"What's going on"I gasped springing up.I felt Dylan's presence around me and I felt his arms on my shoulder.
"She's up"he shouted.He grabbed my face and looked me in the eyes
"Well what's wrong"Nick asked as he walked into the room.
"She may have a slight concussion but that'll heal in a matter fminutes"he said.
How does he know that?
"Why is the blo-"
"You wouldn't stop bleeding after I bit you"
"We stitched you up"Dylan said.I looked at Aiden
"In glad your okay Kiddo"he said.He ruffled my hair slightly.
"She's not okay just yet"Nick said.Was I going to die
"what do you mean?"Aiden said putting the cup down
"If her mark hasn't healed who is to say that her concussion won't"He said.I have to be really careful with my head and not fall asleep .Aiden took a sip of his cup of unknown liquid then looked at his cup then to me
"You're right we have to keep her awake"Aiden said he poured an ice cold glass cup if water on me
"Aiden w-what the hell"I shouted
"You need to stay awake"he cavalierly shrugged
"So you pour ice cold water on me"I gasped.He nodded and went to get up Dylan held me down
"Just breathe with me right now."he said.Why was Dylan like this he usual isn't this
"Look around you"Aiden said.I looked around the walls hole after after hole.I rolled my head to Dylan.
"Can you blame me?"He sheepishly smiled
"I'm counting on it"I said pushing him back.He sprung back fast which shocked me
"Okay you two go-wait where is misty"Dylan questioned.
"Misty"Aiden shouted.He looked back at us
"Way to go get her"I chuckled
"Go"Nick said
"Okay Fine"he pouted.He began walking toward the door but once he reached for the knob the door flew right open knocking him in the head
"Is she okay"Misty said.She looked at me And jumped my way
"Aubs"She said hugging me.
"Where is Aiden?"she asked
"In the corner"Dylan chuckled
"Why what did he do"
"More like what did you do"Aiden groaned.Misty turned around then sighed in realisation
"Come on Aiden let's go"She said holding out her hand.He got up without her help
"thanks "I said
"No biggie"Aiden said
"Not to you Dylan"I said
"Why thank him"Nick asked
"He is pretty important.Come on Misty let's leave the two."
"Come on Nick"Misty said
"Don't get to rowdy we all can heart you"
"Nick!"I gasped
"I meant fighting.Teenagers These days thinking everything is about sex.When will you ever learn"he smiled.My cheeks want red.I slowly cocked my head to the side to see if Dylan was looking at me.
"Ahh"I said surprised.His eyes were black again.I flipped over the bed and bumped my head
"Crap"I cursed.Dylan rushed to my side with his original eyes color
"Are you okay"He asked
"Yeah"I said holding my head.He began ruffling around my hair.I felt something in my stomach it's wasn't hunger though
"Stop"I shook my head.He held my shoulders
"Stop shaking your scaring me"he said
"Why is the big bad wolf scared of shaking"I said shaking my body in queue
"No you have a concussion and I don't want you to have a seizure too"
"How sweet"
"So that means..."
"Nothing at all"
"Did you miss me"He asked.
"Did you miss me while you were asleep"he clarified
The boys ego was big
"Dylan it felt like a blink of an eye"
"Shut up"
"So are you.."
"Am I what?"I said lifting one eyebrow
"Giving this a..."
"Chance?"I finished.He looked at me
"I'm not letting you reject me."He said scoffing closer to me.The rug was soft actually I could- wait what did he say
"I'm not letting you mark me"I said
"So where are we"He said
"a standstill"
"And where does that stand still lie"he asked scooting closer to me.
"Right here"I said putting my hand on his chest pushing him back.
"It can't be all under your rules"he complained
"Suck it up"
"How about if we stand still right"he said coming closer to me again.
