© 2014 MellowDramatic All Rights Reserved No part of this story can be reproduced, duplicated or copied in any way.This storyline,the credit, the plot, and every word belongs to the author, please respect that and enjoy
Chapter 30:
"Dylan,This pack will fall"Aiden said.Aiden took Clifford's place and as if now he was nagging me as we approached Meghan's house
"I am trying to deal with this,but it's hard"
"I know,But it's been a month and there has not been a pack meeting or anything"He said.
"A month is no time to mourn."Aiden objected
"But it's hard.You take care of countries Dylan.You have a lot of responsibility "he added
"I know"
"You continue to say you know,but you don't."
"I'm too far."I said.All I could do is be by her.I'd visits her everyday,for the last month,and today Was the first day I couldn't
"I know,I know you can feel it.We have to calm down"He said.He knocked on Meghan's door and she opened right away.She pulled me into her arms.
"How are you"She asked.
"Good"I said.That what I always said.When people asked how I was after I had Los my mate,i said 'good'. 'Im fine'
But I wasn't
I was rotting on the inside and becoming hollow.Worms slinked through my skin and I was lost.
"Come inside"He said.We both walked inside and we sat down
"What would you boys like to talk about?"She asked as she poured us some tea
I opened my eyes slowly and I was clouded by darkness.My breath was short and I could barely breath.There was no light and I couldn't breathe.My hands were cold and melded together by wooden sticks.Something was different,my hand immediately went to my abdomen.There wasn't any blood.I was confused.I leaned up and my head collided with a sturdy surface.
"Where the hell am I?"
"I want you to being her back"I said.She dropped her tea and looked at me.
"What?"She said
"It's either I kill myself or she comes back"I said.She looked at me and her face shifted into a condescending smile
"Dylan"She cooed.She got up and made her way toward me
"Can you do it?"I asked.My eyes were weak and my heart has never felt so heavy
'She won't do it'I heard a familiar voice
"Jedrek?"I said aloud.Aiden and Meghan stared at me
"What?"Aiden said.
"Nothing"I mumbled
'Jedrek please.Can you hear me?'I asked
"No I can't"She said.
"Why?"I asked
"It's unnatural,even if I called the people that could bring her back,she wouldn't feel anything.She wouldn't feel the same chills as before.No touch and she could possibly..."She trailed off
"Possibly what?"I said
"Have another mate"She said.My eyes weakened and they closed
"Help! Help"I screamed I pounded my fists on the weird box I was in.My nails dug into the object and I felt the pain as my nail continued to scratch.My heart was beating to loud and to hard.
"I don't care"I said truthfully.
"If she has another mate,fine.she has died at my dispense and I feel too bad that I was the one that couldn't save her"
"Help"I heard a voice.I turned around
"What?"I said aloud
"What's wrong"They asked.I shook my head.
"Something's wrong?"I said.
I closed my eyes so tightly that my eyelids were sewed into one and I felt sudden cracks.I screeched in pain and arched my back.My back felt sore and like it was being chopped in half.My legs were jumbling,like my bones were rearranging
Am I shifiting?
"Is someone hurt?"Aiden asked.
"I don't know"I said.I felt like there was a part of me knew what was happening and refused to let the arrow fly.I stood up abruptly and stared and the coffee table Aunt Meghan had set out.I took in a deep breath letting all my senses run free and I smelled something.It was faint,it was a mixture of wood and something I remember all too well.
"I have to go"I said.I stormed out the door and got into the car.Aiden came behind me
"What's wrong?"He asked.He opened the door and got in,no questions
I felt my body being crammed inside the little box and suddenly it bursted.My body broke the box and I screamed in pain.I felt the earth begin to shake and when my eyes opened.I was out.I felt different,
Was I shifted?
I let my senses lead the way and run free
"What do you mean you think she's alive."
"She's alive.I know it"I said.We arrived at her grave and We couldn't believe our eyes.
There was dirt everywhere and we both stepped forward to peer into the hole,and it was empty.We didn't know how this could happen.I felt like I was infinities by a spark I knew all too well.
Where is my mom?
I couldn't stop running my heart couldn't stop beating so loud or too hard and the sound of me running,helped.
"Aubrey"I heard a strange voice.I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around.I looked at a short blonde girl with dark eyes.She had on a leather jacket and looked like she could kick my ass,if she wanted to.
I felt my bones clicked and I was forming back into a human.I stated at the girl with caution
"How do you know my name?"I asked.She had tears rimmed around her eyes.
"It's me Misty"She said.
I chanted this name over in my head trying to remember anyone named Misty.
"Don't you remember me?"She said.
She looked broken like she once knew
Me and I could feel it,I looked at her and saw something,but I wasn't sure what it was.She knew I was different,a wolf.She recognized me when I have never shifted.Is she one too?
"What's the last thing you remember?"She asked.She said it very calm and serene,i wasn't sure if I could trust her but I was dazed still hearing the thumping of my heart
"Me...My mom...we were driving to.."I stopped.Thats it,thats all I
could remember,did I daze out for a while am I dreaming.The last I remember was my mom shaking me and saying
'Abbie wake up'
That's it,the ending.Don't start giving me mor death threats.

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...