Chapter 8:Grey

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I slightly opened my eyes and realised I was not on the couch well I think I wasnt.I looked around and realised I was in a familiar Alpha's room with a blanket heavy at shit suffocating me.I let out a long quite yawn and tried to get up.

Notcie how I said 'Tried'

There was some force field some certain shield blocking me from getting up.Stupid heavy arse blanket,I kicked it off to reveal and hand resting on my waist.I followed the arm to the face of the horrible montser himself


Hey I knew he was probably awake just pretending to be asleep.He can sense Wolfsbane as soon as the cabinets opened it pretty sure he can sense my small groans and pants Whislt I was attempting to pry the blanket off.I quickly slipped out and stood up.He still didn't move he was quiet

Too quiet

I really wanted to fuck with him.I mean this guy is a full blown dickhead just wanting me for my fanny.

"I'm so tried I'm not even goin to go to the bathroom the change,maybe the kitchen or the living room.Hmmm I wonder where Dave is"I said.I walked out the door before Dylan spring up and came racing after me.I ran up and down the halls.then I realised there was only one way the avoid him.I quickly scalped up the hallway walls and held my body position on the celing.My back touched the cold ceiling which gave me the chills.His scent was shoved up my nose as I saw him runnin this way.

He came to a halt looking in the rooms around him.I weird grin crept onto his face.He banged the wall and caused me to slip and fall ,and

most girls would think this is the moment he catches you,

but not for me.I fell ass first on the floor.

I stood up wiping off my butt.He looked mad

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To eat some breakfast?"I said innocently.I batter my eyes."Thats it"i added

"Go back to the room"his jaw clentched and his fists tightened."Because I don't want to see anybody else seeing my mate half naked."

"I'm going to go change into my clothes"

"Yeah good idea"He threw a smirk.I stuck my tounge out

"If you aren't offering keep your tounge inside your mouth"He said.

"Jerk"I huffed with a face filled with disgustmemt

"Go"he said pointing in the direction in which I had came from.I looked down at the floor

"Where are the footprints"

"Not now"he said softly.

"You suck"I said

"but you love me"

"I will never love you"I said softly.I felt the air stiffen.He walked passed me and straight downstairs.I sailed downstairs and fixed some breakfast.which was some cereal.Misty came downstairs looking tired as ever

"I'm guessing someone didn't get there sleep last night"I smiled

"Ahh shut up and hand me the lucky charms"

"You guys have lucky charms."I cheered

"Yeah but there Dylan's."

"Is it me or is he supporting the stereotypes against him"

"I dunno."She said I poured her and me a bowl of lucky charms.

"Thanks"she said

'I need to go to my mom's house afterschool'

'Did you ask Dylan'

'no and i'm not going to'

'Aubrey you can't just leave you have denied him three times and he hasn't blown up.Your pressing your luck'

'He can't keep me here forever'

'he just wants to keep you safe'

'Was Aiden like that'

'Yes wanting me to be at his side'

'Why is he pretending to be mates with Gloria'

'Because he can't be with me.Him and Dylan hate each other,but you kinda give me hope.Because a fourth command and alpha can never be together and since Dylan had found his mate this makes things easier'

'Honestly I would have never quested you too were related'

'I know he has dark hair and mines blonde we look nothin alike'

'Aiden said you guys are alike'

'He doesn't mean it'

'so how else knows about you two'

'Me Aiden Gloria and you'

'Woah you have kept this tight nit'

'I'm afraid'

'Of what'

'Aiden and I have been mates for a long time and I don't think he can take it much longer.I'm afraid he is just going to mate me'

'What's wrong with that'

'Because our scents will be mixed together as one and you get a marking on the lower left abdomen.'

Like a tattoo'

'Yeah it appears when your mate is close.'

'Whats wrong with that'

'Our scents everyone will tell we are together.'

'How do you two not '

'We talk and keep talking and we think I the more we talk the more we won't think about it'

'But you must run out of things to say'

'No and it sucks because you want to be together even more'

'When was the last time you guys got...close'i asked

'Two months ago.It was right after I got attacked I have never seem Aiden so mad or so protective.'

'and I feel like I'm losing him'she added

'What do you mean'

'He is with Gloria all the time he is bound to grow feelings and I can feel it.Its breaking my heart to see them together because sooner or later the lies will become the reality'

'That's not going to happen'

'You never know'

'He loves you'

'I just hope so'she though.Dipping her spoon back into the delicious lucky charms.I finished my bowl and put it in the sink and washed it.There were a couple more dishes do I started to wash them too

"Are you cleaning"


"You better hope Dylan doesn't see you"


"Because he doesn't like you working or cleaning."