There it was that feeling.My mom always told me about it and I have never felt like it till now.It's an instinct when somethig is about to happen you feel it in your stomach something bursts and you mind implodes.Its the constant feeling of being under threat,I have never felt this feeling before.Did my wolf mistake this feeling for lust,
'Just once for me'she whined
"Are you going to bite me"I asked Raising my eyebrow in suspicion.He casually rolled his eyes and smiled
"Only if you ask"
"Then no"I said
"Tease"he whined.
"Don't be so sour.We are on a carpet and you want to kiss me how bad can that get"
"We can only go up"
"Started fro-"
"Don't you dare"he said making our lips meet.My head was pushed back into the side of the bed board and made a thump.
"Are you okay"he asked
"Fine" said.I hoped this feeling would go away but it didn't and that was scaring me.
"Where's Misty I asked"
"Don't worry about her she has Aids"he said.I pushed him back
"What!"I shouted
"Misty has Aiden"
"His name should not be shortened like that"I said
"Like I said Misty has Aiden and I get you"he said kissing my neck
"Whoa no buster something isn't right"
"Buster?"he questioned
"I'm serious Dylan something isn't right"I said.He flopped onto the floor.He shook his hair and put his palms facing towards the floor
"Umm"I said getting up.This was awkward. It something still wasn't right.
"This is because of you"he smiled
"Don't say things like that it's uncomfortable"I said backing up
"Talk about a stand still"
"Stop"I said covering my eyes.
"It's pretty nice huh"he smiled
"Dylan"I gasped keeping my eyes covered.I slide the covers off the bed and onto him.The blankets covered his face he lifted his head up resting his palms in the rug.
"Still Standing."he said looking down
"I think if I never found you, you would be a rapist"
"If I never found you this wouldn't be here either"he said gesturing
"You pedophile"I spat
"Why do you say Pedophile weird"
"Why do you ,Mister accents"
"mister Accents?"
"The nicknames you give me"
"Are fantastic"I said
"That's what i'm naming this bad boy Mr.Fantastic if you know what I mean."
"You are so disgusting."I scoffed
"Screw you"
"Okay come one"
"I'm out"
"Then come in"he said.I ran out the door.
Christians's POV (Aubrey's Father)
"he is your son"she said again.Her words echoed through my mind a millions time.
"Don't mess with me"I said she stood up
"I wouldn't lie to you like that."
"So the kids my son."I said holding my head hoping it would prevent the dizziness
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you"she apologized.I put my hand up refraining her from speaking.
"Where is he?"He asked
"Prove it to yourself.Find him he is your son,"
"are you sure?"
"he looks just like you what are you talking about and he has my powers."She said.I have a son
"I have a son."I said she held my hands
"I'm sorry"
"are we going to tell them."
"I don't know"
"We should and why didn't you tell me."
"well I knew I was going to have twins do I decided to raise the boy do he would become a strong Alpha but when I gave birth their was a mix up."
"A mix up"
"Yeah you remember."
"The attack"
"Yes.I only wanted you to know about Aiden and that was it but Aubrey and Aiden got mixed up,when the attack happened Nick mixed them up and."
Nick was the reason of this
"Nick"his name surreptitiously slipped out of my mouth
"Christian he was weak,he has just healed Four people.Four Christian and he could have easily made a mistake."
"But I wouldn't take back raising Aubrey for the world."She added
"I need to see him now"I said
"Christian he can't know no yet"
"Why not"
"I can feel it Christian if Auden and Aubrey find out now things will change and things will be out of order"
"How do you know that?"I asked.
"Have you seen him"
"What?."she said
"Seen who"
"You know exactly who Grey?"I said clentching my fists.
"hey umm you need to have a that talk wit- oh sorry forgot Chris was here."Nick said walking in
"Don't call me that"I snapped.
"He doesn't know"Grey stated
"He was the one that did it"
"Wait who?"He asked
"He doesn't know it's Aiden or that it was a mix up"
"What's Aiden"He asked
"Not now"she said
"Grey don't keep things from me"
"I have to if these secrets come out all at once.Things won't be safe don't you understand its the snowball effect.And I don't care how many oracles you sum up because their is no changing it from there"
"Then why are you telling me"I asked.She looked at me and walked towards me
"It was time"I said.
