Chapter 1

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Hello! (2013)

Really pumped about this story! I am really into the story line, I spent about two hours writing notes and coming up with it, so I would appreciate it if no one copied it!

I think each reader should be able to find one character to relate to.

Some of the characters on the side! (Pictures)

Also, you can click on the links of the outfits on the bottom on your ipod! Or right click on the computer!

Chapter 1

Sunny Taylor

I drummed my fingers nervously on the counter, looking around the empty boutique for someone, anyone, to ring up my clothes so I could get going. Finally, a voice with an accent called out, "Calm your mammaries, I am coming. Geez, I can't take a five minute break for a smoke without getting interrupted. Why did I come to this damn country?"

I looked at the gorgeous brunette before me, my eyes going wide with intimidation before softly saying, "I just wanted to get these so I could get going. I need to pick up food so my brother and I can have something to eat tomorrow morning."

She looked at me suspiciously, analyzing me, before smiling and saying, "You are so cute! Tell me love, are you new here? I haven't seen you around, and you would have to go to my school."

I brushed a curl behind my ear and continued to stare at the ground in order to avoid eye contact, managing to look up once or twice while I said, "I moved here with my brother two weeks ago. If you go to Hillson High School, then we will be going together I guess."

I was so shocked at how much I had spoken to her already. I was always so shy, and this girl really intimidated me. She smiled and began to ring up my clothes as she said, "Well, my name is Bo and you should be sure to find me on Tuesday so I can show you the ropes."

She paused, and looked over at me, looking at me intently and smelling the air. I gave her a weird look and she put her hand on her hip before saying, "Well, I thought I smelled Justin Bieber's perfume on you, and I was going to go vomit at the sweetness, but it turns out I was mistaken."

I slowly nodded and she smiled, humor dancing in her eyes as she continued to ring up the clothes. She said, "So, what's your name?"

I quietly answered her question, "Sunny." Sunny Taylor. My alias. Anthony used to call me Sunny when we were little as a nickname because of how bright blonde my hair was, so he decided that would be my new name. He was going to be going by Andy Taylor.

She smiled and said, "Well, Sunny, your total is fifty-six dollars with the coupon you gave me. It saves you fifty percent."

I began, "What coupon...?"

She winked and got a coupon from under the counter, showing it to me before taking the money I handed her and giving me my receipt. She smiled as I left and said, "See you on Tuesday, cutie!"

I smiled a little bit. It was nice to know I had someone to show me the ropes. Especially someone British. I had never met anyone British before, so I was looking forward to asking her about Britain, and what it is like for her here. Of course, I would only be able to do that if she would accept me as a friend, and with my shyness, she probably wouldn't. It seemed to exhaust people that outgoing to be friends with me when they constantly had to encourage me to keep up the conversations. Not that I could blame them, they didn't know the reason for my shyness.

I walked over to my bike, putting the shopping bag in the basket and unlocking it. It had only been thirty dollars at the resale shop, and we had the money, so I got a bike and a lock to get me around. I biked over to an awesome bakery I had discovered, and locked up my bike once again, bringing my shopping bag with me for safe keeping.

I walked in and greeted the owner, a sweet old man who went by the name of Joe. He bellowed out, "Ah! There's the cute girl I was talking about! Hey, Sunny, I want you to meet my nephew, Jason. I think you will be going to his school!"

The guy at the counter turned around and I smiled and shyly waved in return. He had red hair that stuck up in all different directions, and pale skin with freckles all over. He was actually fairly attractive, though not that tall. He was still about five inches taller than me at about five foot eight, but it wasn't that tall for a guy.

He said, "Nice to meet you. My name is Jason, and I'm going to be a senior at Hillson High. I assume you are going to go there too?"

"I really don't have time to talk, I'm sorry," I lied, turning to Joe and asking, "Can I pick up my order? I need to get going."

He nodded and handed me a container, with all the goodies inside. I opened the box and quickly checked inventory before paying him and leaving. That Jason guy made me really nervous, more so than usual, which was saying something, and I couldn't quite figure out why.

I got on my bike, as quickly as I could, and as I began to peddle away, I heard his voice calling out my name. A shiver went down my spine at the thought of what he could possibly want from me.

When I got home, I put the food in the kitchen and went upstairs, putting away my new clothes. I had only gotten three outfits, since I brought about six from home and had already gotten a couple others. I sat on my bed and pulled out from under it a box that was decorated and labeled 'Daniella'.

I opened it and rummaged through it before finding what I had been searching for. It was some letters I had found in this room with a note that had my name on top of the stack. I was still trying to figure out who they were to, and what they all meant.

I was about to begin reading the third letter so far when Anthony, I mean, Andy called out, "Sunny! Come eat dinner and we can go to bed early."

I sighed and put the letter in the box, stuffing it back under the bed. I hadn't told Andy yet since I wanted to figure it out for myself first.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and trotted down the stairs, looking around before finding my brother in the kitchen, putting pizza on paper plate. I frowned. That was the third night in a row.

"You know, generally when you have as much cash as we do and no mortgage payments to save it for, you put it towards things like actually dinners," I said, rolled my eyes as I noticed the pizza was left over again.

He stuck his tongue out at me and said, "Well, apparently the grocery store is closed on the weekends so we will have to wait, or go get food from a neighbor."

As if an answer from God himself, the doorbell rang. We both stared at each other wide eyed and I pointed at him. He rolled his eyes and went to the front door, but he naturally kept me behind him with his arm holding onto me, keeping me safe.

