Chapter 6.

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(Still Thursday)
Karai's pov:

As the day progressed.......





Ugh! Someone please kill me now! End my pain!!! As the final bell rang for the end of the day, I let out a great big sigh of relief. Ran out of the classroom and strait to my locker where I was created by April. "So you ready!?" April asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." "Good I'll meet you at the lair around 4." She said. "Bye" we said as we hugged goodbye.

I walked home thinking of a way to tell Leo that I can't help him clean up tonight, but I'm sure he'll understand.... Right!?
Of course he will, he's and amazing guy, I'm sure he'all be fine with it. I bet he'll be even happy for me!!

Leo's pov:

After Karai left for the day I cleaned up a little of our mess, but not nearly all of it just mostly in the living room so it didn't seem so bad. But since Karai helped out with this mess I thought maybe when she gets home we could play some music and maybe mess around a little bit and, by the end of it will get some take-out and watch a movie? Hopefully she'll say yes.

Karai's pov:

I walked into the entrance of the lair to see Leo cleaning some of our mess from last night. "Umm... Hey Leo?" I said sheepishly as he tired around. "Oh! Hey Karai! How was school?" Leo greeted me with a warm smile. "Good.... um, I gotta ask a favor." I said starting to mess with my fingers to distract me. "Sure! Anything!" Leo said kindly. Dang it! Why does he have to be so nice all the time! "Um I can't help you clean tonight. A guy asked me to the prom, and I said yes. So me and April are going dress shopping tonight." I explained to him. "Did he just asked you today?" Leo asked. "Yeah." I replied quickly as Leo had a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?" "Do you know the guy well." "Well..... not exactly, I kinda do." "What do you mean by 'kinda'?" Leo asked folding his arms. "Well I know him well enough to trust him that he not going to do anything bad to me, so don't worry." "You sure...." "yes Leo I'm sure." "Okay... I'll clean up the rest of this. " said Leo. "Are you sure?" "Yeah.." "thanks Leo!!! I owe you one! Big time!!" I said and gave him a bear hug."You don't owe me anything. Just be careful, on prom night." "Okay I will!!" I said to him and went to my room.

Leo's pov:

WTF just happened!?!!? I sat down. A guy she barely knows asked her a day right before prom, and she decides to go with him!? What kind of guy does that!? Ugh!! Just great now she'll probably fall in love with him and later down the road probably cheat on her and break her heart constantly, and she'll still love him. UUUGGGHHH!!! I HATE EVERYTHING!!! I feel as if my heart is a violin and some ones playing a very long song with it!!!
Why is love so confusing!!?? I can't deal with this right now I need to go outside, to take a breather, drown out my life before I have a heart attack. I said and I walked to the surface to clear my head.

Karai's pov:

4 rolls around and April is calling me from outside the lair. "Hey! What's up" I greeted her with. "Not much but we better hurry if we're going to get you a dress." April grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the lair to her favorite dress shops. As soon as we go in there there were hundreds of girls, all fighting for dresses, this was way more intense than any battle I've ever seen this was more brutal then Splinter fighting Shred-head. It was basically a blood bath! I felt I was in the foot clan again. "Okay soooo........ next store..." April said pulling my arm, slowly backing out of the store. As the night went on it was a madhouse!! I tried on one maybe two dresses that whole night. And the two dresses looked horrible on me!! Maybe I should cancel on Brandon? Me and April went back to the lair, and flopped on the couch in defeat. "Sorry we couldn't find you a dress." "Its okay, he asked me last minute anyway." "I'll give you my dress." April said. "What!! No no!! No way it's your dress you should have it!" *bzz bzz*  my phone rang. "Who is it?" April asked, as I checked. "It's Leo." "What he say?" " 'how's the dress shopping going?' " I replied with, 'terrible'. 'What wrong?' He asked. 'Couldn't find a dress. Might have to cancel on my date'. 'Oh.... I'm sorry' ' it's okay that means I get to hang out with you then it's good.'

Leo's pov:
''s good' it's not good... she really wanted to go and I could tell even if she tries to deny it. I sit on a apartment building trying to think of a way to make her feel better.. but nothing comes to mind, I put my phone away, lay back till my head hits the cold rooftop floor, and stair up at the stars, as my mind goes blank for a minute.. "This is disgusting!!" I hear a girl with, a high pitched voice yell across the street as dogs start barking. "Who would ever wear this!?" The girl, with blond hair shrieks, and throws something out the window and falls onto the fire escape railing, as he slams her window. What is that? I wonder as I use my grappling hook to reach to the building and go down the fire escape to find out what she threw away....... a dress? It looks nice. Why would she throw this away?? *bzz bzz* my phone rang. 'Leo were are you? Why haven't you replied yet?' Wait didn't she say she needed a dress...?? But if I give this to her, she'll probably fall in love with that outer guy, and she won't hang out with me, on Friday, but I'll be a terrible friend if I don't give it to her.... what do I do??!

She deserves someone better than me...

I walk home to the lair to see April and Karai on the couch looking like they went to war, as I held the dress behind my back. "Whoa!! What happens to you two??" I asked. "Shopping! Shopping happened! Why didn't you answer me I was starting to worry?" "Sorry I got sidetracked. But I got you something." "Really? What?" Karai asked. "This." I said showing her the dress I found. "OMG!! It's beautiful!!" April gushed. "Leo!! How did you get this!??" Karai asked. "Don't worry about it. It's for you." I said, as I handed Karai the dress. "Your the best Leo!!" Karai said and engulfed me into a tight hug as I smiled warmly.

Did I make the right choice??


Well... well ... well... 🤦🏽‍♀️
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I kinda got busy with my first boyfriend ever!!!💗💗 but I'm staring to write a little in my other books so yeah....
Thx 👍🏼
Love ya!~

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