Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

( Trevor is on the side)

At home

Tela P.O.V. 

I sit and wait by the door for diggy to come as Sophie gets ready. Im wearing flowing floral print skirt with a pink tube top, a jean jacket and pink converses. I left my hair down and curly cause I didnt wanna do it. 

Sophie comes bounding down the stairs in black pants and a mindless behavior t-shirt and low top converses with her hair in a braid.

Sophie- In ready to go!! Im ready to go!! *she says while jumping up and down*

Me- Calm down Sophie im waiting on somebody

Sophie- He's gonna make us late *she pouts*

Me-No he's n- Wait how did you know it was a guy

Sophie- I guessed

Me- well he's not gonna make us late 

30 minutes later  

Ughh I cant believe Diggy stood me up when he's the one that asked to come. I said 6:30 its now 7:00 and the concert starts at 7:30. I guess we have to leave now. Ill text him after the concert.

Me- Come on Sophie we gotta got

Sophie- FINALLY!!!!! I get to see my baby prodigy *she squealed*

Me- *chuckles* smh

We arrive at the stadium 15 mins later and go in and take our seats in the front row. We also have backstage passes so we get to meet them.

??? P.O.V.  

Im so hyped for this concert. Im backstage practicing a complicated move in the routine until I got it down.

Guard- Hey Roc its time to perform

Roc- Ok I was just working on the routine

Guard - Ok come on

I follow the guard out to where the others were waiting at.

Princeton- Its about time you got here *mumbles*

Roc- Man shutup

Prodigy- He aint wrong tho

Roc - whatever

Ray- *chuckles* 

2 hours later

Roc- Im so glad this concert is over *falls on a chair* 

Ray- I feel ya man

Walter- get up guys you still got a meet and great and you gotta meet those with passes

Princeton- Whyyyyyyy??? Just let me rest

Walter- get up...NOW!!!!!

All boys- Yes sir

Tela P.O.V. 

Im so gald this stupid concert is finally over with. It was so annoying sitting next to screaming and crying girls over some boys. Ugh they aint even all that. All I got left is going backstage and the meet and greet then im done. THANK GOD.


Sophie- Omg Tela this is so awesome I cant wait to meet prodigy and the other boys. *squeals*

Me- Calm your horses lil girl

Sophie- shutup

We walk backstage to a room with chairs and refreshments. I take a seat while Sophie goes around touching stuff and squealing. The door opens after a few minutes and in walks Mindless Behavior. Sophie just screams and runs to Prod. I get a good look at them and I have to admit their cute but I still dnt like them.

While Sophie talks Prodigys head off Roc comes and sits next to me. I can feel him along with the other boys staring at me while I play on my phone. I finally look up when Sophie yells at me to stop being rude.

Me- Im not being rude if anyone is then its them cause they staring way to hard

Roc- My bad gorgeous Ive just never seen anyone this beaitiful ;)

Me *fake laughs* Ive heard that before

Princeton- I bet you have now whats your name

Me - Its Tela

Princeton- A beautiful name for a beautiful girl

Me- Thanks *looks back down at phone*

Prodigy- I get the feeling that you dont like us very much

Me - Well your right cause I dont

Roc- Why?

Me- I have my reasons

Ray - If you tell us then maybe we can change your opinion about that.

Me - Nah id rather not

Prodigy- Well ok... Can I get your number?

Me- No yo-*gets cut off by sophie*

Sophie- Her number is 702-673-2690

Me- Sophie!!!!!!! -_-

Prodigy- Thanks lil cutie pie


Walter- Guys its time to go to the meet and greet. Bye ladies.

Sophie- *gives all the guys a hug*

I stand up and give them glares. Prodigy holds up his phone signifying that he will text me. If he has my number the guys will probably get it to. Ray walks up to me and opens his arms for a hug. But instead I push his head back.

Me- Boy bye!

Ray- She fiesty.. I like fiesty *growls at u*

Me- *cracks up laughing and gives Ray a hug* Happy now

Ray- Very

They all leave the room but Roc seems to linger as if he has something to say but he was pulled out of the room.

Roc P.O.V.

OOOOO that girl is fine. I couldnt take my eyes off her. She seems like someone for me and this wouldnt be just a hit it and quit it. She seems special. So ima get her number from Prod. I need to talk to her.

Princeton P.O.V.  

I dont know why but that girl seems really familiar. She looks like my old friend Trevor but nah he didnt have a sister. Tela was fine tho she had a fantastic body and a beautiful smile. But I think we would just be friends

Prodigy P.O.V. 

Tela is pretty but not my type. Ima text her and get to know her. Maybe she can hook me up with one of her friends.

Ray P.O.V. 

I think I like Tela. She seen different from all the other girls ive liked. She's unique. I love her laugh its adorable and those dimples will drive me crazy. I could look at her all day but I think Roc was feeling her too.

Skipping the meet and great

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