Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Sunny Taylor

I felt my heart race and the attack of adrenaline wash over me as realization really kicked in. Daniella and Blake had been in love, and Chandler had killed her for it.

Mixed emotions surged through me- hatred, sympathy, jealousy, fear, but most of all, I was overcome with a devastating feeling of betrayal.

I stood up, throwing the note down angrily and hopped on my bike, knowing I needed to talk to someone about it. I decided Bo was my best bet. She lived in a big house over on another side of the lake so I began on the trail.

I couldn't believe it. Had Chandler set the fire and made sure that Daniella would be unable to escape it? That was evil, even for her.

I couldn't shake the feeling of hurt though. All these people whom I thought were my friends were keeping such a big secret from me? Although to their credit I had neglected to inform them of my relation to Daniella.

I shook my head. It was not my fault. I was with people who betrayed me.

I then realized they had stuff going on in their lives as well. I knew some of their stories. I knew David's heartbreaking experience with his parents, and I knew that Olivia had self-esteem issues, but no one had to tell me. Her wrists held the scars that informed me on their own. I knew about cutting, but had never done it. All I knew is that it was a song I never wanted to hear.

My breathing became labored and I finally realized I was riding really fast, and it was about to get out of my control. I slowed down a bit, but still kept up a decent speed.

I finally came to the gates, and rang the buzzer. I asked for Bo and gave my name, and after a minute the gate opened. I walked my bike in, taking the largeness of her house. I then was startled to find people walking around, as if this was some kind of dorms.

I shrugged, deciding that it was entirely possible. I put my bike amongst a couple others and walked in the house, which had the front door wide open.

I looked at a framed list that looks like one you would find in the lobby of an office building, like a directory, that had names next to room numbers. I finally found Bo Brooks and looked at the number. 37.

I walked up the stairs and walked down the hallways until I got to room thirty-seven. I knocked and a distracted voice called, "Come in."

I opened it and saw Bo packing a suitcase. She glanced up and froze, her eyes widening when she saw me and probably the expression on my face, which was either angry or hurt, or most likely both.

"Sunny... What are you doing here? What is wrong? Did something happen again?" she said, but I felt like she was only asking out of courtesy. She continued to pack and I crossed my arms angrily.

I rolled my eyes and said, "I found a note when I was visiting Daniella. Turns out her and Blake were together. Care to explain?"

She went through her closet, throwing things as if she was looking for something specific while mumbling, "What are you talking about? Why do you care about Daniella and Blake?"

I groaned, realizing this conversation would be going nowhere if I didn't tell her about my relation to Daniella. I finally fessed up, "Daniella was my cousin. And the note also said that Chandler had something to do with her death."

She just continued to pack and say, "Uh-huh." She was clearly not hearing what I was saying so I gave up.

She paused and closed her eyes, as if talking to herself in her head, before freaking out. I rolled my eyes and said, "You know what? Screw you. You just can't listen can you? Too busy with your own stuff. I am going to find out what happened to my cousin myself."

I stormed out, and almost could have sworn I heard her calling out, "Your cousin?" but I summed it up to my imagination.

I grabbed my bike, hopping on it and carelessly biking away, wanting to be as far away from them as possible.

I made my way home, and when I finally got there, I was disappointed to find Anthony had still not come home in the past hour. I threw the bike in the garage and went up to my room, grieving the loss of my cousin still.

I couldn't help but flash back to when I had received the news of her death...

 I sat on my bed, still shaking from my earlier attack. Ross had punched my stomach and kicked me when I was down, releasing his pent up anger from a fight he had with my mother. She had gone out to get some dinner, and I had been left with that monster.

I stroked the bracelet that Daniella gave me, remembering her words, "Whenever he hurts you, just look at this bracelet and know I will always be here for you."

I felt a single tear manage to escape the confinements I worked so hard to maintain. I quickly wiped it away, not wanting to cry.

The door slowly opened and my mother's head peeked in. I sat up slowly, realizing something was wrong. She wasn't in her usual prim and proper posture, and her eyes were red and puffy.

She sighed, asking, "Can I come in for a moment?"

I nodded, startled by the shaking in her voice. I knew she had been crying, and immediately braced myself for the bad news. Little did I know that no matter how much I prepared, I wouldn't be able to digest what she told me.

She sat on my bed, keeping the cold distance she always managed to. She took in a deep breath before getting out, "Honey, there has been an accident..."

She began to break, and I just waited, on edge, for her to deliver the blow, "Your cousin Daniella was in a fire and... I am afraid she didn't make it."

"No! What are you saying! There is no way Daniella is dead! Don't you dare lie to me! Daniella cannot die. No!" I screamed, tears rushing down my face. My brother ran in, clearly not having gotten the news.

He glared at my mother and angrily said, "Get out mother. I am tired of you hurting her. Leave the room now."

Once she had silently left, he hugged me and asked what was wrong. After I told him, we cried together for the loss of an amazing girl.

I felt a tear drop, but quickly brushed it away. I rushed to my bed, getting out all the letters. I began to quickly skim them, upset that I never saw what was right in front of me.

It couldn't be true.

I felt my heart begin to break. How could I have let this slip by me? The loss of my cousin had been unbearable, but I could have gotten revenge.

In a fit of rage, I threw the letters, letting them scatter across my room. I screamed, the anger flowing out as my vocal chords cried for the loss, the betrayal, the hurt, and the anger.

 I just wanted to make it all go away. I briefly, only for a millisecond if that, considered joining Daniella, but then I realized, I was so much stronger than that.

I would have to face my problems head on.

I know its short but Merry Christmas! Its my gift to you!


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