Chapter 7

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(Cyrus's POV)

"Look all we want to know is who the guy is to you! And why was he after your cousin and where did you get the powers!"

I look at the officer or the investigator or what ever and don't answer.

"Look you answer or we put you in a-"

"He's no body to me. My cousin knew him let her guard and her trust down, almost resulting in her death. He was probably after because someone wants to get to me. And my 'powers' you so call them i was born with. My mother gave me up because of them! Any thing else sir!?"

I yell at him and he looks at me, giving me one of those I'm not amused faces. I huff and slouch back in my chair. I sit there for another hour and then they let me go. I stand and rub my wrists from where they had me cuffed. I walk out into the hallway and they escort me to my cousin.

She engulfs me in one of her bear hugs then i feel something soaking my shirt. Then realize my cousin is fucking crying!

"Why?" I ask my voice low and scratchy.


"Why was this dude after you? And why are you crying?"

"I don't know and I am crying because i thought i was going to lose you to the government and their horrible crap they do."

"Well I'm-" I clear my throat. "I'm here. But i wont be if I don't get something to eat and drink. What those police men gave me was nasty."

My cousin and i walk to the nearest restaurant. I order me a basket, with some french fries. I grab the ketchup and get me some on my fries.

We start eating. Allegra keeps looking around.

"What is your problem? Keith is in jail."

"It's not Keith. I'm worried about you, I bet they weren't after me, but you."

"Why? Why would someone be after me?"

"I don't know but I heard the other day someone talking about you. Saying that someone needs to find you. I just want you to watch your back."

"Seriously Allegra. I have been living here for a couple months to start over from my old city. Well when I lived near rave. Look, I'm sure I have made some enemies, I mean I took down a guy that was frog mutant. So that dude was probably a decoy. There is probably another frog guy out there and we probably doesn't like that I interfered with his shit."

"You just.....please be carefull."

"I will. Look ill be perfectly fine but if anyone hurts or tries to hurt you again I will be put in jail and that is a promise not a threat. You know my rage can consume me sometimes."

I get done eating and I slide my plate away an I drink my drink and then Allegra'a voice goes soft.

"I just don't want to lose you. I mean with your parents and all."

"Don't!" I say blankly an a little loudly.

"But Cy you need to reali-"

"Allegra just please shut up. I don't need this right now I have to much on my plate okay?"

"Sorry Cy I didn't mean to upset you. You have stuff you have to do, so I'm going home to do house chores."

I watch my stand and leave. This always happens at least once a month. We get into stupid conversations and one of us is one to walk away. But she is right I do have things to do.

I stand and walk out but after I pay the bill. I stand out side the sun blaring down. I breath in and sigh, I start walking. I take alley ways and get to a big building. Apartment complexes, one of the fancier ones. With the glass walls and shit. To fancy for me. I look around and up and then start walking again. I get to the front door and run into the that girl with green hair and green eyes.

I notice her from some where but can't think. I have also knocked her down.

"I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going."

I put out my hand to help her up. She doesn't take it, so she stands on her own. I look her up and down and don't notice the knifes until I look at her shoes. Combat boots. I notice its a little pooched out. A combat knife. Nice choice but hard to conceal in combat boots.

"I'm Cyrus. And I like your choice of boots. Combat boots."



"My name... Sorry"

"Oh. I heard you where looking for me from some people around town."

"Oh yeah, I was. I was wondering if you knew anything about frogs, or the frog guy."

"Oh yeah. I know a little about him but can we go some where else to talk about it? It's not really safe for me out in the open right now"

"Uh sure. Come up to my apartment."

"Where is it? In here?" I point up.

"Uh, yes."

"You own one of these fancy ass places!?"

"Uh yeah my dad owns it so he's letting me stay."

"Well okay then lets get going."

I follow the girl to the apartment. We get inside and I feel the atmosphere change. Calm relaxed, hm.

"Um you can have a seat anywhere really."

I nod and sit on a couch on a wall that isn't see through.

"I'm guessing you don't like windows would you like to sit in the kitchen."

"Sure. I'm game"

I stand and walk into the kitchen and I watch as Rin pours her a glass of wine.

"Aren't you a little.... Never mind I can't say anything when I drink."

"Do you want some?"

"I am not one for wine. But I can try it. What kind is it?"

"Uh. Red 1937."

"Damn old ass wine. How the hell did you get your grips on that?"

"We'll let's just say I have connections."

"I can't place you, but I know you from somewhere."

"Hm I have lived here a while. Have you? Maybe you seem me on the streets."

"I don't know" I take the glass she poured and sniff it. I go to take a sip and stop when my phone rings it's Raven. Why is she calling me? We have no business together.

"Excuse me i have to take this." I walk into the living room. "Yes raven what do you need?"

"Be on the look out for blackjack. She's in your area."

"Blackjack who the hell....oh that's that chick with the knives correct?"

"Yeah. Watch out for her we have got intel that she is working with frogman."

"Really I can't break. One just one! Damn! Ugh. Okay fine. Goodbye." I hang up and walk back in the kitchen and look at Rin.

"I'm sorry I had to take that."

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