Chapter 20

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"Mummy, where's (y/n)?" Darcy asks.

As I sit on the sofa, cuddling up to Darcy I look over at the clock on the wall across the room and see that it is already 8:00pm and (y/n) hasn't gotten back to me since she left to meet Luke. How odd. I would've thought that she would have contacted me or something but she hasn't text me or anything.

"I don't know bubs, give me one second" I tell her, getting up from the sofa.

I walk out of the living with my phone in my hand and I dial her number. Placing it to my ear, I wait for her to pick up. There is no answer and it goes to her voicemail.

"Hey (y/n) it's Louise, I just wanted to know where you are and if you're okay. Please give me a call back when you can. Thanks, bye!" I say down the phone.

I hang up and sigh out of boredom. I was hoping we'd get to spend some time together but she just seems to be out a lot!

I walk back into the living room and just as I go to sit down, I hear a loud knock at the door so I quickly pace back out of the living room and into the hall. It's probably (y/n).

I undo the latch and pull open the door to see Luke standing in the doorway.

"Oh hey Luke" I smile, "Do come in!"

Luke walks in smiling and then he just stands and looks at me.

"Is (y/n) here? I know I'm a little early but I needed to talk to her-" He begins.

"Wait, what do you mean? Early?" I question, looking rather puzzled, "I thought (y/n) was with you?"

Luke's smile quickly drops and he looks just as confused as me.

"No she isn't. I just arrived in London." He responds, "I wasn't due to come until tomorrow but I decided to make my way down here to get it over and done with. Where is she then?"

"Wait, slow down a second. What do you mean by 'get it over and done with'?" I ask, becoming a little uncomfortable by Luke's presence.

He suddenly looks guilty and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I came to end it with her Louise. I don't love her anymore." He sighs.

What is happening right now? (Y/n) was supposed to be with Luke today but apparently she isn't and Luke came here early to break up with her. I really don't understand.

"Luke why would you want to end it with her so randomly?"

"Someone told me she isn't who she says she is and I fell in love with someone else anyway" He tells me.

What a jerk.

"Who is this somebody?" I ask, glaring a little with my hands on my hips.

"No one that you'll care about." He spits, rolling his eyes, "Anyway, where is (y/n)?"

"I don't know! As I said before, I thought you were with her!" I exclaim.

"Well do you have any idea where she could be?" Luke asks.

I begin to think and then suddenly it clicks. She's with Dan. She tried to hide it from me because she knew I would get angry with her for leading him on. She lied about being with Luke to make things seem better but look what situation that's put me into! I thought she was my friend. Friends tell each other everything. Now what do I do?

"Listen, Luke" I say, "I think I may know where she is"

"Oh great, where is she?"

How do I put this? Does he even know Dan? (y/n) must have told him before? Also, if she isn't with him, I'll feel like bad friend. She may have lied to me but it could be for a personal reason. I've really put myself in an awkward position. I now have to tell him.

"Do you know Dan?" I mumble.

"Dan?" He asks, "Could you maybe elaborate?"

"Has (y/n) ever told you about a boy who was her friend and she fell in love with him but he cheated on her?"

Luke slowly nods.


"Are you telling me that she is with him now?" He hisses.

I nod.

"Son of a-"

Luke's fist hits the wall and I become fearful of the aggressive monster in front of me.

"Luke calm down please!"

"Where does he live?" Luke yells.

"Luke please I-"

"Where. Does. He. Live?" Luke repeats with gritted teeth.

I quickly blurt out his address and then I see Darcy toddle into the hall, fingers in her mouth, looking petrified.

"Mummy?" She says, her bottom lip wobbling.

I hold my arms out for her and she runs up to me, nearly in tears.

"When I see the pair of em I'll-" Luke murmurs, storming out of my apartment.

I watch him run down the stairs, red in the face with clenched fists. I can't let him do this.

"Luke wait!" I scream, running out of the apartment with Darcy in my arms.

I run down the flight of stairs and chase him out of the building and into the street. Where has he gone now? Oh god, please don't do this. I look right and see him charging down the road. I watch as he begins to storm across the road and then I see headlights suddenly become closer to him.

"Luke!" I yell as loudly as I can.

I hear the sound of a horn, the screech of the tires and the shout of Luke as he is knocked down and the car speeds off.
I run towards him but from the blood gushing from his head and the way his legs are splayed across the road, I know that he is a goner.

Oh my god.

A/N Yikes! Luke got angry and has been hit by a car. What will happen now? What is to be revealed? How will you react to this? How will you tell Dan? More plot twists and surprises are on their way so be prepared! Don't forget to vote and comment if you would like to! Thanks again lovelies ~ Katie ❤️

The Fear Of Falling Apart // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now