Chapter 5.

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(Thursday to be exact)
Karai's pov:
I awoke to Leo next to me, both of us covered in food, deserts, breakfast and any type of food you can think of its on us and all over the lair. "Mgh!" Leo woke up and stretched. "Whoa..." Leo said in shock as he admired the food fight we had last night. "Yep!" I respond in his aw. "We really made a big mess last night!" Leo said still in shock. "Yeah, I knew we made a big mess, but I didn't realize how big it really was!" I respond to him as I stood up. "True, but you've gotta admit, that was really fun last night!" Leo said and he let out a small chuckle. "True! But I gotta go to school... And after school we should clean up the place." I suggested. "Yeah, sure!" Leo smiled. "Alright, I gotta go. Later hero of the galaxy!" I said as I hugged him goodbye, changed my clothes, and left with my book bag over my shoulder. I walked to school, with a smile stuck on my face from last night.
Last night:
Leo and Karai were in the dojo,trying to help karai improve her bow-in-arow skills (which btw Leo was helping her with) "W-Wait... is this how I do it?" She asked hopeing she didn't embarrassed herself in front of leo. "Not quite.... but close! Here let me help!" Leo said and walked over to karai. He put his chest right next to her back, which made karai blush because of their.... awkward position. "Here, make sure your elbows are straight, as well as your back and chest..." leo said as he made himself around me, pushing my elbow up higher, as well as pushing my back closer to him. He made himself around me so that we were almost nose to nose, as he continued, "Good now, what you want to do, is to aim for the target and let it go." Leo said. "Ok...? Well, here goes nothing.." I said as I let go of the arrow. The arrow didn't even go near the target.... It hit the freakin  wall, ugh this is so embarrassing.. "Well at least you hit something.." Leo said trying to make me feel better. "Leo, your not helping..." I replied as the arrow fell of the wall. "Alright, well practice your stance, while I get the arrow." Leo said and walked to the wall, as I grabbed an arrow that didn't have a sharp tip (it the arrow that the turtles use for training), I put the arrow in the socket (??), and got in the stance Leo taught me, and stared at the target, until I noticed Leo bend down to get the arrow, 'he does have a nice butt' I thought as I let go of the arrow. Leo turned around, and looked down at his butt to see an arrow their, his cheeks turned a light red, as mine turned an dark red. "Ok well I'm done for the day..." I said and started to walk out of the dojo. "Hold up! Hold up!! Hold up!!! Where do you think your going?" Leo said and pulled me back by my arm. "I'm done for the day!" I repeated. "No your not! You are not leaving until you hit the target!" Leo said in a stern voice, and held out the arrow I shot him in the butt with. "Fine!" I said and took the arrow he held out, put it in the socket, got in my stance, and looked at Leo. "Just think, the target is my butt!" Leo said with a sly smirk on his face. "Shut up!" I said and blushed a darker red, I aimed at the target, as my hands started to shake. "Relax." Leo said and put his hand over top of mine, it caused me to blush more, 'Okay, Okay, just relax, just relax!' I said in my head as I let go of the arrow, and closed my eyes. "Whoa! Nice job!" Leo said, as I opened my eyes, I got a direct hit! "Yes!!" I said. "So are you done for the day or are you going to practice more?" Leo asked. "Nope I'm done for the day!" I said and dropped the bow, and put my hands up in the air, for dramatic effect, which made Leo laugh. "Okay we're done for the day!" Leo said and follow me out of the dojo. "Good! So you wanna watch space heroes?" I asked. "Is that even a question?" Leo asked, giving me a really look. "Okay, but do you want to get pizza-geoza?" I asked. "Shell yeah!" Leo said.
A little later.
Now watching the latest episode of Space Hero's, and eating take out from Muricomies. (Idk how you spell it?) Near the end of the episode, both Karai and Leo reached for a pizza-geozia (still don't know how to spell it) and touched fingertips, and both froze, and looked in each other eyes deeply, and blushed a heavy red. Karai put her hand on top of Leo's, and started to lean in, slowly closing her eyes. Leo started to lean in as well as closing his eyes. Leo raised his other hand and slightly pushed back her hair from her face, as he cupped her cheek softly. The turtle and girl were nose to nose apart. "Is that pizza-geozia?" They heard as Mikey slid face first in the pizza, pushing Leo and Karai away from each other. "MIKEY!!" Leo and Karai yelled in unison, which made Mikey grab as many pizza-geozai as he could carry, and run to his room, locking the door, which left the two a blushing mess. "S-Soo.... U-umm.." Leo tried to start. "Y-yeah..umm l-lets get back t-to the s-show.." Karai stutter as they continued to watch.
~small time skip~
"Captain Ryan, we can't do this its against your fleet!" Said Silestial (the girl from the show idk I can't spell anymore😫😒). "Well when your the captain, you don't always have to follow the rules." Said Captain Ryan, which made (forget it... S= however you spell the girls name) S giggle. "Well what do you want to do now Captain?" S asked. "This." Captain Ryan said as he pull S in for a kiss, which made Leo and Karai blush madly. "Umm... I think that enough of the show for now.." Leo said as he turned off the tv. "Uh.. Yeah, so what do you want to do now?" Karai asked as her stomach started to growl. "Sounds like your still hungry!" Leo said with a small chuckle, as his stomach growled as well. "Looks like I'm not the only on who still hungry, lets eat!" Karai said as they walked into the kitchen. "Hmm.." Leo hummed as he looked in the fridge. "You find anything?" Karai asked looking through the cupboards. "Well if you count, half eaten pizza and alge as food then I think we have all we need!" Leo joked, which made Karai laugh. "Well there's nothing in here..." Karai spotted a some old chocolate in the back of the cupboards, and pulled it out. "Except..for..THIS!!!" Karai shouted, Leo turned around as Karai threw the chocolate, and hit directly at his face. "KARAI!!!" Leo screamed as Karai was holding her stomach to try and contain her laughter, which didn't work. "You are so going to get it!" Leo said in a furious rage. "Good luck with that hero boy!" Karai said in response which made Leo angry. "Eat THIS!!" Leo said as he grabbed some alge from the fridge and threw it in Karai's face. "Eww!!! Leo!!" Karai said, and wiped the alge from her face. "You are SO dead!!" She said to Leo, and dumped the rest of the alge on Leo. "Really!?" Leo asked. "Yes really!! You jerk!" Karai said and stuck out her tongue, and ran as Leo started to chase her with ice cream, "Hungry?" Leo asked as he dumped some ice cream down the back of her shirts. Karai tensed up and froze, "COLD! COLD!! COLDDD!!!!" Karai said with a shiver as she lifted up the back of her shirt to get the ice cream out, while Leo was on the floor laughing, "You.... Cold.... Shirt... Bwwaaahhh!! Ha ha!!" Leo stutter out, while Karai grabbed a can of whipped cream and sprained it on Leo's face, "Ahhhh!!" Leo screamed!

