Listen to Kill of the night by Gin Wigmore for the first section if the chapter.
Chapter 22:Breathe
Aubrey Grey
"Dylan stop"I said.He scooted closer to me.He rested both of his knees on the opposite sides of my thighs.
"Hey I have even waiting to see this for too long."He said.He lifted the piece of fabric.While straddling me.His eyes darkened.My heart was beating so fast.He is going to give me a heart attack.He smiled
"God your beautiful"he said.He advance toward my stomach
"Dylan wait are you.."I was city off by Dylan's kisses on my stomach.I was silenced by a gasp.I felt his smile on my stomach
"Hush"he said trailing his kisses upwards.With every time he kissed me I was overwhelmed with excitement and pleasure.I moved my hands in attempt to stop
"Don't move"He said looking up at me.He put his hands on mine and held them over my head.He got so close to my lips.My wolf craved to join our lips together.I pushed my head up to kiss him.He put his finger on my mouth
"Tsk tsk tsk tsk not yet"He sang.Oh my goodness.I couldn't hide the worry on my face,but I couldn't stop the smile from slipping out.His finger trailed back downward to my stomach.He wrote over the words over giving me chills.I but my lip to prevent a moan of pleasure escaping my lips.I looked down as he nears toward my stomacHe again
Is he going to.....
My body tensed and my fists clentched above me as he skated his tongue over the letters.The moan that I have been holding in escaped and Dylan growled.As his body slid down my legs I felt a uncomfortable bulged.
"Dylan"I panted
His eyes snapped up and he began unbuckling my jeans.
Wait how did I get into jeans
He slid them off my legs while keeping eye contact with me.I looked away feeling embarrassed.He crawled up my body so fast until he was facing directly in front of me.
"Look right here"He said pointing to his eyes with his two fingers.I quickly grabbed his face and pressed it into mine.Melding our lips togetherI rolled on top of him.
'Dam that hurt'
I was now straddling him.A smile slipped on his face.I know knew why he licked me.I looked bak down at my marking and it was healed.
I guess I should do the same.
'Do it'my wolf howled
I leaned down to his perfectly sculptured abdomen so warm and mine.I kissed it again and again.Gosh I could finally touch his abs
Go Aubs
I felt him tighten and tense and I knew I had him.I licked my name on chest chest.
"Shit Aubrey"he groaned.I felt empowered that I could make him feel this way.This gorgeous man wants me and I want him.I unbuckled his jeans.He pushed himself up so I could pull them down.I smiled at him.He grabbed my hips and spun me again making him on top.
"Stop think about how hot I am and do want you want to"he said smiling.I felt his 'friend' riding on my thigh.
Oh my
"Then go ahead"I said.He leaned down kissing downward and downward and
"Where's my little nephew Oh shit"I heard an Irish coated voice and a small shriek
"Fuck"Dylan said. rolling over making me land on top of him on the floor.
"I'll be outside"I heard her voice.When the door closed.Dylan held me by the hips positioning me up.I covered my face in embarrassment
"Oh my god"I cried.
"Well"I repeated
"Is that your Aunt"I asked slapping his arms
"Yes"he said.
"And she just saw."I brushed my hair back but it still fell forward.He twisted some of the ends of my hair.
"It's not a big deal"
"I wanted to make a good first impression"
"When have you ever made a good first impression"
"Oh my goodness this is horrible."
"Not all horrible."He said gripping my hips tighter.I pushed his chest back with my one hand and bent my arms nearing towards him
"Put on some pants"I said I popped up and searched for my jeans.
"Where did you throw my jeans?"
"At the end of the bed"he pouted.I looked under the bed and grabbed my jeans.When I looked at Dylan he was dressed
How do men do that
"Let me help"He said.He kneeled down as I sat at the end of the bed.He scrunched up the jeans and slid each leg in.He grabbed my hips and stood me up.
"I can stand up"
"Yeah I know"he smiled.He pulled the jeans up.He looked at me and smiled and walked to get my shirt.He motioned for me to put my arms up.I did as he said.He slid my white V neck over my head.
