Chapter 3

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(Cyrus's POV)

I walk for about three hours around where frog mans recent attacks were. If i think about it who ever made him like that will surely find someone new to do. I shove my hands in my pocket and grab my ipod and put my head phones in and turn on my music. Three days grace, home. I am walking on my way home, walking through alley ways. i come out and bump into this chick. I look at her. 

I see knives in her pockets, her pale green hair, and her green eyes looking at me. I pass her and keep walking. I get a few blocks from my house when my phone rings and it's my friend cam. 

"Cy! Don't go home!"

"What! Why not?" I ask calmly. I look up ahead and before he can even spit out the words burning. I see my apartment comlex on fire and fire fighters rushing out with people. I run over there hanging up the phone with cam. I run to an officer.

"Excuse me sir what's happened?"

"Ma'am I am going to need you to stay back."

"sir! I wanna know-" I hear the cracking of the building. I turn and look as its colapsing. I hear the officer speak in his walke talkie that they still have men and children in there. Really! can they not do there jobs! I dissappear and apear in the building where all the people are trapped. I have masked my face and my clothes look different, I put an orb all around them. I dissappear and then their outside and im were the police officer was and im standing behind the yellow line. I look at him.

"SIR! Is everything okay?" I ask playing stupid.

"Yes...look ma'am I don;t have time for this."

He runs off to tend to the wounded. I watch as they all scramble. I shake my head and walk to the local coffee shop and walk in. I see a man on one end and a few couples. I walk to the bar and sit down. I order something to drink. French vanilla Capicino. I sit there drinking my capicino.

After I'm done I sit there. who would have done this? Do they know me and know I took down their frog? This has to be realated. Some how it is, I have to figure it out. 

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