Chapter 8

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I woke up at 10. I went onto twitter and tweeted 'Good morning! xx'. I also texted the lads to see how they were doing.

I got up and went into the kitchen. It was very small, the whole house was. The fridge was tiny and was crammed in between the wall and counter.

I opened the fridge.

I took out the milk and looked in the cabinets for cereal.

I came across one peculiar cabinet. It had a bunch of pill bottles and various pieces of paper. I took one out and read it.

'Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I hope you're having a good vacation. Riley tells me that you're going to be gone for a long time. But I can't wait until you come back home. In case you're wondering, I'm good. I made a new friend, Cayden. He's cool. Riley tells me that I have a boyfriend because I talk to him. But that's not true. I'm counting the days since you've been gone. 8 days. It's weird because Riley really missed you too but he doesn't want to write you a letter. So he says hi and that he misses you and that he'll see you soon. I know he misses you because he cried every night and takes his medicine to help him stop crying. I miss you too! I hope you're having fun!

Love always,

Sydney ❤'

I was really confused. This was from 14 years ago. She was around 6 or 7.

I read it over, then it hit me. My eyes got watery.

I forgot I had the milk out so I found a bowl and finally found the cereal. I poured myself some and put the milk away.

I went back to the cabinet to read another letter. This one was from only 3 years ago.

'Hi Mom and Dad,

I hope you're enjoying paradise. I bet you're happy. Riley just went to the airport yesterday to see you. I told him that I didn't want him to leave but he insisted. It was very hard to stop him. He just really wanted you to come home but since that's not possible, he went to visit you. He left me alone. He's been wanting to go on vacation for a while now. He just told me that the other day before he bought his ticket. I came home from school and his suit cases were gone. And, as always before leaving to go somewhere, he left a note for me. He told me that he's going to be away for a while to be with you guys but that I'll see him soon. But he told me not to rush it like he did, he wants me to actually earn a ticket to paradise. So that's what I'm going to do. It's been really hard waiting for you to come home but at least now you have somebody else to be with. So now I'm home alone all of the time but it's ok. Knowing that you're happy makes me happy. But I really miss you. And Riley. Come home soon, please.

Love always,

Sydney ❤'

I couldn't bear to read the note that Riley wrote that was attached to the letter. My tears were all over the table.

I know I shouldn't have gone through her stuff. But now that I know this, I know to be careful with what I say.

I put the letters back where they were exactly.

I finished my cereal and washed out the bowl and spoon.

I went to the bathroom.

I noticed in her cabinet everything was labeled and in order.

I went down the short hall to her bedroom


One of her walls was partially covered in pictures of her and I'm guessing her parents and brother. A bunch of poems were also covering the wall. She must have written them.

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