Aubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Luxian, a descendant of werewolves. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to move away from their small provincial life, they take the first plane ticket for Rain Falls, a town where Luxians are at every corner. As she begins to learn about the traditions and customs of her people, she receives a visit from the Alpha, who just happens to be her mate.
Book I in The Big and The Bad Series.
© 2013 MellowDramatic All Rights Reserved No part of this story can be reproduced, duplicated or copied in any way.This storyline,the credit, the plot, and every word belongs to the author, please respect that and enjoy

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...