His grip relaxed when we saw a teenage girl and a woman who had to be her mother based on how similar they looked standing there. The mother smiled and said, "Hello! Sorry we didn't come by earlier, but we didn't even notice you guys had moved in! We live next door, and have been waiting to see who bought the house for quite some time. Anyways, I baked you guys some lasagna!"

She handed Anthony the plate, who gave her a grateful smile and looked back at me before saying, "Thank you so much. Oh, where are my manners? Come on in and we can get to know you guys!"

I shook my head from left to right and vice versa very pointedly, but it was no use. The numb-nut I called a brother gave me a humorous glance before closing the door behind them and saying, "My name is Andy Taylor and this is my sister, Sunny Taylor."

The woman smiled and said, "How nice to meet you! I am Grace Chance, and this is my daughter, Annabelle Chance. I would bet you that they are going to be going to the same high school together on Tuesday."

I gave a slight smile and nodded. Annabelle smiled at me and gave a friendly wave. I looked her over, noticing the preppy outfit. She had a sweater vest over a collared shirt, and a cute little skirt to go with it. She was even rocking the socks that went halfway up her shins.

Regardless, there was no denying how pretty she was. She was tall, probably five ten or five eleven, almost but not quite as tall as the British girl, Bo I think she said her name was. Annabelle had long dark brown hair that was slightly wavy but not very much. She had perfect skin, which was barely tan, mostly pale, and pretty brown eyes.

Her lips were perfectly sized, and so were her eyebrows. I could not get over how half the people in this town appeared to have walked out of the cover of Seventeen Magazine. I needed to drink more water out of the tap...

She smiled and said, "Mother, I am going to give Sunny a rundown of Hillson, so why don't you two continue to talk while we go eat."

Her mother smiled and gave her the go ahead, and she linked arms with me, dragging me to the kitchen. I felt nervous when she had me in her hold, like I wasn't in control. Luckily, she let go before too much damage was done.

She closed the door and let out a sigh of relief, saying, "Oh, thank goodness. I hate the whole welcome to the neighborhood routine. No offense. Anyways, it is nice to meet you! I love having new people! On Tuesday you should definitely come find me and I can show you around. You might even be lucky enough to get into our group if the chemistry is right. We are pretty tight knit."

I smiled tightly, a bit unnerved by her forwardness, and served her a square of pasta before saying, "Thanks. And thank you for the pasta. We didn't know that the grocery store closed on weekends, and we have been eating left over pizza for three nights now."

She laughed and said, "Oh, the joys of living in a small town where the only person who owns a grocery store has some wacky religion." 

I smiled softer and asked, "So, what is the school like?"

She thought about it before saying, "Academically, I would say it is average. Our sports teams are outstanding, and it is an... interesting social experience."

I cocked an eyebrow and she took a bite before saying, "You will see what I mean. People get into fights all the time, and all the groups kind of hate each other. It's because there are two different packs."

"Packs? Like a pack of animals?" I questioned. What in the world did she mean?

Her face paled and she stumbled on her words as she said, "Oh, di- did I say packs? I meant to say parts. As in two different parts of town that don't get along much." She let out a nervous chuckles and I chocked it up to being nervous about making mistakes. Maybe she was a perfectionist.

I nodded awkwardly and took a bite of the yummy lasagna. Anything pasta was going to taste great to me. I loved pasta beyond words.

Annabelle's mother called out, "Honey, it's time for us to leave. You will see your new friend in a couple of days."

She gave me an apologetic look and said, "I will see you on Tuesday. I will just request to be the one to give you a tour, and then I will get to be your guide! Doesn't that sound like fun? Anyways, see you Sunny."

I said goodbye politely and once they had left I told Anthony, "You have to try the lasagna, it is so good. Much better than the pizza."

He smiled and kissed the top of my head. The top of my head was a couple inches below his chin, so he did that a lot.

"Oh, Delilah. I mean, Sunny. You always have loved your pastas. I remember when you were three, and Dad took us out for lunch, and you had pasta for the first time. It has been a loving and lasting relationship ever since." He said adoringly.

I smacked him on the shoulder, partly because he deserved it, and partly I was trying to cover up the tears growing in my eyes. I missed my father with all my heart, and it was hard to hear about him. When I was nine, he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Two years later, he passed away. A year later, my mother married Ross. Worst decision ever.

He took a bite and smiled, appreciating the flavor. I finished my pasta as fast as I could since I was anxious to read one of the notes.

I went upstairs, checking the clock and was shocked to discover that time had passed and it was already almost nine at night. I yawned and went to my bathroom, brushing my teeth before taking a sleeping pill.

I walked back over to my bed, pulling out the box and getting out the third letter. I laid in my bed under the covers, opening the envelope. I began to read with my eyes, but I didn't actually comprehend what I was reading as my eyelids began to get heavy and droop shut, into a not so peaceful sleep.

As always, I dreamed about Ross. This time, he had lit the house on fire, and I could feel the air leaving my lungs, and he watched from above laughing at my pain. I gasped and he yelled out, "You worthless whore. You are only getting what you deserve."

I shot straight up, my hands instinctively reaching for my throat, tears already streaming down my face. Anthony ran in, saying, "I heard you choking, Sunny! Are you okay?"

I just began to cry, a very unpretty crying, my face crumpling and my voice letting out cries. He rushed over and scooped me up, whispering soothing things to me and stroking my upper back, calming me down.

I wouldn't be able to get through anything without my brother.

PSA: The justin comment is to emphasive Bo's dislike of sweet scents and modern pop culture, not to offend anyone! 
Annabelle's outfit:


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