Chapter 6

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"Morning sleeping beauty!" Louise says, placing a mug of tea next to your bed.

You turn over and throw the pillow over your head, moaning as you do so.

"Someone's not a morning person!" Louise laughs, sitting down next you.

You slowly sit up and rest your head on the headboard, pulling the silky white sheets closer to you.

"Sorry" You yawn, "I'm so tired after the train journey yesterday - it's all happening so fast!"

"Yeah it must be tiring" Louise says, "I hate to spoil your morning but your phone was ringing earlier and whoever was calling seemed to be urgently needing you"

"Oh" You say, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, "It might have been Luke, could you pass me my phone please?"

"Jeez what did your last slave die of?" Louise exclaims, getting up and walking over to your charging phone.

"Disobeying orders" You cheekily reply, giggling.

Louise picks up your phone and walks back over to bed, passing it to you. You take if from her hands and say 'thank you' and then look at the numerous missed calls on your screen.

"Crap!" You shout, sitting up bolt straight.

"What's wrong?" Louise asks, puzzled.

"It's the BBC" You tell her, typing in your password.

"Oh no, I hope they weren't expecting you today. That's a bit too short of notice" Louise replies.

"Yeah it is but I don't want to let them down"

You place the speaker of your phone next to your ear and hear the ringing tone as you wait for an answer.

"Hello, BBC reception, how may we help you today?" A lady says.

"Oh hello this is (y/n) (y/l/n), I have lot  of missed calls and I apologise that I didn't get back to you sooner!" You respond.

"Oh hello there (y/n), don't worry about that!" The lady laughs, "It was rather early in the morning to be calling but we just wanted to know if you would like a tour around the place today so you can start tomorrow?"

Relieved, you reply "Oh yeah that sounds great actually!"

"Wonderful. Could you get here for 12:30?" She asks.

You peer over at the clock that reads 10:30 - that gives you 2 hours to get ready and catch the tube.

"Yes that would be fine" You tell her.

"Very good. See you later then." She says.

"Thank you! Bye."

You hang up the phone and quickly jump out of the silky duvet and onto the cold, wooden floor.

"What happened?" Louise asks.

"They want to give me a tour around today so that I can start tomorrow!" You reply, rushing to the wardrobe.

"Oooh fancy!" Louise says poshly.

"Yeah I have to be there in 2 hours!" You sigh, pulling black skinny jeans, a white vest and a floral overlay out.

"Jesus, you were right about it all happening so fast!" Louise exclaims, standing up from the bed, "I'll go make you some breakfast - toast okay?"

"Yes thank you Louise" You respond, placing your outfit on the bed.

You quickly put on some underwear and pull your black skinny jeans over your legs, buttoning them once they are on. You then throw off your pajama shirt and put on a white bra so that you can put on your white vest and then the floral overlay.

Flicking your hair back, you walk into your en suite and pull out your hair brush. You look in the mirror and sigh. Today could be the day that you see Dan and nothing can prepare you for that.

After brushing your red hair and styling it into a half up half down style, you pull your nose ring out from your drawer and put it through the small hole in your nose that you got a few months ago - another thing Dan won't know about.

Louise calls you for breakfast and after eating a few pieces of buttery toast, you brush your teeth and put on many layers of make up. You think about the way you look now and the way you looked before. Will Dan recognise you? You look down at your wrist which has a semi colon tattooed on it. You got it to represent the chapters in your life: you could've given up and ended it with a full stop but you chose to carry on with a new approach. That one tattoo symbolises a lot to you but if you were still friends with Dan, he would've been upset that you marked your pure skin.

You would think that a few changes to the way you look wouldn't make a huge difference but with the red hair, a nose piercing, layers of make up and a tattoo, anyone from your past wouldn't think you looked the same. With one final deep breath, you walk into the hall and pick up your black heels and put them on.

"You off then?" Louise asks, walking into the hall.

"Yeah" You sigh, standing up straight.

Louise smiles sympathetically and brings you into a hug.

"You'll be fine Hun!" Louise tells you, "Just stay strong and focus on your purpose there, I'm sure it will work out!"

"Thank you Louise" You respond, pulling back and opening the front door.

"Good luck!" She calls out.


After catching the tube, you arrive at the BBC studio. You look at the big building before you and walk on through the glass doors. You look around at the fancy interior and then see the reception desk ahead. You walk over, shaking a little and look at the woman behind the desk.

"Hi, I'm (y/n) and I believe I'm here for a tour" You smile.

"Indeed you are!" She responds, standing up from her desk, "I'm Florence and I'm here most days!"

You shake her hand and nod is acknowledgement.

"I won't be doing your tour but I will guide you to the person that will be" She tells you.

Florence walks out from her desk and escorts you down a hall with many doors. Eventually, you reach a carpeted area that you recognise but you aren't quite sure why you do.

"Just take a seat for a moment, I'll go and find him" Florence says, walking off through the studio door behind you.

You look down at the floor and twiddle your thumbs nervously. Just a few moments later, Florence enters with a guy. A guy you are very familiar with.

A/N ooooh cliffhanger! Whose the mystery tour guide and how do you know him? Does he recognise you? Tension is building fellow Phangirls and there is so much more to come! Happy reading ~ Katie 🙈

The Fear Of Falling Apart // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now