"What he is afraid i'll combust"

"That's the idea"

"Men are so"

"Stupid"she finshed.I nodded and laughed.I finished cleaning the dishes.Misty went upstairs and got ready.We went off to school together leaving Dylan behind.

"Hey"Clifford said stuffing his hands into his pockets


So Dylan is your mate"he said

"Not for long"I said

"Are you serious about rejecting him"

"I don't know.I understand his point of view and we here he Is coming from but he is a dick a monster and rude"

"He is a good guy when you get to know him"Clifford said

"He called me a melonfucker"

"Yeah he does that,I know he is rough around the edges but you'll learn to love him"

"I don't want to learn"

"you have no choice,If you reject him,his pack will fall apart.Everyone his pack is huge Aubrey like fucking huge"

"What like a couple states"

"Yeah maybe just a smidge more.Countires"


"Yeah rouges will attack you don't realise how important this is"

"I don't want to be with him"I groaned.I brushed my figners through my hair."He has a stick up his ass and he is stubborn as shit"I added

"People have gone through worse"he said.Don't know why but hi words made me feel better

"Thank you Clifford"I said hugging him

"For what"he asked.I held my arms tight around him

"Being nice"I said pulling back.He liked me in the eyes and so did I.His eyes traveled to my lips and I looked at his.I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"There's your kiss"I smiled.He smiled back

"Whats going on here"Aiden said

"I was just thanking Clifford for the wonderful advice"

"on what"

"On mates."I gave him a sarcastic smile

"oh cool.Um hey Dylan is looking for you"Aiden stated

"Let him look"I said

"Your not going to let his go down easily"clifford said

"Nope not today"i smiled

"Aubrey come on"Clifford urged

"I know this sounds unlikely of me but give the jackass a chance"Aiden said

"You guys suck you know that"

"Yeah."they agreed.I walked into the library and sat down.


I probably sat there all day.looking around.It was completely and utterly empy in here.No one was here and I don't think anyone will be.The beeps rang and I got up and left school as fast as you can say

Poly Woly ractasaurus

I left school and ran to my mom's house.The 'Guests' we're their.I ran to my Mum and hugged her

"Mom i'm here to get my things"

"I assumed her I packed them."

"Thanks.I'm sorry I didn't bring Aiden um I don't think I have much time but why did you ask of him"

"It's a long story"

"Whats going on here"Dylans voice boomed

"I'm just getting my stuff"I snapped

"I have been looking for you all day and you've been here"he said

"No I just got here'I stated

"Why can't you listen to me"he asked with his fists clentched

"Because I don't want to.I want to stay here with my mom,she is my life and I can't just leave her.She's all I have.She will all I ever will have Dylan.You have to face the truth that I won't love you and it's not because of my mom it's because your a monster and she is all I have left"

"Not for long"he said.He ran towards her and it all went into slow motion.Nick looked calm as ever and so did peter.My moms face was surpirsed but not in fear like i was.

Dylans face was filled with rage and anger.He ran up to her and quickly twisting her neck,

killing her.

"Mom"I sobbed running to her side.I felt my world tumbling down before me.

'Mom please wake up'

"Mom don't leave me your all I have"

"Mom no no no no no please"I cried.I sobed into her chest crying.I looked up at Dylan.

"Get.Out"I said


"GET OUT"I shouted.he left by slamming the door.I held my moms face close to me.

"Aubrey I need you to move"

"No I can't Nick"I said

"It's fine everything's is going to be okay"

"No I need her"

"Then you need to move we are running out of time"he said.He pushing me aside.He placed his hands on my moms neck

"What are you doing"I shouted

"Shh"Peter said.Nick removed his hands from my Mum

"She is going to be fine"

"What did you do"

"He can bring people back from the dead 5 mintues after they have died"

"Really"I said

"It's more complicated then that but yes"he said.I hugged my Mum

"Your going to be okay mom.You are going to be just fine"I said to her

"Here let's put her on the couch"Nick suggested.

"I can do it"I said picking her up

"Woah you have gotten strong"Nick said

"I'm not strong.Not compared to my mom"I said laying her down on the couch.My face was filled her rage.

