Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Blake Adams

"I am going to make this call short I guess. Just... Please return my calls. I really miss you. Bye" Sunny's voice said.

The phone beeped, telling me it was the last of the messages Sunny had sent me. I growled, angry with myself. I couldn't call back, for the stupidest reason of course. I was out of minutes and texts. I had no way to communicate this to her until I got more and could reach out to her. 

I missed her more than words could ever explain. I wanted to hold her in my arms and stroke her delicate skin, reassuring her that she was mine and I would never let anything happen to her. But alas, I had to get to business fast.

I sat down at the desk, knowing I couldn't take too long to write the letter. Not when there was about to be a battle outside.

Dear Sunny,

I don't know how to tell you all of this. It's going to be a long letter, probably multiple pages. Just, read it all before you judge please. You may be shocked by some of what you read, but the purpose of this is to let you know everything, if something happens and I do not have the chance to tell you myself.

I should start from the beginning of my life. I was born to the alpha of a pack, which has hopefully been explained to you. Well, the alpha is like the king or president. And I am going to be the next alpha. And my mate, which is you, would be the Luna. Which is the first lady kind of.

Mates. I hope that has been explained to you as well. Anyways, when I was little, there was an accident. My older sister was actually supposed to be the Luna, and her mate the alpha, but... She lost her life. And it was all my fault.

That is what the tough guy act is all about. I can't let people see how hurt I am by that accident, which I remember so clearly in spite of my young age at the time.

But, growing up, I felt like I had to prove myself as a leader, and a player. To be honest, if I had ever known you would be my mate, I would have never touched another girl. I would have waited, knowing it would be worth it once I held you in my arms.

But I didn't. And around my freshman and sophomore year, I met a girl. Your cousin. Her name is, was, Daniella. She was beautiful, and I felt drawn towards her. Not nearly in the way I am to you, but in a very weaker version of that.

I knew I had to find out why. I developed a crush on her. I loved her, but was not in love with her. I only loved her as a friend. And when you read that note at the memorial... That was what I meant. I was not in love with her, I just missed her friendship.

She was one hell of a friend.

Anyways, she told me about you. She talked about you often, though when I asked questions, she usually would not answer them. She was very set on not spilling any of your secrets, so you can trust she took them to the grave.

But I just knew. I knew that this girl she told me about, that there was a reason I wanted to know everything about her. Only two years younger, was a big age difference when I was a freshman, but now...

You could be fifty and I would still love you, wrinkles and all. When we are eighty, I will fix your walker for you, and let you have my bingo card when it's a winning card.

I will always love you, Sunny. Remember that.

Love, Blake.

I felt the emotion rising in me as I wrote the letter, and it really got me when I signed her name on the outside of the envelope, putting it on Bo's bed. She already knew what it was, in fact, she had one for David incase she ever passed away without telling him her story.

I began to think about Andy. He had known she had to leave before Sunny even knew. He wanted to go, he really did, but I knew that they knew his whereabouts all the time, and if he went as well, they could easily track him. So after lots of convincing, he gave in. And Sunny had been so in shock, she had gone without much of a fight. But now I wanted her back.

I thought about the town. Crawling with werewolves from our packs, we ran everything from the schools to the police to the restaurants. The humans were told that our school was on a break, but that was because the rogues had taken it over.

We had been sending reports that everything was normal at the schools so we didn't raise suspicion. We even paid the teachers anyways.

Before I could think anymore, I heard a whining pierce the tensed air around me, and immediately recognized it as Bo's. So the battle had begun.

I rushed out, shedding my clothes roughly as I made my way to the door, shifting. Wolves were everywhere, and it was easy to tell which were rogues, because of their foul scent. I wrinkled my nose but immediately got into action.

I lunged at a dirty and small wolf who was on top of one of the women in my pack. My fangs created a gash in his side, and he whimpered but got up, ready to take down his attacker. My larger size intimidated him, but he made a point to be strong.

He lunged after me, but my mouth caught his throat, and he was a goner. Nobody who helped mess with my mate was going to be leaving this fight breathing.

I snarled at another wolf who ran over to us. Amidst the battle, my ability to focus was beyond spectacular, and I knew it, so I used this skill to my advantage.

The wolf took a step back, but then gained the courage and circled me. We circled each other, in a standoff of sorts, before I lunged and pinned him on his back. He was bigger than the previous wolf, so it took longer, but after a bit, he was dead.

I was taken by surprise when a wolf attacked me from the side, biting into my torso as we rolled from the force of her impact. We snarled and pawed at each other blindly, both trying to get the upper hand of the situation.

This girl smelled of a rogue, but also of a beta, explaining her strength. I bit her ear, causing her to let out a yelp, but she evened the playing field by getting a nip at my tail, which cause me to growl at her.

I bit her leg, but she wasn't giving up. We went on for another thirty seconds or so before I finally took her down.

I was going to continue fighting when I heard Annabelle calling me through the pack link.

I ran to Sunny's house, which was where she told me to go.

I changed and opened the door, not caring about my state of nudity. I ran in but immediately stopped when I saw what was going on.

I wrapped a jacket around myself, knowing I was going to be there for a while. Because Andy had been attacked by a rogue.

 I am so sorry I haven't been updated. I have been so busy. I know this is short, but hopefully it answers a lot of questions.

New actress for Sunny! You can see her on the tumblr! (addictionpictures)

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