4. Harry

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot, the characters belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling.

I had arrived at Grimauld place a couple of days ago and after I had cooled down from everyone ignoring me they explained what had been happening. How the ministry had been showing me as an attention seeking brat. How the ministry didn't believe that there had been dementors that night in little Whinging. They told that they used Fred's and George's invention extendable ears to listen in to meetings. I was told that a new addition to the order would be arriving today. So naturally we were listening in to the orders meeting.

So far nothing exciting happened and there has only really been silence or small talk. Just as we were about to give up we heard footsteps and the opening of a door. It's the new person Hermione mouthed, I nodded. We hear the door click again then silence, suddenly there is a sound like rushing water which confuses me. Soon everything quietens for a split second before accusations are thrown around the room until a voice I recognise as Dumbledores calls for silence. He then introduces someone called Perseus, obviously the new addition we had heard so much about. I hear Sirius question him being here and that apparently fights and wars are his area of expertise which surprises me because honestly I haven't heard of many recent wizarding wars, only one and I am pretty sure one war doesn't make you an expert. I hear more questions then a shink sound and a voice that makes me shiver menacingly saying, never say I am a traitor or a spy, never underestimate me because I can guarantee that it won't end well for you, just like every other person who has done so. Dumbledore tells this Perseus to get off Sirius before leaving and saying that he will let them get acquainted and to not hurt each other too badly, then I hear a pop and realise Dumbledore just left.

We were wondering when the massacre would start before we heard Mrs Weasley say she was coming up to get us. We quickly pulled up the ear and Fred and George apparrated to their room while Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I pretended to talk about the upcoming year.  Mrs Weasley burst into our room looking slightly, flustered and frazzled, "Dinners downstairs and be careful of the new addition when you get there. Don't question him or be rude,' she said quickly before going up to the twins room. We all leapt off the bed and hurried down the stairs.

When we entered the dining room we instantly ducked as a spell streaked over our heads, "Bloody Hell!" Ron yelled and I agreed. All movement stopped and I heard a voice whisper, " it sure is bloody." That was when I noticed the boy in the middle of the room. He was tall and tan with a lean swimmers build and and raven black hair in a dishevelled mess on top of his head. But his eyes, were the most mesmerising thing I had ever seen they were bright green and swirled like raging seas in a storm with twinkles like Dumbledore's but they looked broken. They looked like the eyes of an old war veteran rather than a 17 year old boy. "And how would you know that," Sirius questioned him.

"Because I've been there," the boy whispered before pushing past us and up the stairs. When he pushed past me I gasped slightly, there was a black mark on his arm, it didn't look too much like the dark mark but I did only glimpse it for a second so I couldn't be too sure

We all stared at him before Mrs Weasley came back down the stairs. She took one look at the scene, notices that the newcomer was missing and asks, " who made him mad?" We all point at Sirius who points to Ron. "What happened then?"

There were recounts of the events flying everywhere which turned into accusations before Mrs Weasley called for quiet. "Hermione, dear, what happened?" She asked Hermione

"Well, we walked in and there were spells flying everywhere and Ron said Bloody Hell, then a voice answered that it was bloody. Sirius then asked the new person how he knew and he said he had been there before leaving," Hermione recounted.

"Well, we will just leave him to calm down then won't we," she said.

"What!? Your not even curious about what he said!" Sirius exclaimed. I'll admit I was curious about what that meant that he had been to hell.

"I would like to know his name before anything," Hermione said.

"It's Perseus, but he prefers Percy, Jackson," Mrs Weasly replied, " but why don't I go whip up some dinner seeing as the previous meal just got destroyed," she continued, leaving to the kitchen.

"She is right,"Mr Weasly agreed, "I'll go let Percy know so he can decide whether he wants to come down or not," he suggested also leaving. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George and I all left upstairs to discuss the new, mysterious Perseus.

We all went to Ron and I's room seeing as it was closest also because it was the roomiest. We sat down and Ron immediately said. " I don't like him."

"Why not Ronald. We don't have enough information to be making assumptions or accusations," Hermione countered.

"Didn't you feel the power he radiates and the look on his eyes makes him seem so scary, also if he can start a fight with the order and hold his own he could be dangerous. Finally, he destroyed the food, now we need to wait longer before we can eat."

"Ronald," Hermione scolded.

"Joking, joking Hermione," he amended, "but seriously he is dangerous and unsettling."

"Fine I guess that those are valid points but still it isn't enough to prove anything okay."

"Actually, I have something else," I decided to speak up, " when he left the kitchen I saw a mark on his arm in the same spot as the dark mark..."

"Ah ha, he is evil," Ron said.

"... But it didn't really look that much like a dark mark. I also can't be sure because I only saw it for a second before he disappeared up the stairs," I told them.

"Okay, that is slightly more solid evidence but still not concrete until we can think of a way of making sure it was actually the dark mark and not just a tattoo," Hermione said. We all sat in silence, deep in thought before we heard Mrs Weasley calling us down for dinner, after which we all scrambled to the stairs and into the dining room eager for some food

Hey everyone 

So I was bored again, how is your life, are you guys bored as well, how was this chapter 👍👎👌 please tell me.


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