Chapter 7.

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(Thursday night)
Karai pov:
After April went home, I stayed in the living room with Leo, "Well... I'm gunna go to bed. Night" Leo turned away from me and started to walk to his room. "Night Leo and thanks again!" "No problem." He gave me a half smile and entered his room, as I entered mine with the dress. 'It really a beautiful dress' I thought and hung it in my closet, and got dressed for bed.

Leo's pov:
I entered my room and slid down the door frame till I hit the floor and let out a big sigh. 'If she's happy I'm happy' I got up and face planted on my bed 'your such an idiot Leo!!' I thought to myself.

(Friday morning)

Karais pov:
I woke up and did my daily routine and went to the kitchen to find my blue masked friend. "Good morning." He greeted. "Morning!" I chirped. "Sleep well?" "Yep!" "That's good." "Really? How did you sleep?" I asked while he yawned, "I couldn't." "Why not?" "I don't know." He shrugged.

Leo's pov:
I know why, but I shouldn't tell her she might get upset, I just have a bad feeling about the guy who asked her to the dance, I shouldn't because I don't even know the guy but I feel as if she shouldn't go. "Hey Karai?" "Yeah Leo?" "How much do you know about the guy who asked you to the dance?" "Not much... why?" "Well what's he like around school?" "Uhh... he's a jock, he can be a little aggressive from time to time, he gets in trouble sometimes but he nice or so I've heard." Karai said. "I don't want you to go to prom with him?" I said sternly. "Why?!" "You don't even know the guy I don't want you to get hurt!" I almost shouted at her. "Well guess what LEO YOU DONT GET TO MAKE MY OWN CHOICES FOR ME AND YOUR NOT MY FATHER SO YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!" "I DONT WANT YOU TO GET HURT!" "SO WHAT IF I GET HURT!? ITS NONE OF YOUR DAM BUSINESS!!" Karai yelled and slapped me. I looked at her with tears streaming down her face, this is exactly what I didn't want. She grabbed her stuff and stomped out of the lair.

Karais pov:
I speed walked out of the lair with tears streaming down my face, I go to the manhole cover and before I could climb up it I sat down and cried my heart out something I have never done in front of someone before. I just sat there and cried. I don't know why but I just did, i couldn't stop crying. I just wanted to prove to Leo that I could take care of myself with out needing someone there always for me but I'm wrong I need Leo to be there for me. *beep-beep-beep* my phone rang I looked at it, school starts in 15 minutes. I picked myself up and wiped the tears from my face and ran to the school, 'I'm gunna apologize to Leo when I get home!'

(Time skip) 2:58
"Okay class remember the dance is tonight so have fun but not too much fun okay!" The teacher lets out a chuckle as I roll my eyes. *ring!!* there's the bell I gather my things and run to my locker. "Hey Karai!" April says "Hey April." "So you ready for tonight?" "Yep." "Bring your dress to my house and I'll do your makeup!" "Okay." "Bye!" "See ya." I shut my locker and walk home. When I get there it's 3:45 "Leo!?" No answer. I walk to his room and knock "Leo you in here?" I open his door to find no turtle. I walk to the dojo because that the only place he would most likely be, I walk in to find my father. "Hey Master Splinter!" "Hello my daughter." "Have you seen Leo?" "He seemed tense this morning so I told him to take a walk through the sewers to clear his mind but he still hasn't come back yet?" I nod. "Most interesting..." "Yeah well tell me if you see him I have to talk to him." "Will do my daughter you are dismissed." I bow and leave.

Splinters pov:
I've heard everything this morning but my daughter doesn't know that. But I must thank Leo for trying to protect my daughter. "Hmm.." I'm glad she didn't ketch  my lie, I haven't heard Leo all day....

Karais pov:
I walked into my room and saw the dress again and felt just straight guilt in the pit of my stomach. *beep-beep-beep* I looked at my phone it was a text from April 'Get your butt over here! Beauty takes time and that's something we're running out of!!' I giggled, I grabbed my dress and solid black high heels and walked over to Aprils place. "Finally!!!! Come on let's get to work!"
(Time skip)
The dance doesn't start till 9 April finished my makeup as well as her own, I put on my dress and high heels

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