protection of Hogwarts against Voldemort and other threats he might send our way. All those strange things like the mark on my arm, my SPQR brand showing me as part of the 12th legion Fulminata, and saying I am experienced in war are parts of my lifestyle as a demigod. Do you have any question cause if not I'll go?" I was pretty sure I had covered everything and whether it was lack of questions, unlikely, or still absorbing this new knowledge I took their silence as my que to leave Hagrid's Hut and make my way back to the castle.

Hey everyone,

This chapter is pretty short and I'm sorry but I think this was a pretty good place to finish and also I'm nearly on holidays for about 2 months and I felt like I had to give you something.

-Ella Rae

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