Chapter 2.

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(The next day, Tuesday to be exact)
Karai's pov:
I woke up, and slowly got, dressed and ready. All I needed was food!! I am so hungry!! I slowly walked to the kitchen, and sat down across from Leo. "Hey...*yawn* Leo..." I said tiredly. "Morning! Why are you still here?" Leo asked "what do you mean?" "Um, you were supposed to be at school 10 minutes ago.." Leo said. "WHAT!!!?" I screamed. "I'm late!!" I yelled and left the kitchen to pack my bag as fast as I could. I left my room with my book bag and ran towards the exit to see Leo sitting on the stealth bike. "Hop in!" Leo said and started the bike, as I quickly sat onto his lap, as he started to drive and put the hood up and drove off to the school. "Master splinter is gunna kill me I'm so dead!!" I panicked as my stomach started to growl. "Here." Leo said and gave my and apple and a lunch. "What's this?" I asked as Leo did a hard turn. "It your breakfast and lunch, and I already told the office that you threw up and that you were gunna be late, so you have to stay after school to make up the work!" Leo said four blocks away from the school. "What about Splinter?" I asked and took another sharp turn. "I'll tell him that you stayed after school for extra credit work!" Leo said a block away from the school, as I bit into the apple, as I started to see the school. Leo pulled up onto the curb, looked around and pulled off the hood for me to get out. "Thank you so much Leo, you the best!!" I said and hugged him. "You better hurry!" He said. "Thanks, bye!!" I said and ran towards the school as my lung felt like they were on fire, opened the door, and ran to my locker as fast as my legs carried me, put in my combination, grabbed my books, slammed my locker which would probably give me detention, and ran to my class room, and stopped at the door to catch my breath, and slow my heart rate. I opened my door as everyone had their eyes on me. "Mis.Hamato! Your late! Please take your seat!" The teacher remarked as I took my seat in the back, next to April. 'Where were you?' She mouthed. 'I woke up late!' I mouthed back, as she made an 'O' with her mouth. "Now class, as I was saying, Chemistry is a very important subject, first we will learn about the chemicals and then, we will mix them later." She said as she began with the boring lesson of the day. Like this could literally put me to sleep on the spot.
(After class)
Me and April left chemistry and went to our lockers. "So how did you get to school?" "Leo drove me... But I have to make up the work in my earlier classes." "Oh that sucks." April said as reached out lockers. "Well that was nice, what Leo did for you!" "Yeah, it was, he can be really sweet sometimes." I said. As I got a text, and read it, it was from Leo and he said, 'Did you make it to class on time?' I smiled at his thoughtfulness for me. And I texted back, 'Yeah I did thanks to you! ^-^'. And he texted back, 'your welcome, and good luck for the rest of the day! <3'  Every time he texts me a heart it makes my heart melt, and I texted back, 'thanks! I'll need it!'. I texted back and grabbed my books and walked to my next class.
Leo's pov:
Why, stupid brain! Why?!! Did I really just send her a heart how stupid am I??! Luckily she got to school on time! Hopefully she'll have a good day.
(Lunch time)
Karai's pov:
I walked to the cafeteria with my lunch that Leo packed me, I wonder what's in here? As I got to the cafeteria I spotted Casey and April and walked over to them and sat down. "Hey." I said. "Hey, you were late how did you pack a lunch?" April asked. "Oh, Leo packed it for me!" I said. "Aww, that was sweet of him!" April said gushing over the lunch Leo made me causing me to blush. "So what did he make you?" April asked. "Umm, I don't know let me see." I said and opened the bag. "He packed me, a soda, two slices of pizza, and a apple." I giggled, at what he got me. "That's it?" April asked and grabbed my bag to look at it. "Yeah, but we were in a rush, and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even have a lunch!" I said. "What's this?" April asked as she pulled out a small folded piece of paper. "Let me see." I said and grabbed the paper from Aprils hand, and opened it up to read it, 'hope you have a good day! ~Leo <3' it said in amazing, neat, cursive handwriting. "Aww!" I gushed at his note. "Let me see." April snatched it and read it. "Awe!! This is so sweet!" April gushed. "You know you owe Leo big time, for everything he done for you, and it's only the afternoon!" She said. "Yeah, I do! But I don't know what to do for him, he's amazingly sweet and sensitive at times, it's like he really gets me!" I said sincerely. "Aw! You to would be the perfect couple!" "APRIL!" I said and blushed a deep red! "Sorry!.....not sorry!" April giggled.
Hope you like it!! Btw, this book is not a very long one sooo.......Yeah, anyway!

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