"What are you going to do"He asked

"I'm going to kill him"I said

"You can't kill him he is your mate"Nick said

"Then i'll reject him first"I said


"no Nick he is evil he killed my mom.He is ruthless and evil and selfish."i said wiping my tears."He has to die"

"You can't kill him"

"But I will."

"Aubrey you aren't thinking this through all your emotions are amplified right now every thing your saying is ten times more angry."

"Nick the nicest thing of me would to kill him quickly and without being rejected"i snapped

"Aubrey you need to go back to the pack house"Peter said


"Because he thinks your mom is dead and that's an advantage he can use to see you"he said

"Thank you"I said softly.I hugged Nick

"Thank you Nick"

"It's Uncle Nick"

"Uncle Nick"

"Uhh."I heard my Mum moan

"Mom"I screeched and ran toward her.

"Baby peters right you have to Hurry or he'll come back here and know i'm alive."She said

"I love you mom as i'm glad you didn't die"

"Well technically I did ,but it hasn't been my first time"

"How many times have you died"

"It's a long story for another time"She weakly chuckled looking at Nick.

"Bye mom"I said.I picked up the huge backpack and walked out.I began running in the forest and finally reached the pack house.I had to make them think my Mum was gone,but I didn't want to that's horrible thing the pretend and lie about,but I had to

.I walked in with my tears still fresh on my cheeks.I walked into the room Misty had prepared for me.I sat in the bed and looked at a boat painting which consitsted of monocramatic colors of the color Grey.I stayed like that for the longest of times thinking about my mom.

what happened

Who is she

'Aubrey I heard what happened are you okay'

'Aubrey please answer me'

'Aubrey we are worried about you.'

'Where are you' she asked again.I heard her footsteps near my door but I didn't get up.She came rushing towards me and hugged me.I didn't move I kept my normal position

"I am so sorry.Its all my fault.Do you want anything"

"Aubrey"I heard his voice boom throughout the house.He came up to the door.I ran up and closed the door to his face.

"Go"I said softly to Misty.She nodded.she walked out of the room.I could hear them talk

"why isn't she talking"

"You just killed her mom asshole what the fuck are you thinking.She was this close to actually acepting you and you go kill her mom.She just went to get her stuff.She was going to live with you.She was going to comprimse for you and you go and kill her mom."She said

"Is she okay"he asked

"You're such a Twat Dylan"she said before I heard her footsteps walk off.I stayed ther not moving a muslce.Dylan opened the door softly.

"I'm sorry Aubrey"he said softly.I continued to stare at the boar painting the stood before me.

"'I was mad"

"Aubrey will you look at me"he said getting in my face.

"I'm so sorry .I didn't mean to do what I did just please look at me once."He said.I didn''t say anything

"Do something say something"he siad gripping my shoulders. I looked at him ,and just when he began to smile I said

"I hate you Dylan Reed"

His face fell into pure and utter sadness.

"No you don't"

"Yes I do I don't want to see you I don't want to be with you and I definitely don't want to be mates with you"I said.

He got up and punched a hole in the wall,Then another

And another

And another

And another

And another

Before I knew it he punched right in the boat painting.He began destroying the room around me whilst i sat still.Misty came running up the stairs

"Dylan what the fuck"

"Don't use that language with me"he shouted

"Dylan just stop"she pleaded

"It's Alpha Dylan"he said softly

"My badness alpha Dylan"She replied

"Get out Misty"

"Your going to hurt her"

"It's none of your fucking business"He said

"Your my brother and she's my friend of course it's my business"

"Get the fuck out before I rip out your throat."

"Don't talk to her like that"Aiden said popping into the room.

"What are you going to do about it"

"Just stop Dylan or i'm going to kick your ass"Aiden threatened

"Of you so much as lay a finger on me or Aubrey I will kill you Aiden and that's a promise."

"No you won't"Misty objected

"Why are you defending him"He asked.She stayed quiet and looked at me.

"oh I get it now you like him"Dylan said.

"No what the hell I definitely do not like Aiden"

"Good because he's an arse"

"Look who is talking"Aiden mimbled

"Will both of you shut up"Dylan shouted.His fists clentched,not even bleeding or a shade of red.No signs of bruising or irritation."Will both of you leave"he. Added

"I'm not leaving"Misty said

"And neither am I"

"It isn't a request it's an order"He shouted.Misty stood back whilst Aiden stood his ground.

"Aiden don't"Misty said tugging on his long sleeve.

