11. Harry

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Disclaimer: all characters and places  are property of a Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling all I own is part of the plot.

I wake up and hear a rustling to my right. I look over and see Percy getting out of bed and leaving the dormitory. I look around and everyone else is still sleeping, looking out the widow I see the moon is still high in the sky meaning it can't be too much after Midnight. I wonder what Percy was doing up? And why was he leaving the dorm? Soon enough my worries were forgotten and I drifted back to sleep with nothing but the dread of classes crowding my mind.

I wake up and see Ron, Seamus and Dean getting ready to go to the dining hall for breakfast. I quickly follow suit. Before long Ron and I are quickly making our way to the dining hall. When we arrive and I see the occasional hateful glares people give me. My anger is rekindled along with the memory of mine and Seamus's argument. That memory or last night also reminds that Percy had left the dorms very late last night, definitely past curfew. I do a quick sweep of the table for him and when I see him frowning over a piece of paper I pull Ron over to sit next to him. Ron looks at me in surprise but sits down as well. "Hey Percy," I greet. He looks up surprised but nods in greeting.

"Hey," he responds. Before I can ask him about last night McGonagall comes past and gives us our timetables. Me and Ron immediately groan as we see the horrors of our timetable and Percy is once agin pushed from my mind as we make our way to or first lesson.

My day had been moving uneventfully and it seemed like everyone was eager to stop me from interrogating Percy. So far teachers have wanted to keep me back after class, students have blocked me in the hallways to make fun of me and when none of that was happening Percy seemed to be nowhere to be found. Snape had been as unforgiving as ever in potions and professor trelawny had been as strange and fakes as she was before the holidays.

That all changed in Defence against the dark arts. We walked in and sat at our desks. We laid our wands out on our desks before looking around. There was a pile of books on the desk at the front and a blackboard, the room also had a slight pink tinge. "Wands away and quills out please," came the high pitched, falsely sweet voice of our newest teacher. We all look area h other confused but do as we are told. Umbridge then makes a piece of chalk float up and write on the board 'Ordinary Wizarding Levels'. She turns to face us, "This year is a very special year where you will take your ordinary Wizarding levels also known as OWLs. This will bring you one step closer to knowing what your role on our world is. However due to your disrupted education and multiple unregulated teachers the ministry is worried about your skills therefore I am here teaching you a ministry designed course." She went on and on so I tuned her out deciding to see what Percy was up to. He looked to be even worse than me tapping his fingers, bouncing his leg and looking out the window. I keep looking around for awhile until I see Hermione's hand go up out the corner of my eye. Umbridge turns to her, "yes, miss..."

"Granger," Hermione finishes, "there isn't anything in here about using defensive spells." Umbridge looked appalled.

"Why, Miss Granger would you need to use a defensive spell on the perfectly safe, risk free environment of my classroom. The ministry believes that with theory you will have a sufficient knowledge to produce the spells needed to pass your OWLs."

"But if we are attacked in the world it won be risk free," I decide to step in and am surprised to see Percy's head jerk up at the sound of my voice.

"You must raise your hand if you wish to speak on my class Mr..."

"Potter," I finish thrusting my hand up in the air. She smiles sweetly before addressing me.

"Who, Mr Potter, do you propose would wish to attack someone as young and innocent as yourself?" Umbridge questions. Then the answer I blurt out is the stupidest and most rash answer I have ever given.

"Oh I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort." A blanket of silence covered the classroom as Umbridge stood with her eye twitching, shaking in a barely contained rage. "Okay, let's make one thing very clear," she said in a falsely sweet voice hiding her rage, "you may have heard rumours that a powerful dark wizard has returned from the dead but I must stress that these are not true, they are simply rumours. There will be no more talk of it in my classroom. And Mr Potter detention for the rest of the week my office at 6:00pm. After that the lesson was dull she got us read the book and copy down notes.

Dinner came around and I was surprised to see Percy at the staff table talking with Professor Umbridge. I was confused until I saw his violent hand gestures, he fierce expression and Umbridges defiant one;he was arguing with her about something. I watched for a little longer and saw Percy get frustrated, and I didn't notice it then but all the glasses near him were shaking. Stopping his foot in annoyance he turned away from the professor and made his way towards me. He bent down and whispered in my ear, "Don't go to your detention tonight." I was confused, how did he have that much power to change Umbridge's mind about my punishment. "It's all taken care of, don't worry," he continued before leaving the dining hall. I was about to start my meal when Hermuone whispered, "wasn't that strange, what did he want?"

"He told me not to go to my detention and that it was taken care of," I told her.

"Really how can he do that?"

"I'm not sure."

"It must have something to do with why he nodded to Dumbledore before he left." My head shot up to look at her.

"What did you say?"

"We'll before he left Percy nodded at Dumbledore as if confirming something," Hermione explained. I nodded to show I'd understood and then started scoffing down my dinner. "Why are you in such a rush mate," Ron asked me.

"I need to get to the common room quickly to ask Percy something,"I replied.

Ron followed and we instantly made a beeline for the common room.

Once we arrived we saw Percy pacing in front of the fire muttering to himself. We couldn't make out what he was saying but he seemed both annoyed, angry and frustrated. "Percy," I called out. He didn't even pause or acknowledge that he heard me. "Percy," I called again, a bit louder. Once again he doesn't stop, he's obviously very invested in whatever's happened or happening. Ron then walked up to right in front of him. "Perce, mate come on," he says. we had finally gained Percy's attention as he stops and shakes his head. "Huh, oh, hey Harry, hey Ron," he says, "What do you want?"

"I just wanna know where you went last night, and what you were talking to Umbridge about just then," I replied. He stiffened and looked around frantically while stuttering around for an excuse until he looked out the window and said he had to go and told me not to go to my detention with Umbridge again. He then left the portrait hole with us staring at him in confusion.

Hy everyone, I know its been ages since I updated this book but I'm only 3 weeks into my new school year so not many bus trips and at the the end of last year I had really bad writers block and probably half  wrote this chapter about 10 times.


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