Chapter1 - Aysu

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   While packing my school bag I stared out the window from my classroom. The freshmen were scattered all over the school courtyard and the seniors were participating in the after school activities.

   "Aysu! What are you doing after school today?" My friend Belgin said, standing by the classroom door. Belgin had round, honest, honey-colored eyes, fair skin and caramel brown hair. I looked at her honey eyes and said "I don't think I should be doing anything but study and prepare dinner for my dad." I pointed at my bag "See, I'm packing my books." and went back to packing my things. Belgin gave me her complaining look "Ah~ah!" She ruffled the back of her hair like she always did when she was dissatisfied "Do you have to make me feel guilty about myself? I hardly ever study. Unless there are exams." I looked at clueless Bulgin and said "Bulgin.." She stared back. "We have a test on Sunday" I said. Bulgin's eyes bulged out and she looked at me incredulously "No way! I'm not ready for this!" She pasused "Shoot! How could I forget!" She loosened her bag and went to her desk to pack her books "I owe you big time! Thanks." I rolled my eyes and smiled "You should pay more attention to your education."

   "OK. I'm all set for home. Do you want me to wait for you?" I said to Bulgin. She shook her head and said "No thank you. Since I'm gonna stay home studying all through weekend, I'd rather make the best of today" She paused and looked at me, then said "I'm gonna go to Adwin's karaoke. Are you sure you don't wanna come along" I smiled and said "Have fun, and make sure you study hard for that test" Bulgin pouted and said "Ok, but that's as fun as it'll get this weekend. Well I'll see you later ok?" She waved her hands at me -a gesture of farewell. I smiled, waved my hands back and said "I'll see you on Sunday. Bye." As I was leaving I heard Bulgin saying "Where did all the adventures and exciting days go to!" Then I thought about it. Yeah. My life hardly had any adventure in it.

   When I was walking on the school's courtyard "Hey, Aysu!" a boy shouted "Aysu wait up!" I stopped and looked behind me to find Marcus Hendrous, wearing his school uniform, coming up to me. I noticed, from the corner of my eye, the girls at the school courtyard had their eyes fixed on us. What does Marcus of all people in this wide school want from me. I thought.

   Guess you're not participating in the archery club today, huh? I thought to myself. "What's up?" I asked my senior and took a swift glance at the Angelon that appeared out of nowhere beside him. Angelons are the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. This Angelon had white feathered wings; an Angelon of the Sun. I held my composure and tried to look as indifferent as possible.

   Marcus's Angelon was godly beautiful; she was just like a goddess. She had snow-white skin, wide, down turned, bright-blue eyes behind a crystally glimmer, and light, bright, golden-blond hair. She had a shimmer about her that illuminated the area that surrounded her. Around that time in the past, I had been frequently seeing Angelons appear out of thin air, but for some reason no one else seemed to notice them.

   "I was wondering if you had something to do after school today" Marcus asked. I looked at Marcus Hendrous -the most popular guy at school. He only talked to me a few times before that day, and now he wanted to know whether I had plans for the day. "Why?" I asked and searched for an answer in his eyes. "I thought that maybe we could go out and have fun. You know.." I cut him through "No I don't know."

   I admit that Marcus was the hottest and most handsome guy I had ever known back then. And that is regardless of the fact that he was an Angelon master, which made other girls desire and yearn for his company. Some guys resented him for attracting the girls, and some thought he was a fun, cool guy to hang out with. I am a girl, but I felt uneasy towards him. I never liked his aura and personality, which I only heard about and witnessed in a couple of situations.

   He looked like he was frustrated "I mean just the two of us. On a date?" I think that was the longest time I have ever stared at Marcus, and it was beginning to bug me. "I have a test on Sunday and I'm busy at home." Marcus started "I could help you out." He struggled trying to find the right words "I mean I could help you out with whatever it is that you have at home and then maybe help you study; I'm your senior after all and I'm really good with school work" He smiled a crooked smile.

   Somehow, I felt that he was a cunning person. Just a second ago he was struggling with words and then he looked confident.

   I looked at Marcus incredulously "Why would you want to do that?" Something was fishy about this. Marcus's Angelon was lingering by his side all this time. I took a glance at her once more.

   Marcus stepped closer and closer to me until his face was inches away from mine. His expression suddenly changed a 180 degrees. He looked at me darkly like he was going to end my life. He whispered in my ears "I know you can see her even though she's invisible right now. You know what this means, right?" My heart was beating so fast, and I felt like I was starting to have an adrenaline rush.

   "I don't know what you're talking about" I said, shaken. "Don't play dumb with me" Marcus warned "You've been hearing voices lately and seeing things that plebeians don't normally see." I froze in my place "What do you want from me?" I whispered out of scare. Marcus stepped back, his previous pleasant expression returned and he smiled "Just a friendly date OK?" My face was expressionless; I was never so full of fear that my body didn't respond to this feeling.

   "I'll come to your house today just after twilight. Be good and wait for me" Marcus started walking away from me and I was still freezing in my place because I was anticipating something, and I was right. Marcus stopped "Don't even think about running away" he said and walked away.

   The girls that were staring at us were now giving me creepy looks. But if only they had known what Marcus Lucas, the popular Angelon master, had said to me. If only they had known his true nature. Maybe I was wrong maybe "plebeians", will always be enchanted by Angelon masters -those who control Angelons-, even if Angelon masters were the most vicious and cunning of all mankind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2012 ⏰

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