"Are we going through this again"

"Aiden let's go"Misty softly said. Aiden's eyes shifted from a solid black to his original golden brown colour. That's weird usually eyes turn yellow or purple but not black unless your an alpha.Then again I was from the corner of my eye so i could have easily been mistaken

"This isn't over Dylan"He said and slammed the door.I still sat there.Dylan ran out the door but not before slamming it.I waited a couple seconds for him to leave and finally breathed in and out.

'Aubrey are you okay answer me'Misty said

'I'm not okay Misty'

'I know I mean how are you holding up'

'I'm not'

'I'm coming up'

'Don't.Spend time with Aiden for me please I just want to be alone'

'Okay do you want me to tell Aiden'


'Okay'She ended the conversation.I ground the backpack off of me.I started rummaging through the bags to see what she had packed.There was casual clothes.Two dresses,but I couldn't find any Pajamas I came to the bottom of the bag and found my Pjs which were lingerie that I didn't buy.I slammed the clothes back into my bag and opened another pocket.My Mum had put a picture in there.It was me and here at the exiting sign

Leaving Shell Springs.

It was me and Mum hugging.I wanted to see her.She is my Mum and she almost died to day.I am very grateful of Nick and his powers,but that doesn't change it was my mate who killed her.I put the picture on my nightstand.I continued looking through the bag,it had toiletries and a brush.I opened the last zipper.


There were knifed and smoke gernades and a wooden box with a note.I picked up the note

Aubrey I have had this box for a whilst.It's a very speacial box,if you put any speacial herbs that weaken you or cause you pain in this box they won't be able to hurt you it's made out of the same material as the cabinets and the den.I'm giving you this for protection.Do not open this box for anything because an alpha will sense it immediately.I know you aren't finshed with your wolf training but as far as your human training you are as strong as you can be. Love Mom

I looked in the bag.Five knifes and three grenades.I didn't open the box but I going something.It looked like a lock

This is for your bag,this lock is very old and very durable the code 9653 I need you to burn theese notes when you have read them both.

I looked through the small compartment for a match or a lighter.Lucky I found one,I burned them and crumpled the ashes and flushed them the toilet.

Big Mistake I knew someone would hear that I went back to the bed and sat there.Dylan bursted in

"Why does it smell like a fire in here"

"I don't know"I said

"Whatever stay here."

''Where do expect me to go"I said

"Whatever i'm going out"

"Like I give a fuck"I mumbled.He closed the door.I looked out the window.

'Misty'I called


'I need to talk to you'


'What's wrong'she mind linked as she walked into my room

'This conversation has to be strictly mind link and you can't tell anyone'

'What's wrong'

'You can't tell anyone not even Aiden'

'What happened'

'My mom isn't gone'

'What is she a ghost'

'no she isn't dead'

'Wait what how?'

'My uncle can revive people 5 minutes afte they have died'

'So wait why are you acting like this'

'So he'll think she's gone'

'but he feels really bad about it'

"He should"I said

'mind link only'

'Yeah sorry.'

'Dylan feels really sorry'

'He killed his mates mom'

'It's not only because of that'

'Well you have said on multiple occasions that you will never love him and that you hate him.He is bound to have his feelings hurt'

'I don't care. At least not right now'

'How are you going to see her if you have to be here all the time'

'That doesn't mean she can come here or meet me at school'

'I"m glad your mom is okay' she said

'Me too'

'I don't think Dylan will be too happy when he finds out'

'Who cares I rejected him and he came back'

'You rejected him'

'Yeha that's why he killed her'

'Wait what did you say'

'some thing along the lines of " You have to face the truth that I won't love you and it's not because of my mom it's because your a monster and she is all I have left" '

'Then you didn't reject him'

'Yes I did'

'No to reject someone there is a phrase or a ritual that's done'

'Are you kidding me'

'No you have to say 'I Aubrey Adortha Parker ,Omega reject Alpha Dylan Reed as my mate and refuse the bond that the moon set us in' and then he accepts and you're done'

'That's really specific'

'Listen Aubrey I don't want you to reject my brother and I don't think it's best doing things in the state you are in right now'

'And what is that'

'Emotional.A lot of emotions are flooding through your body'

'When will it go away'

'When you reach the next stage'

'Which is'


'Thats not fair'

'I know that's why Dylan want to mate you so you won't reach that stage'

"What's wrong with that"


'As long as we don't talk about my mom were good'

"Well the female reaches the heat stage she is like super horny and it's kinda like the male all of the time but every shifter is drawn to her and since your an alpha mate the boys are going to go crazy"

"What about Dylan"

"He will be the same as always, but he will kill everyone and thing that's touches you"

"When does this happen"

"There is no clock or specific timing.It happens depending on your wolf.Then everyone can smell you"

"oh god that's embarrassing"

"Tell me about it."

