"Wake up You lazy bum"My Mum nudged me and I flopped over to one side.This bed had succeeded in swallowing me whole.
"Five more minutes"I groaned. This bed was so soft and I just wanted to live in here forever.I hoped that she'd just leave me sleep,but no.I had to be bothered from a comforting sleep...to do what you may ask?
"You said that Twenty minutes ago now get up .You are going to be late for your first day"I felt her foot kick my mattress rattling waves over my subconscious.Every time she spoke I was further from my dreams.
I dreamt of ocean blue skys,I dreamt of something I wasn't sure.Something I had yet to feel.
"Meh"I groaned
"Come on you can wear your new clothes"She said pushing me trying to persuade me that good clothes was a reliable reason to go to school.Ohh Mom.When will you ever learn.
"That's not the point"I said leaning forward.If I were to to to school it was to wear my clothes,becase let's be honest.I was very happy with my new wardrobe,almost prideful,and I wanted to wear every article I had received.
"Yeah hey.You can tell people on Friday"She smiled looking at my desk.She fuddled with all the baubles laying on my desk.I was confident when I thought that she was regarding to the fact we were huge wolves,thats right.People assumed we were humans,so I doubt we could have a problem,I've played a human all my life already,since I can't shift.
"Why is that?"I asked,finally admitting defeat and leaning up from the bed
"Because the Alphas are coming back to town and then we can let them know what's up"She said.
"Okay "I agreed.I was nervous.I had never had an alpha before.I wasn't well acquainted with the customs.
"Yeah but you have to be careful around them"
"Yes mom I know?"I said.I looked at her,she looks soft and fragile,she is wearing my Pjs and purple slippers.
"Did you find anything out about the alphas"I asked finally peeling back to blankets
"Well one is named Dylan and the others is Christian."
There was something that changed in her voice when she had said that,longing like she had missed something.Maybe she was in a pack,and she was going back to the way things had once been for her.Its true when I say my Mom and I are close,but every time she begins to talk about her younger years,she flinches,she looked nervous.I understand that part of her life was rough so I try to be okay with not knowing every detail.
"Dylan's beta is Clifford"She said.I thought about Clifford for a moment,soft straight copper hair hair,blue eyes,pale.I smiled.Clifford played the part of someone who had it together,but there were holes in his sparking eyes and gaps in this teeth,this is an analogy of course,or a symbolism,either or I can never tell the difference
"I think you like him"She said.I walked over to my bags of clothes that I haven't packed yet.I still wanted to cry.Everytine I looked at my mother,I felt grateful,and not just for all these items,just for her.She has always been there,they say you get to choose your family,well I don't need to choose because Id always want her.
"Dylan I don't even know him?"I said
"No I mean Clifford"
"Mom we just met I don't even think he thinks we're friends.Plus he is all into finding his mate"
"How do you know what that is"
"I told you I figure things out"I said.so didn't lie but I didn't tell the truth.

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...