Chapter 8.

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(I am REALLY, REALLY over exaggerating right now.....

Leo's pov:
I run along the buildings, and apartments to the school, looking down alleyways and sidewalks to see if I can catch a glimpse of Karai or her 'date', I mentally roll my eyes. While running across the roof tops, I noticed a car parked between the road and some sorta alleyway?! That's weird. I start running faster.

Karais pov:
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I punch Brandon in the face hoping to do some sorta damage. Nothing...... "Still trying to be a little tease are we?" He steps closer, almost to the point where are body's are touching, I feel discussed. "Beautiful...." he starts caressing my face, causing my eyes to slam shut. He harshly grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him, tears start forming in my eyes "l-Leo..." I whisper, as Brandon starts kissing me, causing me to squirm furiously, the tears fall from my eyes.

Suddenly I can't feel him on me, nothing holding my waist, I open my eyes to see two tails of a dark blue mask and Brandon on the ground, bloody nose, black eye and clutching his stomach. "L-Leo?" "Stay the hell away from Karai!" Leo demands, I can't see his face but I assume I one of pure rage, hatred, and discuss. "Who the hell are you?!" He yelled, Leo was so blinded my rage he grabbed Brandon by his throat, and pushed him up against the wall, Leo's hand started to tighten.

I got a glimpse of Leo's eyes, dark gray, almost black but not completely. Brandon's face started to turn purple. 'Was Leo about to kill him!?" "Leo!" I shouted grabbing his arm, he whipped his head fast looking at me. His eyes turned dark grey to white, and then back to my favorite dark ocean colored eyes. He looked back at Brandon and suddenly realize what he was doing, he immediately let go of Brandon's throat to let him breathe, he looked at me again and cupped my face in his hand, and gently wiped my tears that I didn't know formed on my face.

Suddenly, realization hit me like a truck of what just happened, I cried.

I fell to the ground to have Leo meet me down there in a strong yet comforting hug. Tears ran down my face more than I would like. A lump got stuck in my throat, making it a little hard to breathe, forcing me to sob, gasping for breath. Leo rested his hand around my waist, keeping me safe, while his other was around my head pulling me closer to him, as I buried my head in the crook of his neck, and sobbed.

Leo's pov:
I held Karai close me, hoping to make her feel at least somewhat safe. I cursed myself mentally for not being there for her when she desperately need me to help her.
She continuously sobbed, as I tried to comfort her. "Shh, its okay, its okay Karai, I'm here, I won't let anyone hurt you." I gently rubbed her head. Her tears still streamed down her face, it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon, but what really started to scare me was the fact that she stared shaking, which started to scare and concern me. I hung onto her tighter, I felt something lightly hit me not the top of my head, I started to feel more and more as time went on. Great that all we need right now, rain!

Karai was still crying as much as it was raining, she was already shaking and I didn't want her to catch a cold. "Karai, we have to go home." I said as I carefully stood up half way before Karai tightened her hold on me, pulling me down quickly, and sobbing in my neck again. It hurt me to see her in so much pain, she never deserved this, no one dose.

It started raining even more, to the point where it started to hurt a little, almost like hail. With Karai still crying I didn't know what to do, we had to get home, so she doesn't get sick, and with her having little to no clothes on, and she would be much safer and comfortable there. I picked her up bridal style, her still clutching tightly around my neck for dear life, I rain to the nearest manhole cover, which was only two blocks away thankfully, as soon as I got us both in the sewers, I closed the manhole cover and started to walk towards the lair.

Karais pov:
I kept crying and crying I felt like I couldn't stop, I hate crying. I felt the rain stopped, and I thought we either found shelter to wait out the rain or we went in the sewers. Judging by the smell, we were in the sewers. I started to feel cold, and tired. Leo must have released this, and tighten his grip on me, pulling me closer towards his body, feeling some heat radiating off of him.

My grip tighten, wanting to feel more of this body heat. Before I knew it, we were back at the lair. Everyone's asleep I hope. Leo carried me into my room and tried to place me on top of my bed. I suddenly panicked, trying to find my breath again. My grip on him tighter even more.

no. no. No. No. No. NO. NO. NO. NO. PLEASE NO!

I felt myself start to tremble, while my breath went rapped, tears starting to brink to my eyes, but not truly falling. At least not yet.

"K-Karai?" Leo asked. My head started shaking remembering what Brandon did to me and what he could have done if Leo wasn't there, the thought of that made me shake even harder.

"Please don't let me go! I need you! Please!" I begged looking Leo into his deep blue eyes. Leo looked so worried and yet scared. I have never seen that emotion in him before, Scared.

Wow it's been a while hahaha😅😅
I'm sorry😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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