"Can you just give me some space"I said.Suddenly there were five unknown wolves surrounding me.
"So who is this lovely creature"One of the guys said.
"She was with Dylan"
"A mate perhaps"
"No Dylan hasn't found his mate but she has"
"How do you know"
"She's on Heat"he said
What no I'm not
'Yes we are'my wolf said
'Out of all time I had to be on heat now'
"What are we going to do with her"
"I dunno she is very beautiful"He said walking closer to me.
"She is maybe we can take her with us"he said
"She would be a good pet"He said.My heart started beating faster.They were going to rape me.I took a deep breath
"I'd prefer I stay here"
"Are you even happy here"He asked
"Yes"I lied
"Come with us."He said
"I'm good"I said
"We are trying to be nice.But we can just take you"he said.Those words reminded me of Dylan's.Where is that asshole anyways.
"I'm trying to be nice and let you down easily but I can be a both about it too."I said
"Feisty I like it"He said.I slapped him in the face and he slapped me back
"Listen here Pack whore you treat me with some respect."he said holding me up against the tree.he put his hand on my neck.He looked at me lustfully.He inched closer to me
"Dylan"I shouted as he came.The rest of the rouges ran off except the one on me.I curled up my fist and punched him.He seemed slightly effected by it but it stalled him before Dylan could rip him off of me.The guy went tumbling down.Dylan looked like he was about to kill him.
"Dylan what are you doing."
"Giving this bastard what he deserves"he said.
"Your going to kill him?"I gasped
"Yeah he steals my mate this is what he deserves"
"Don't do this Dylan"I said going in front of him.
"He needs to die he'll just come back"
"No he won't"I said
"How do you know that"he said.I went up to the guy and yanked on his collar.
"You will never come back here"
"I'll never come back here"
"You don't remember my face or what you did"
"Or what I did"the guy repeated.I tossed him back onto the ground.
"What did he do"Dylan asked
"Nothing can we just go"
"What did he do to you"He said clentching his fists
"What did you do to her"He shouted at the rouge.He went to go kill him
"Dylan stop"
"If you laid one finger on my mate I swear to god I will not stop till I have your head"

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...