Chapter Eighteen

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"You know when you start to get bored from playing the same old song? Well I was getting bored of the road, driving without any direction of where we were going. I would have preferred to stay were we were at, but it wasn't the best idea.

With Pete by my side I was still bored. My love for him was fading away, that was something I didn't think would ever happen. When a while ago I told Brendon the exact opposite, that my love for him will never change.

I got over him killing Joe. I had no need to live in the past, but in the present and future. Without Pete I thought I could find it. I was wrong, but I can't regret what I've done everything I did was for us, after all.

He taught me the real feeling of being alive. He taught me to be confident in myself, never letting anyone stand in my way. The truth is that I never felt like a killer, but I will admit it was fun for a while. But like everything we like now, later on it becomes nothing but a phase. No matter what Pete was going to continue to kill, while I wanted to find another happiness... He was the one standing in my way, in the end.

I'm almost at the end of my story, are you ready for me to tell you... Father?"

"Patrick, My son as a priest why did you call me in if your not going to regret your sins?"

I sighed softly, "Please listen to the rest of my story, then I will answer."

He nodded, "Very well, my son."

(A/N Hey, if you guys didn't get what was going on everything was a flashback Patrick was telling his entire story to a priest, I will tell you more later since I don't want to spoil the ending;)

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