"Karai?? Hello? Earth to Karai? Karai snap out of it!?" "Hm?! What?" I asked. "I have been calling you for five minutes!" April said. "Sorry I was a little distracted." I replied and opened my locker, when a letter fell out of it and on the floor. "What's that?" April asked. "I don't know?" I said and picked up the letter, then opened it,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Nothing compares to your beauty,
Except me next to you,
So I ask,
It read, but their was no name?! "So what do you say?" "W-what?" I asked as my cheeks turned red. "Will you go to prom with me?" Asked Brandon, ok I do have to admit, he is Really Really hot! And I do have a major crush on him, and he's super popular, and he has a car! "Uh... Um.. Y-yeah s-sure I l-love to!" I stuttered, like and idiot, while my cheeks were red, "Good, I'll pick you up at 8, see you then." Brandon said and kissed me roughly, it wasn't the best kiss but, it was probably in my top 5, he broke the kiss and starred me in the eye, while he licked him lips, as I blushed a dark red. "Later.." Brandon said and walked off with a bunch of girls following him.
"Yes!! Your going to the prom!!!!" April said, grabbing me by my shoulders, and jumping up and down. "Um.. Yeah.." I replied sheepishly. "What's wrong?" April asked and stopped jumping. "Umm... It's nothing." I said and looked down. "Okay, good, now we need to pick out your dress and also how was that kiss?" April said with a smirk, as I blushed red. "It was actually, not that bad..." I said and looked away from April in embarrassment. "Oooooh, I think there's a new relationship coming!!!" April gushed. "Shut up! But....." I said. "But what?" April asked. "I'm supposed to help Leo tonight and I was going to hangout with him during the dance!" I said. "Well just tell him that someone asked you to the dance and that you have to get a dress! You know he'll understand!" April said simply. "Well...... I guess it's ok then!" I said. "Good now let's go to class!" April said as we walked to class together.
Ok that was SUPER hard to write this and those sentences. And this chapter took forever to write!!
And today is my brothers birthday and he's getting his drivers licenses!!! Help!!!😬
And plz don't kill me!!!!!

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