Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Sunny Taylor

I could barely open my eyes when I woke up. I felt like crap and my back was really sore from what Jason had done. I groaned, before getting up and walking into my bathroom. I yawned and opened my eyes.

I jumped a little bit, startled by what was before me. My makeup was all over the place, I wasn't sure what my hair thought it was doing, my eyes were bloodshot from all the crying, and there were bruises on my arms from Jason.

I slowly removed my top, lightly gasping at all the bruising. I turned around and glanced back. There were bruises all over it. There was even some on my shoulders.

I shuddered, using the restroom and doing all my usual morning things. I was too weary to really try, so I simply but on a baggy red sweater and some black yoga pants with normal black shoes. I put on extra cover up, mostly foundation, and just some light lip color and mascara.

I decided that my eyes were too obvious so I added a pair of sunglasses. As for my hair, a messy bun on the top of my head was enough. I rarely wore my hair in buns, so that was impressive.

I grabbed my backpack and took a deep breath before going downstairs. I decided to be quick, as Trevor was picking me up and I was already running a bit late.

I was startled when I found Trevor eating a pop tart in my kitchen. I shook my head and gave him a small smile as I said, "You enjoying that?"

He nodded goofily and said, "Yeah, you should probably buy more of these. There is only one more left."

I frowned, grabbing the last one out of the box. I turned to Trevor, "How did you get in anyways?"

He shrugged, and didn't even respond. That couldn't be good.

I followed him to his car. I got in and we drove to school. He tried to make small talk but I just wasn't in a good mood considering the events of the previous day.

When we arrived, all our friends were there. I saw Blake and immediately felt worried. Something about the expression on his face alarmed me.

I got out and he was instantly hugging me tightly, wrapping his arms around my waist and rubbing my back. He kissed the top of my head before finally releasing me. If his touch didn't feel so good, that definitely would have hurt.

I was about to step away but he instantly snaked his arms around my waist, holding me to his side protectively. I gave him an odd look.

He looked at my suspiciously before his eyes trailed below mine and his widened. He whispered, "He bruised you?"

I blushed, tugging up my sweater so it covered the bruises better. I had assumed he had found out. Slowly, Blake took off my glasses but I snatched them back and put them back on, upset that he had exposed my blood-shot eyes.

His jaw clenched and he looked around, looking for Jason I assumed. Bo stepped forward and said, "Forget about Jason, Blake. Focus on Sunny and her feelings, not getting revenge on Jason."

His face softened and he looked down at me sadly. Our other friends watched silently until Trevor said, "So, who else is going to fail the history test?"

I silently thanked him for breaking the tension. We all laughed and began to discuss the history test that we were going to take, but I didn't miss the glances Blake would throw around when he didn't think I was looking.

Clearly he sensed some kind of danger, and being as jumpy as I was, I was on edge as well. I inwardly groaned when the bell rang, but instead of talking to Bo on the way to class, I just silently walked like I used to. I was back to being scared.

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