Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sunny Taylor

            I finished braiding my hair and walked downstairs to get breakfast before school. The smell of bacon filled my nose. Mm, bacon.

            Anthony smiled at me and I grabbed a piece, moaning when I took a bite. Best bacon I had ever had. It was also one of the few real foods we had had since we had moved.

            Anthony looked over my outfit and nodded in approval. It was the first day of school, so I had dressed more casually, saving one of my dresses for the second day. I had put my blonde curls up in a ponytail with a French braid on top until the ponytail. Even when it was up, my hair still managed to reach halfway down my back.

            I had on my normal makeup which consisted of eye liner, mascara, lip coloring, lip gloss, a bit of foundation mostly to cover up scars, and some blush. I knew most peoples' casual was much lighter, but I had to cover up scars and bags under my eyes, and put a little color on my face to mask the pain my expressions might show. To add some flairI had in these cute feather earrings, and was wearing jeans and a flowy top with my favorite, floral patterning. 

            I proudly held my backpack that I had used since I was in fifth grade. It was cute and had lasted until now, so I figured what's the harm.

            He smiled and said, "Do you want me to drive you to school? It is like over a mile, and I know you hate walking that far."

            I shook my head no and said, "No, I am going to ride my bike. The wind feels nice, plus I love my bike. It rides so smoothly." To be honest, I was just so proud of it. It was the first bike I ever owned. My dad had taught me when I was nine, but then never got the chance to get me one.

            Anthony nodded and gave me a hug, saying, "Well, I just know you will have a good day at school. You are an amazing person. Just be yourself, and forget all your fears, and make friends like I know you will. Good luck Sunny."

            I smiled and walked out the door, grabbing my bike and putting my bag and the lock in the basket. It was a twenty minute ride to school, and it took my probably five minutes to find the bike rack, which only had one other bike. The kids here were not so eco-friendly.

            I walked into the office to register, since new kids had to register differently. Apparently the town was small enough that they didn't just let new kids go to class like everyone else at the beginning of the year.

            I looked around until I saw a small, elderly woman at a desk, going over some papers. I walked up to it, but she didn't seem to notice me. I cleared my throat after a minute to get her attention. No dice.

            "Um, excuse me, can I register here? I have no idea what I am doing." I said, getting her attention.

            Her head jerked up and she sweetly said, "Oh, sorry dear! I didn't even notice you standing there. Of course, your papers were already filled out by your... uncle. Oh, I remember him. Young, good looking fellow. Anyways, here is your schedule, locker number and combination, and everything else you will need."

            Ah, Anthony. Always has my back. I smiled, taking the papers and thanking her. I walked into the hallway, looking around for my locker. The halls were rather crowded, all the kids in their groups except for a few who looked as lost as me.

            I finally found my locker, and tried to open it, but I couldn't. I must have done it fifteen times before someone tapped me on the shoulder and a British voice said, "Hey cutie! Need help opening your locker? These things are a pain in the ass if you are new. I would know."

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