"What do you mean"

"I went through the same thing"

"So wait you and Aiden haven't finished the mating process"

"No the steps can be jumbled Kiss Sex Bite Bite sex kiss Sex bite kiss it doesn't matter as long as all three are done it doesn't matter"

"So i guessing you have two left."

"Well your right"

"So what happened when you were on yours"

"Well me and Aiden hadn't done anything we didn't kiss or anything.But when the heat came around he was protective as shit-"

"When did shit get protective"

"Haha very funny."She said in monotone.

"Anyways he almost kissed someone else to get me jealous.!"

"What happened"

"To end the heat you need to activate one of the three mating processes"

"So you kissed him"

"Yeah and it went away"

"just like that"


"did Aiden kill anyone"

"No he isn't a killer"

"Is Dylan"

"He has killed people"She shyly said

"Like how many"

"This conversation is going south so let's change the topic"

"How many"

"I don't know if he would be cool with me telling you"

'He's close I can feel him'she sent a Mindlink

"It's fine"I said aloud

'Tell me in Mindlink'


"Aubrey"I heard is voice open the door.I couldn't look at him the same.He's a killer.


"Just get it over with already"


"Rejecting me"he said.He wanted me to reject him

"I'm not going to"

"why not"

"Don't question"I said not making any facial expression.

"Then what are you doing"

"Making a deal.I won't reject you I will give you one last chance if and only if you let me see my mom."I said.He looked guilty ad sorry

"Aubrey she's gone"

"Answer the question"I said

"Fine yes I agree"He huffed.He looked sad and like he had created a crazy person

"She's alive"I said

"Aubrey you have had a long day"he said sincerly,He thought i was crazy

"Dylan she is alive "

"What the hell is that suppose to mean"

"You didn't kill her."

"I'm confused"

"My mom died but she came back to life"

"Does she have a power"

"Powers only belong to purebloods not omegas"

"Yes she does."

"What is it"

"Its not the reason she came back"

"Then how?"

"Nick one of the rouges you let go did he has a power."

"How does your family line have powers"

"Because I come from a line of Alphas"

"So were going to have a purebloods kid"

"No i'm a pure blood"I said.His face looked shocked and so did Misty's.Aiden cake running in like he had heard the conversation

"Wait did I just hear what I think I heard"Aiden said.Dylan took a step toward me

"You're a pureblood"

"Yes but I think Aiden already knew that"I said,Considering that he knew my last name

"No I didn't "

"You called my family the grey's"

"Sorry I didn't mean that I just had that family on my mid and it kinda slipped out"

"Wait you didn't mean to call us the greys"

"No of course not if I did that that would mean..."he trailed off.Mistys jaw dropped.I guess her sent her the thought.

"That's my last name Aiden"I said

"your last name is Parker"Aiden said shocked his hands began shaking

"No it's grey"I confirmed

"The Greys"Dylan said looking at me worried

"Shit Dylan you just killed Gracie Grey"Misty hissed

"Shit"He gasped

"What's wrong"

"Umm Your mom Gracie grey is one of the first female alphas to surpass her older sibling"Misty Explained

"Huh"I said

"She has a pure alpha gene running through her veins"Dylan said


"She is literally the Perfect Alpha Female"Misty said

"So your telling me my mom is the Perfect Alpha female"

"I'm afraid so"Misty said

"Then how come no one reconized her"

"Well everyone knows what she looks like.Brown hair and Brown eyes not Blond hair and Blue eyes"

"oh"I said.That explains her hair and eye issue.

"I can't believe your mom is Gravie fucking Grey "Misty said.She leaned back on the wall.Dylan looked in the air.

"Misty you smell different"Dylan noticed

"I got a new bodywash"she said shlyly

"You smell like a dude"He said crossibg his arms.

"I know its men bodywash i didn't notice at first but yeah.It smells good though"

"To me its very.... Displeasing"

"I think you smell nice"I said to her

'What happened last night'i asked.

I din't know d anyone knew but I need to work in my foreshadowing um to clear a part of a chapter.


He wasn't fully himself he wa s drunk he didn't know what he was saying but Gloria on the other hand was not as drunk and her words had some truth to them.

Vote and all the jazz.

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