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Disclaimer: The settings and characters of this story as well as parts of the plot don't belong to me they are owned by Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling.

Something wasn't right. Percy had been acting strange since dinner and when he rushed out the dorms after I asked him about Umbridge. Hermione, Ron and I were all a bit confused after Percy's rapid exit and we just stood there surprised. Hermione clapped her hands breaking us out of our stupor, "there's no point following him now so we may as well wait for him to come back later and then we'll confront him. For now, though, lets get some homework done.' Grumbling Ron and I complied and settled down in front of the hearth to do our ever growing mountain of homework.

It had been a few hours by the time Percy returned and we were all getting restless. I was especially confused when Umbridge didn't come looking for me so Percy or Dumbledore must've gotten me out of detention. I was about to call it quits and I could tell Ron and Hermione were as well when Percy clambered through the portrait hole.

As soon as Percy sees us he hides his hands behind his back trying pass it off as a casual action. I narrow my eyes in suspicion. "Hey Percy," I ask him and I can almost see his annoyance that he can't go to the dorm undisturbed, "where were you?" I continue. He stutters around for a bit obviously looking for an excuse before saying, "Nowhere, I just had to talk to Dumbledore about something, you know, order stuff." He then made his way up to the dorm by edging around the edge of us and then fleeing up the stairs.

"He definitely wasn't at Dumbledore's office," Hermione said.

"How could you tell?" Ron asked surprised, as if he didn't realise.

"He wouldn't have acted so skittish and nervous unless he was lying," Hermione explained.

"Well, I'm too tired to think about it now. Why don't we sleep and talk about it in the morning?" I suggested.

"Sure," Hermione and Ron replied before we went our separate ways to our dorm rooms.

As me and Ron went to our room we talked about what Percy could've been doing and where he could've gone. We got there and saw the curtains pulled around Percy's bed and heard heavy, even breathing signalling that he was asleep. We both got ready for bed and wished each other goodnight.

That morning as we arrived at the dining hall we saw Hermione talking to Percy, or at least she was speaking and he was nodding along looking into the distance. "Hey Hermione, hey Percy," we both said. Percy vaguely nodded at us and Hermione responded with a hi, then nodded to a spot further down the table signally that she had to tell us something.

We all make our way there and sit down to grab some food. "Something's wrong with Percy,he's not responding to me, hasn't eaten anything and is hiding his hands," Hermione informed us. 'Did you find out where he went last night?'

'No, we don't know where he went but he was also hiding his hands and had the curtains drawn around his bed last night,' I responded.

'Yeah,' Ron chimed in, 'it was really weird.'

As we discussed Percy's strange behaviour we failed to notice Dumbledore's worried glances at Percy as well as his departure from the hall. We still hadn't noticed he'd disappeared by the time we went to lesson 1, transfiguration. Lesson 2, potions was when something started seeming off. We noticed how Professor Snape kept looking over to where Percy usually sat with as much of a worried expression as he could muster.

Finally, it was at lunch that all of us had realised he was missing. All of us involved with the order sat together at the Gryffindor table. "Where's Percy?" Ginny asked. We all looked around confused.

"I'm not sure," Hermione responded.

"Actually I haven't seen him all day, since breakfast," I added.

"I hope nothing happened," Ginny said, worriedly. It was then that Ron pointed towards the teachers table. "Talking about disappearances, where's Dumbledore."

"What do you mean, Where's Dumbledore," Hermione counteracted, slightly stressed. Ron pointed to the staff table in response.

As he said the large, regal, high backed chair where Dumbledore normally sat was vacant. None of the other staff or

students had noticed; either that or they weren't as worried as us. We all brainstormed where Percy was, deducing that Dumbledore was with him. We all agreed the lake, forbidden forest or just outside on the grounds in general students had noticed; either that or they weren't as worried as us. We all brainstormed where Percy was, deducing that Dumbledore was with him. We all agreed the lake, forbidden forest or just outside on the grounds in general is where he would be. We made the decision to go down and see if Hagrid had seen him while he was carrying out his duties this morning.

No longer panicking about Percy's location we enjoyed the food provided by the house elves before setting out to talk to Hagrid. As we left the castle and made our way down to Hagrid's hut we discussed what we would say to Percy when we found him. He can't disappear for half the day and not expect questions, especially from us, we do have a reputation.

The walk down to Hagrid's hut was silent. Each of us considering why he disappeared; getting ahead of ourselves considering we haven't found him yet. As we approach Hagrid's hit we hear voices from inside, two were sounding worried and another seemed to be trying to convince them of something. I recognised Hagrid's booming voice, Dumbledore's soft, wise voice and the final voice sounded like...

"Percy!" we all yelled as we burst into the hut.

Hey everyone, 

I'm on school holidays now but I decided to finish of this chapter seeing as it was so close.  Any constructive criticism is appreciated but remember I write this on my phone which I am really bad at typing in so there will probably be typos.

-Ella Rae

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