Chapter 1.

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(At school last period)
Karai pov:
The teacher keeps rambling on about some, stupid lesson in class which is literally boring me to death! Why does school has to be so long! Can't school just be for 20 minutes? And then go home!! "Mis.Hamato?" The teacher said while everyone turned and looked at me. "Hm! Yes?" I replied rambling. "Please recite to the class what I just said." The teacher said and crossed her arms, giving me death glares. "Oh! Um....--" I started to say but the loud speaker, interrupted me. "Dear student! I would like to announce, that we will be having a school prom this Friday and, don't forget to vote for prom king and queen! If you have any questions please ask you home room teachers, have a good day!" The principle said as the bell rang for the end of the day, finally! I ran out of the class room, as quick as I could, I don't want to be late to the lair. I got to my locker and put in my combination, and opened my locker. "Hey Karai!" April said standing next to Casey. "Oh, hey guys what's up." I said and turned around to face them. "Did you guys hear about the dance! I'm so excited!! Who are you gonna ask to prom Casey?" "Oh! I gunna ask Sammantha!" "You mean the most popular girl in school?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" "Because first of all your out of her league, secondly she doesn't even know you name even though you have all the same classes together, and thirdly theirs a bunch of boys trying to ask her out now!" I said pointing at the group of boys. As Casey his jaw dropped. "You better hurry and get your pray tiger!" I said as Casey ran to the group of guys and tried to squeeze his way through them, which caused me and April to giggle. "So who are you gunna ask?" I sad to April. "Oh, my boyfriend of course!" "I don't think they will allow a mutant turtle to go to the dance!" I said while giggling. "No. Donnie made new watches that can change their appearance, to a human." "Really! Cool!" "Yeah!" "Hey I would love to stay and chat but Splinter wants me home by a certain time now, and I don't want to make him mad!" "Yeah, later!" "Later!" I said, grabbed my books and shut my locker, and ran out the school to the lair.
(At the lair)
"Hey, guys! I am home" I said and walked into the lair. "Hey, Karai! How was school?" Leo asked. "Boring as usual, and we're having a prom, this Friday..." I said casually. ", are you going to ask anyone?" Leo asked, worried about my answer. "No, unless April makes me or someone asks me." I replied.
Leo's pov:
CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!! She's gunna get asked to go to the prom with some amazing guy at her school! I mean who wouldn't ask her out? She's amazing, beautiful, talented, funny, sweet (at times), hot, and has a very nice/sexy frame!! Did I really just thinks about that last part? Oops..... Ugh, and if.... No when someone asks her out, at the end of the night their probably gunna kiss! Crap!! "Umm, Leo? Earth to Leo?!!" "Hm? What?" "I said your name like five times! Didn't you hear me?" She asked "oh, sorry I didn't" I said and blushed. "So do you think I should go to the prom or not?" She asked. Crud! I don't know what to say to her? If I say yes, then I would be lying to her! And if I say no, I might ruin her happiness at the dance! And if I say yes, then she will probably fall in love with another guy!?!! But if I say no, I would just be selfish, and she might like you back, but that's never gunna happen, she will never be in love with a stupid, freak, turtle who doesn't deserve her time or affection... She deserves better than me and I hope she will be happy with that lucky guy..... "Karai you should go to the prom.... I bet it will be fun." I chocked out, as my heart stared to ack in pain! My heart was telling me not to let her go, ever. But my mind was telling me this would be better for her, and if she's happy then I happy...... I guess. "Really? But I'll only go if someone asks me, if not I'll just hang out with you! Deal?" "Deal." I said I gave her a gentle smile. "Well, I gotta get my homework done, later!" She said and walked to her room. "Later...." I said weakly, and slumped to my room, and shut the door, I wanted to cry a river, it hurt me so much to just to let her go but, I can't hold her life back forever......
Hey! First chapter!! Yay!! I just thought of this in class today, because we're having a dance at my school soon, and I got me thinking..... Leo+Karai+dance=cute adorable, romance!!!
Please tell me what you think!

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