Chapter 3.

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(After school Karai walked back to the lair after she had to get her work from the classes she missed)
Karai's pov:
Ugh, finally this day is over! I couldn't stand school any longer! I walked into the lair to see Leonardo. "Hey, Leo." I said tiredly. "Hey! How was school?" Leo asked cheerfully. "Ugh!" I mumbled dragging myself into the living room. "That bad?" He said. "Here, let me get that for you!" He said and grabbed my book bag I was barley able to carry on my shoulders. "Thanks!" I said sincerely. "Do you want me to put it in your room?" He asked, I only nodded in a 'Yes' formation. He walked into my room and put my bag beside my bed, and came back as I laid on the couch. "You ok?" He asked as he sat down next to me and pulled back the hair from my eyes. "Tired." I mumbled and closed my eyes. "Do you want to go to bed?" He asked. "Yes, but I don't want to move." I said. "You don't have to." He said, and picked me up bridle style, as my head rested against his chest as I felt his heart beat, which made me feel safe next to him. He walked to my room as he held me tight, and then laid me down on my bed, and covered me up with a blanket. "Comfortable?" He asked as smiled at me. "Yeah, but I'm missing something." "What's that?" He asked as he pulled my hair behind my ear. "You." I said and smile, as I blushed a bright pink across my cheeks. "M-me?" He stuttered and blushed. "Yeah, can you just sleep with me?" I asked and blushed a deep red. "S-sure." He stuttered and blushed a deeper red that me, as I open up the covers so Leo could sleep next to me. He climbed into the covers with me, and got conformable. "Night!" I said and fell asleep. "Night." Leo said and fell asleep as well.
~2 hours later~    
Leo's pov:
I got woken up by kicking and talking. "no, please no!" "Please, Stop!" "PLEASE!" "NO STOP!!" Karai screamed, as I acted quickly. "Karai! Wake up your having a nightmare! Please! Wake up!" I said and shook her, which only got her to punch me in the noes, which caused me to bleed. I shook it off and shook Karai again, harder. "Wake up!!" I said louder and she finally woke up with tears in her eyes. "L-Leo?" She said and pulled me into a tight hug, which I gladly gave back. "Shh." I whispered to her as I rubbed her back while she cried harder. "It's ok..... Everything will be ok!" I erasure her. She only nodded, and started to cry harder. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, as she pulled away from the hug. "I-I h-had a n-n-nightmare, about t-the....." She said not able to finish talking. "The Shredder?" I asked. She only nodded. "Karai.... Come here." I said and pulled her in for a warm hug, as she cried. "What did the Shredder do?" I asked. "He...he chained me two the wall, and.... And he, started to cut me deeply, until I couldn't move then, he...... He choked me until my face turned purple, and I could barely breathe, then he winded his arm back to do the final blow and then I woke up.." She barely said while crying. It hurt me deeply to see her go through so much pain in her life, and be tormented. And to have nobody there for her, or to never have someone to lean on when you need help. "Karai, you know I will never let anyone hurt you, especially shredder. If anyone or any guy, hurts you or does something to you, I promise you they'll wish they were never born." I ensured her and I lifted her face up from my chest. "I promise you, as long as I'm still breathing, the shredder or anybody from that matter, will never harm you." I said and whipped the tears away from her face, and kissed the top of her forehead. "Thanks Leo. I can always count on you!" She said and hugged me tightly which I gladly returned. "We should probably get to sleep." I said and pulled away from the hug. "Yeah." She replied as she laid down, as I did the same. "Night!" I said as she moved closer to me. "Night!" She replied and snuggled up close to me so that her head was on my chest near my heart and that her arm was over me. I raped my arm around her waist as she snuggled up closer to me so that her head was right below the top of my shell.
Karai's pov:
I snuggled up closely to Leo's chest so I could hear his heartbeat, it was slow and steady, every beat of his heart made me smile, it made me feel safe in his arms that I have never felt before, it made me feel like everything was gunna be ok in my life for once. As I fell into deep sleep with someone who cares about me.
Please tell me what you think!
Love ya!

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