I never thought putting on clothes could be so sexual.
He walked over and slid on his shirt.
I went to try to zip up my jeans"Dylan"I said.He looked at me I looked down at my jeans with a mischievous smile.He walked toward me and grabbed my jeans pulling them close to him.He zipped my jeans up very slowly and buttoned them.
"Thank you"I smiled.His eyes darkened.I walked toward the door.
"How do I look?"
"Dylan really is my hair okay"
"Yes."he smiled.I opened the door and peaked around the corner.It was a woman with A mixed of red ad brown hair colour with inch wide curls falling down.When she faced me she was beautiful.
"Oh come here you"She said.She had a thick Irish accent,more dominant than Dylan.
"Aunt Meghan let her breath will you"
"Don't be such an eejit she's a dote"
"She's more than and she needs to breath too"
"Sorry"she said finally letting me go
"Aubrey this is my aunt Meghan."
"Aunt meg this is my mate,Aubrey"
"Woah it's a pleasure meeting you sweetie.Your just so so adorbable.Now wonder you two seem to me smitten"
"Aunt Meg"Dylan warned.
"What it's true.I just hope Dylan is treating you right."
"Yes He is Ma'am"
"God no sweetie don't call me that just yet. Call me Meghan"she said.I nodded
"Meghan"I nodded.She smiled.
"It's a pleasure to meet you"I said
"She has a cute accent too"She smiled.She pinched my cheeks
"Auntie can you not"
"Pshh I see you once a year and now that you've got a mate I expect monthly visits."
"I'll hold to it"I whispered to her
"Yep I like you already."
"Would you like to accompany Dylan I to a dinner party"I asked
"Of course."she smiled.She went to her bag.
"What dinner party"
"Get your pack to set one up.Its your aunt for pete's sale and I want to have a nice evening,for once"
"They are already on it"He smiled.He held me hips.
"So are we going to do this"She smiled coming back.I nodded.We walked back into the Room.
"Okay so guys didn't have sex"
"What it's true there is no 'aroma' here"
My blood boiled and Sunk from my face.
"Hey you get your paws off her.I can't do it if you have her bound by the hip"
"Yes Auntie"he said.I smiled at her powerful reign over him.I mean look at her.Making the biggest and baddest Alpha in the country shiver in his boots and blush like a middle schooler.She was my hero
"sit down here sweetie."She smiled.I sat down
"So tell me how you two met?"
"I was asking her"She said.He put his hands in his pocket and she gave me a joking wink.
"Uh I was out with Misty in the woods and she just keeps telling me to run and when I asked why.She said that her idiot brother was following us.I laughed of course.I never met Dylan before that I was new to the town,Everyone said that he was a ......"I trailed off looking at him.His eyes was filled with mischief
"Glundie"i said.His jaw clentched.
"Then what happened"She smiled interested.
"Let's save that for dinner"I smiled.
"You must be one helluvah chase for thi one huh"
"Yeah I guess"I smiled.
"Okay to extract this certain herb It going to stink quite a bit"she said.
"Be honest on a scale from 1- 10"
"11"She said.Dylan stepped forward.
"I their anyway to reduce the pain"
"No it's been in her system for about a week.It would have been less painful if I came sooner but someone didn't ring me till yesterday"she said.
"It's okay."I said.
"It's not really physically painful.its more mentally"
"What"Dylan said
"This very important Dylan so shush."
"It's going to kinda leave a scar"
"What kind of scar?"
"Nightmares.Not every night just some."she said.
"What?"Dylan said.
"Okay"I said
"Okay"she said.Then she started laughing.
"What's so funny"
"I was joking with you"She giggled.I began laughing of course.
"Your face you priceless."Se laughed at Dylan.He crossed his arms.
"Ready"She said opening a rusty container of water.
