Chapter 7

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"This is Phil" Florence smiles, "He is a radio host here"

"I-I know" You stutter, feeling yourself begin to sweat.

"Oh you know Phil?" She asks.


You have no idea what to say. Phil looks confused as if he has never met you before, making you want to say no but you know Phil too well to say no. You have to. If he knew you were here, he is bound to tell Dan and that's the last thing you need right now.

"No I just know of him" You lie, "I have watched a few of your videos on Youtube"

Phil looks even more confused now, making you think that he knows exactly who you are but he quickly responds with an inviting grin.

"Aw thank you, nice to meet you" He says.

"I need to get back to work but I hope you enjoy the tour!" Florence waves.

She walks over to the door and exits, leaving just you and Phil in the room. Awkward is an under statement!

"So what's your name then?" Phil asks, looking at directly at you.

"Um..." You mumble, "My name?"

"Yeah..." Phil slowly responds, suspiciously.

"My name is..."

Quick, think think think! He doesn't recognise you but he will the minute you tell him your real name. What's your name? What's the last thing you watched? Who was the main character?

"Matilda" You reply.

Damn it! Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?

"Oh cool - I love that film!" Phil smiles, "Well I guess we should begin this tour then"

It completely went over his head didn't it? For god sake Phil, why are you so oblivious?

"Sure!" You respond, friendlily smiling back.

Phil's long legs walk over to the door and he holds the door open wide for you to walk through. You nod in thanks and walk through  into a larger room filled sofas, tables, coffee machines and many other doors, leading to other rooms. This place is so big!

"This is the main room that leads to different studios and offices" Phil tells you, pointing at different things.

"Wow" You say, "Do you know which one I'm working in?"

"Not yet but we can go and ask if you want?" He shrugs.

"Um yes please" You say.

"Okay well I'll show you some of the rooms whilst we are at it, I'm sure someone in this place would know what department you are working in" Phil tells you, looking around.

You go into a few of the offices which are filled with high-tech computers and  many people formally dressed and breaking a sweat from working so hard and so quickly. Phil didn't want to distract any of them so he decided to take you further up hall and into the main studio. Within the large room is a set of microphones, soundboards and a single booth; 2 men with headphones are sitting at one of the desks.

"Matilda, this is Dave and John - the sound guys" He says.

Dave and John spin around in their chairs and take off their headphones.

"Hello there" Dave, the bald one with a dark, scruffy beard cheerfully says, waving.

"Hi" You smile, waving back.

"I just need to get her pass from reception - could you guys find out the department she's working in please?" Phil asks, pointing to the door as he speaks.

The Fear Of Falling Apart // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now