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Disclaimer:I don't own the Percy Jackson or Harry Potter  characters. They belong to Rick Riordan and J K Rowling respectively.

My ministry hearing was a complete waste of time. The only reason I won the case was because Dumbledore showed up and turned the tables in my favour. Then before I even got a word in he left and I was sent back to the Order of the Phoenix in a foul mood. When I got back I just went up to my room because everyone else was at Diagon Alley. That reminded me that Ron and Hermione were keeping an eye out for anything weird that Percy does.

To be honest Percy was scaring me. He had a aura of power and a commanding presence. I honestly didn't want to show that I was suspicious of him because from the sound of what happened with Sirius he can get pretty scary. Sirius! I could go talk to him, so I got off my bed and walked around the house looking for him. I found him in a room. The room had what looked like a family tree as the wallpaper. It was a weird family tree though as it branched out over every wall and had little burn marks seemingly at random.

I found Sirius looking at a particular burn mark. He looked up when I neared him but then turned back to the wall. "That's where my name was," he said pointing to the burn mark. "My mother did that when I moved in with your father." I was shocked that his mother would do such a thing and then he continued to point out burn marks and tell me who's name was there and why they were burnt off. I was too busy noticing the fact that the Malfoy's names were on the tree meaning Draco, Lucius and Narcissa were related to Sirius.

I don't know how long we stood there but eventually Ron and Hermione came back and we went to my room to discuss Percy. They told me how he didn't really do anything strange or suspicious. He did, however, have a few weird things. Such as despite having just found out about wizards he had a Gringotts vault but it had weird coins in it. It had the usual coins, knuts, sickles and galleons but he had these other larger, gold coins that he seemed used to and glad to have. Then he also seemed to take forever to get a wand and said he almost went through the whole shop. Even then it was a strange wand, coral with a hippocampus scale core, what is a hippocampus anyway?

Not long after we finished discussing Percy Mrs Weasley called us down for dinner. When we got their we found Percy already at the table with a plate in front of him. Ron, Hermione and I sat down and watched him. When he was served he thanked Mrs Weasley and was very polite.

Once everyone was served we started eating and they asked me how my hearing went. "Good," I replied. "Dumbledore came and convinced them to drop all charges," I told them still slightly miffed about him ignoring me."

"Good old Dumbledore," Sirius said and sensing my discomfort went on, " well seeing as Harry is in no longer under suspicion how was your trip to Diagon Alley, Molly."

"It was great we got a few pleasant surprises in terms of Percy but other than that it went smoothly," mrs Weasley told him. I noticed Percy stiffen at the mention if him causing a couple of raised eyebrows as if he wasn't supposed to. The adults continued to talk as the kids excused ourselves and headed up to our rooms. We needed a big sleep because we have a few more days before we are back on the Hogwarts express.

Hey everyone,

So this is a shorter chapter than what I have been writing but I just ran out of ideas for this chapter, don't worry though I still have plenty of ideas for the story.  I also am nearly on holidays for June-July so my Zoe Nightshade story should start to get updated with schoolwork winding down.  Constructive criticism is welcome,


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