Chapter 4.

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Karai's pov:
I woke up to a turtle next to me holding me tight against my waist, which made me smile. I moved myself up to meet his face. He sleep peacefully, as I reached for the side of his cheek as I rubbed his cheek he smiled brightly, which in turn caused me to giggle. "Oh, if only you knew." I whispered, and sighed dreamily. I pulled up the covers on my side to get something to eat, but I was pulled back by someone, I looked back to see Leo still sleeping, grunting, while pulling my hips back, which caused me to giggle "Leo, I'm just gunna get something to eat I'll be right back." I said to asleep Leo, which caused him to grunt and pull me back harder to him. "Aww, Leo, just let me get some food and I'll be right back, I promise." I said, as I stood, when he let go of my hips. I walked out of my room to the kitchen to see master splinter. "Hi dad!" "Good morning my daughter!" He responded. "Did you sleep well, after that nightmare." He said as I froze, how did he know about that. "Ugh.... How did you know about that?" I asked. "I am you father I know when your upset and when your happy, and also your screams are kinda loud." He responded as he took a sip of his tea as he continued, "and when I went to check on you I already saw Leonardo, there holding you close, and conforming you, and I could tell your Ora went from sad and scared, to happiness, love and warmth." He said which caused me to blush a deep red. "And I've also noticed that you and Leonardo have been spending a lot of time together, and your Ora is the brightest when your near him, and that reminds me, is their something you want to tell me about him daughter?" He asked and stared right in eyes, as I blushed. " No not really." I stuttered. "Hmm.... Very interesting." He said as he stroked his chin and was about to walk out until he said, "I also called your school, and told them that your sick. so you can recover a little from that nightmare, and so you could train more." He said and walked out. Which left me there, a blushing mess, thinking about Leo. I quickly shook my head and tried to forget my previous thoughts and grabbed two apples and walked back to my room to still see a sleeping Leo with the cutest smile across his face, which caused me to smile. I walked up to the other side of the bed, put the apples on the nightstand and got back into the warm covers, as I shook Leo lightly. "Leo, wake up." I said, as Leo turned over, still asleep, and grabbed my hips, and pulled me close to him, as I felt his head on my back and his hot breath on my neck, which caused a shiver to go down my back as I blushed a deep red, as I could feel him hold me tighter, as he stared to purr lightly. 'Omg, he's purring, that's so adorable, I didn't know that they could do that... Should I wake Leo or just let him sleep and enjoy how cute he's being around me?' I thought, and decided to just stay here and enjoy what he's doing.
~2hours later~
Leo's pov:
I woke up with me holding Karai close to me by her waist and her head against my chest as well as her hands, I didn't know what to do next, do I wake her do I go back to sleep? What do I do? Before I could decide, she opened her eyes slightly, and looked at me, "morning sleepy head." She said with a yawn. "Morning." I said back. "Ya, hungry?" She asked as my stomach growled. "Yeah." I replied as she turned around slightly to grab something, when she turned back to me she handed me and apple, which I gladly took. "Aren't you supposed to be at school now?" I asked and took a bite of the apple. "Yeah, but Master Splinter called the school and told them that I was sick." She said and took a bite of an apple. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked. "Hmm, I don't know, we could just hang out together." She said as I blushed. "Yeah, I'd like that."
Ok hope you liked it!
Love ya!!

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