Chapter 17

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Tela P.O.V.

I feel so darn guilty right now. I shouldn't have done it.

Flashback to 2 days ago...

"Lets play truth or dare guys!" Arriana says. I recently learnt about her from Ray. Turns out he's had a girlfriend for a while but didn't tell nobody. He said he wanted to make sure it was serious before he told anyone.

I guess its serious. I really don't mind. She fit right in with my girls and I. She's cool and laid back. Just the opposite of Ray. They're perfect for each other. She makes sure Ray has his head on straight and when they look at each other. I can tell they're in love.

I approve cause she makes my bestie happy.

I invited her to a girls night at my house. I haven't really spoke to Rachel, Michele, Tatiyana or Charity for a while because we have all been busy. Me with my family, school and etc., Charity with her new boyfriend Diggy, the twins are moving to Delaware soon, and Rachel has been working out for basketball season. We still text and eat together at lunch but other than that I haven't really spoken to them. So invited them hear so we could rekindle our friendship.

"Yeayuh! Haven't played that shit in a while." says Charity.

Rachel,  Michele and Tatiyana all agree. I'm skeptical at first but finally agree.

"Okay I want to go first! Um Rachel, truth or dare?" Tatiyana says.

"Of course you pick me. But um truth."

"Okay is it true that in the 5th grade you drank pee."

Eww what in the world!

Rachels face turns bright red so we know its all true. I can't help it when I bust out laughing soon followed by the other girls. Except Rachel of course.

"It wasn't my fault! Someone told me it was apple juice!" She screams angrily but that only makes us laugh harder.

"Just shutup! Now, Charity truth or dare." Rachel says. She has a scary smirk growing across her face. I'm just glad she didn't choose me. I would probably pee my pants if she looked at me like that.

"Um considering the fact that you look like the joker right now, Im gonna go with truth." She says. I see her gulp and began to feel bad for her.

"Okay,  Lets see..... what is your dirtiest secret?"

Charity's face immediately turns pale and Rachel begins to smile. Its like they know something.

"Um, Uh... well... My dirtiest secret is that I.... killed someone..."

All of our mouths drop open in shock. Even Rachels.

"It was self defense! I was attacked by a man one day and he was going to rape me. I just so happened to see a gun in his back pocket while I was trying to fight him off. I grabbed it and I shot him."

We still continue to stare but eventually we move to her and embrace her in a hug. We murmur soothing things to her to get her start crying.

30 minutes later....

"Can we still play truth or dare?" Charity has asked. We finally managed to calm her down and are now sitting on the floor.

"Yea sure. Its your turn." Arriana says.

"Okay truth or dare... Tela."

My eyes widen because I wasn't expecting to be chosen.

"Dare." I regret the word as soon as it leaves my mouth for Charity's eyes begin to sparkle with a michevious light.

"Okay. ... I dare you to.... tell Chresanto you like him and go on a date with him. You have to get him to say I love you by the end of  April."

I knew it! I knew I should have said truth.

"So you have 2 months to get Chresanto to fall in love with you. That is my dare.. Get Chresanto to fall in love with you."

"Wait! I don't think that is right. It may backfire in the end. She shouldn't do it." Arriana says.

Thank the Lord for Arriana.

"No she has to do it. She has to face the consequences of choosing the dare." Michele says. All the girls nod their head in agreement. Well except for Arriana and me.

"Fine. I'll do it." I say with a sigh.

Charity looks at me with a wicked smile spread across her face. Michele squeals happily. Tatiyana has dozed off on the coach so she is oblivious to what has happened. Rachel is just smiling widely.

But Arriana is just shaking her head as if she knows something may happen.

And Im afraid to say that I am with Arriana on that.

Flashback over


Tela P.O.V.

I wish I could take it all back but its to late for that now. Its already started.

I just hope he won't hate me in the end.


Authors Note:

Sorry that this chapter is somewhat short. But its here.

I told ya I didn't forget about you Arriana. You will be in this story a lot more often now.

How do you feel about the dare?

Do you think she should have done it?

What would you do?

What do you think about Charity's confession?

Do you think she was truthful?

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Love you guys! ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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