Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Sunny Taylor

I was so frustrated as I marched up to my room, picking up my kitty and being thankful at least I had my pet. She purred, and I checked one more time in Anthony's room to confirm that he was indeed absent from our home.

This was just not my day. Getting ganged up on by Jason and Chandler, then Blake sending me away, and now my brother not being home without explanation? Not fun.

I sat on my bed, getting out my math homework. I quickly worked through the worksheet, showing all my work, which was rather unlike me, but I had plenty of time.

Once I had finished all my homework, I decided to grab some dinner. I heated up some left over pizza, taking a bite as I sat in front of the TV, enjoying an episode of an unfamiliar TV show. It talked frequently of cousins, making me reminisce about Daniella. I glanced at the clock, wavering but deciding it was only five-thirty, and I would be back in time.

I grabbed a flower for Daniella and put it in the basket of my bike, riding it all the way to the spot where I could visit her. I slowed as I approached because I saw that there were already flowers, meaning someone had recently visited.

I just shrugged it off, recognizing that she had other friends who would want to visit, and slowly walked up to the spot. I sat on my knees, slowly putting down the flowers and closing my eyes, letting a happy memory of Daniella flow back in to my mind.

I giggled, twiddling my fingers and contemplating whether I should tell my cousin about Joey. I couldn't keep this crush to myself.

She continued to French braid my hair, and we gossiped, the main thing girls did at sleepovers. Suddenly, we heard the raised voices of my mother and my step-father. Listening to their words, I realized their argument was about me.

I could hear the sound of pain in my mothers voice, the usual strain of trying to reason with my awful step-father. All his voice held was contempt and anger, while hers pleaded for him to do something.

Daniella must have picked up on this too because she dropped my almost complete braid and walked over to the stereo she had brought, starting up the music loud enough to drown them out.

She smiled and said, "That is so much better. So, any cute boys at school this year? Eighth grade usually has the best of the boys!" I could see the joy on her face, and the desire to get a little gossip etched into her eyes.

I blushed, playing with the strings on my pajama pants. I finally began, "Well, there is this kid that just moved here..."As I trailed off, her smile spread a thousand miles.

She squealed, excited to hear about her cousin's crush. She always loved hanging out with my just like I did with her, because neither of us had sisters, so this was as close as it got.

"Tell me tell me tell me!" She finished my braid before spinning me around. She was strong from swim, and I was small, so it was easy for her. Her face held anticipation, as she looked at me expectantly, waiting for the juicy details.

I smiled and told her, "Well, his name is Joey. He moved here from Florida, and he is so attractive. He has blonde hair and tan skin, and perfect white teeth. All the girls and head over heels for him!"

She grinned and said, "Well, have you talked to him at all? You have to be brave with him." I could all but feel the happiness that was radiating off of her.

I thought back to the one conversation I had with him and answered her question, "Well, yeah we had one conversation. I haven't approached him since. We only have two classes together. Anyways, all I did was welcome him, but he told me all about where he was from. I got nervous and made an excuse to leave, but he did seem like he wanted to talk to me more..."

She squealed and let out a loud laugh. She grabbed my hands excitedly and exclaimed, "Do you realize what this means? It sounds like he likes you! Ah thirteen year old love. So much less complicated than in high school?" She looked like an excited older sister, her proudness overwhelming me.

I was too busy in my haze of happiness of her acknowledgement of Joey's possible crush on me that I never questioned what she meant. If only I had.

I frowned but picked up the note, curious as to who had visited my favorite cousin. I crinkled my eyebrows as I read the note.


We all miss you so much here. I just wanted to apologize again for everything that happened. Your love for me ultimately resulted in your demise, and that just isn't fair. I found a girl who reminds me of you, she is my mate. I love her with all my heart already. But I still miss you. We will never forgive Chandler for what she did to you.

Love, Blake

Blake. Love. Chandler. Mate. My head was spinning, confused by the information I had just read. Did this mean that Blake was the one writing letters to Daniella?

And what was a mate? Was he talking about me? And Chandler. Had Daniella's death been her fault?

I knew it was wrong of me to jump to these extreme conclusions. Murder. I surely couldn't just suddenly blame a teenage bitch for doing such a thing. I needed more evidence, and to learn more.

But in my heart, something told me it was her.

(2013) Sorry its really short but the information was a lot, so you know, yeah.

Anyways, yayyy update.

So, yeah.

Update goals~

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