"Wait so no nightmares"
"No it will hurt though"
"Okay"I nodded.She waved her hand over the water and it followed her rising in the air
"I thought you are a healer"
"I am,See my ability to bend water allows me to heal anything but I grew up in an herb shop so I learned about healing.So when I mixed the two"she smiled holding herbs in one hand and water in the other.she threw the water on the herbs and mixing them into one.
"Tada"she said.She held the water near my shoulder.
"Ready"she said.She looked at Dylan
"Go on sit with her"she nodded.He walked next me and led my hand
"Squeeze as hard as you can"
"Okay"She said motioning the water through me.I clenched my eyes in pain but when I opened them it was over.
"Did that hurt?"She said shocked
"A little not as much as I was expecting."
"God damn."she gasped.
"What did you mess up"
"No i have never ''messed up' in my 30 years of healing.She just doesn't feel all the pain."
"That one helluvah Luna you got there.Hunnerd Percent she is."
"Come here."Dylan said.He pulled my shirt down to look at my shoulder.
"Gone, it looks healed.How do you feel?"He asked.I lifted my arm and wiggled it.
"Tired,But my arm it's fine"I smiled.
"Good"She smiled.She began packing up her things
"Now what time does this dinner party start."
"6:30"I smiled.I stood up and Dylan smiled
"Great.See you at 6:30."
"Where are you going"
"I'm going to get a dress"She smiled
Shit I needed dress
She walked out
"I think Misty has some"
"Do you see how shirt a Misty is and then me."
"We will find something"
"Well since you are all better"He said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I can hit you if I need to."I smiled.His hands slid down
"Get your hands off my ass."
"No."He smiled.He pushed me up against him.He grabbed my thighs wrapping them around
"What time is it"
"5:30"I said unravelling my thighs and jumping off
"I have to get home.Wait where are we"
"Where is everyone"
"They were getting on my nerves"
"Did you kill someone"
"No I just ordered them to stay out of this room"
"You Tyrant"I giggled.
"You bet your bottom dollar"he said holding my hips
"No no no.I have to make sure everything is in check"I said.
"Let's go"
"So which one"
"This one doesn't fit and this on is too short"
"What am I going to do?"I panicked.Misty stopped me and grabbed my shoulders
"I think I know something"
"Are you sure"
"Positive it's perfect.Its not faded and it's looks amazing on you.Aunt Meghan will love it"
"Do I look ridiculous"
"Far from it"she said.
"Let me double check for any problems"she said looking around
"So have you talked to Aiden?"She asked.
"No"I said
"Why not"
"Because he hates me"
"Why do you say that."
"If we are twins that means my parents gave him up to raise me.He went around bouncing in foster homes and now he is here with an abusive father when he could have been raised by my mom."
"Okay you look good."
"No makeup"She smiled.
"Uhh of course I have to wear makeup"
"Aubrey your pretty"
"Misty this is a big event.How many people are coming"
"Woah"I gasped
"Makeup"I said running to the bathroom.I did a simple wing and nude lips.Misty put on a nice nude shimmer on my lids.
"Tada.I tried my best"she said.I looked in the mirror.Oh my goodness,
"Okay here wear this"She said.
"Where did you get that"
"It was your moms she told me to give it to you."
"Oh my god"
"This was my grandmother's necklace"
"Did you ever meet her"
"No my mom really loves this necklace."
"You me to put it on"
"Yeah hold up"I said.I heard a knock on the door.
"Mis-Aiden?"I said looking at Aiden.
"Hey Sis"He waved.I opened my mouth to say something but he just hugged me.
"You look amazing"he said.
"Thank you"
"Aiden wow you look hot"Misty gasped.He was wearing a tux and looked very handsome
"And so do you"He said advancing toward her.
"I forgot my heels crap."he handed him the necklace and ran to the bathroom
"Is this yours"
"Let me put it on"He said.
"Now wonder Gracie liked me"He said
"What were thinking"
"I thought she was hitting on me."
A broke out into laughs
"Cocky huh"
"No It was weird."He chuckled.The clasped them together
"Thank you"I smiled
"Go get em"He said.Misty came out of the bathroom all ready.I stepped out if the door crossing my fingers

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...