Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sunny Taylor

As I got on my bike, my bag in the basket, I could see out of the corner of my eye multiple people coming towards me. I had made a point to get out of there as soon as I could, but clearly some people had gotten out early as well.

Not a lot of kids left that early because most of the rather small school took part in sports, but I preferred to get exercise a more natural way. Natural as in I didn't own or even know how to drive a car so I biked.

I turned my head to fully check the approaching students. A few were people I didn't know and were probably going to the parking lot, but then I saw Blake walking with Trevor and Bo. Across the courtyard, I saw Jason coming towards me as well, determination covering his features, and he had a girl and a guy with him.

I recognized the girl from one of my classes, Tracy I believe was her name. She seemed like a tough girl. Lots of muscle, and she was definitely a tomboy. She had a pixie cut, and had dyed her hair black as a raven.

On his other side was the guy, who looked like a really buff hippie. And yet both of them were very attractive and seemingly strong. What was up with this town? So unfair.

I felt my heart race, not wanting confrontation with either group. I glanced around, looking for an escape when I was saved. Blake noticed Jason coming over and he changed directions. I took the distraction as my chance to get away.

I began to peddle, slipping between cars and finally finding freedom as I rode my bike in the bike lane on the street. I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding and sighed, knowing I had to get control of my nerves if I was going to make it through life.

I was waiting at an intersection when I saw something that scared me. In a car, not looking at me, I saw Daniella's father, probably in town visiting old friends. I looked around, trying to find somewhere to hide. If he saw me, he would surely tell Aunt Christine, who would tell my mother. Hopefully she didn't care enough to be looking for me, but part of me wished she would.

I noticed I was right next to the library so I hurriedly locked my bike outside and went in, looking out the window and seeing that he was still there. There was an accident, so the entire intersection was stuck there.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I gasped, whipping around and putting my hand on my beating heart before seeing it was Grace, my lab partner from science. She smiled and gave me an amused look as she said, "What are you doing?"

I smiled nervously at her, trying to come up with an equitable excuse. I shakily said, "I, uh, saw someone out there who I don't really like, so I had to hide in here. What happened out there anyways? There is so much traffic."

She laughed and explained, "It was so weird. Have you seen the memorial over there? Well, it's for a teenager who died here in an 'accident' last year," She started, putting the word accident in air quotes.

"Some crazy person ran right into it. Their car is blocking the lane, and all the ambulances and cops are blocking the rest. It was almost like they did it on purpose," She explained. I didn't care about the person who. It was probably drunk driving, Daniella was loved by everyone she met so I doubted someone would purposely do that.

What I couldn't understand was why she said the word accident as if it wasn't one. Was she suggesting that there was foul play?

I decided to ask her about it, "What do you mean, 'accident'? I heard about it, and everything seemed like it was an accident. She was at a party in the woods, and there was a fire, and she just happened to be the only one who didn't get away. Never was much of a runner anyways."

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