"Listen you two.Aubrey is awake and with Dylan and if you want grand kids don't do a thing otherwise"
"Aubrey isn't easily persuaded by Dylan"Grey said.She looked back at me.I had a son Aiden was his name.All these years I thought I had a son and when I saw Aubrey I assumed it was a mistake and My son was a daughter.
I had no problem with it but I only felt sorry because I would have to give my alpha title to my daughter and she would be burdened with the hardships of an alpha.The thought of my daughter alone with her mate with no guardian in the house angered me
"Let's go"I said grabbing grey's hand
"Christian you can't say anything to them"
"Let's go"I said more sternly this time tugging her hand to the car
"How far with a car"I asked Grey.she was speechless
"30 -60"Nick explained
"10"he answered I guess he knew my question
"Thank you Nick"
"Grey"I said.She didn't answer I prefer. Her anger than her silence but right now wan't the time to be distracted by such things
"Shift"I commanded.I shifted and she stood still.
"get on my back"I said
"I got this hold up"Nick said.He picked her up and placed her on my back
"Grey hold tight"I felt her hands grip in my skin and fur and I took it as a yes and began running.
Aiden's POV
"Aiden your so stupid"
"we'll you have a stupid mate then"
"Yes I do"
"Ow does it feel to have a stupid mate.Empowering,demeaning"
"Just Perfect."
"We'll then i'm glad you feel that w-"
"Just shut up and kiss me"
"See your contridicting with yourself because you specifacally told me to not and I quote 'Never kiss me in attempt to shut me up' unquote"I smiled.She grabbed the front of my collar
"What's going on here"I heard Mrs.Grey.Misty pulled back so fast,I saw Alpha Christian and he had confusion and acceptance in his eyes
"Nothing"I answered.Christian seemed to be glued on me.I shifted around to see if he was still looking at me and not Misty.I scooted to the left then the right.His eyes when I did.I swayed back and forth
"Aiden what the hell are you doing" Misty asked
"I w-Nothing"
"Where is Aubrey"Christian asked
"Nice way to make up your father hood"I mumbled.He looked at me
"What did you say"
"You shouldn't talk to me like that"he said
"Not too be rude but you are not my alpha"
"Li-"His raged was cut short by Mrs.Grey
"Stop are you okay"she asked me.He strangely nodded.
"Let's go get Aubrey"
"Be careful what you might see"I warned.Christian lightly smirked.and Gracie walked up
Gracie woah why did I speak so formal of her well think.It weirded me it and I shivered.
Christian's POV
"Be careful what you might see."The little kid said.That phrase reminded me too much of myself growing up.He was my son but he shouldn't be speaking to me like that.I wanted to keep a straight face but I couldn't he reminded too much of myself and It felt good.He was my son,He is going to be Alpha but he doesn't even know it he can't know
We approached the door
"Okay fine sit in my lap we'll talk about the first thing that pops up"I heard Dylan's voice.Don't get me wrong Dylan and I were friends and thats my daughter in there I let out a low growl.Grey held me back
"Wait"she whispered.We heard murmurs and muttered then Aubrey emerged
"What are to- Mom"she cried hugging her.She looked at me I have a a light salute on the side of my head.I have been in these uprising secrets with Grey for a long time and I knew had to deal them
I wish I didn't but I did
"Whats going in in there"Grey asked
"Umm I suggest you don't"she said.Her eyes relaxed then popped
"No not like that umm god this is so awkward"she said.I opened the door without a second thought.Dylan hopped off the bed and covered himself with the blanket
"H-Hey Christian."He said.Why was he acting weird
Did he just rob my daughter of-
"Before you start thinking things it's not like that."Aubrey said
"So you guys haven't mated"
"Yes Captain"Dylan said.Aubrey throw the nearest object toward him.It was a snow globe luckily he caught it
"That's very rude Aubrey especially in front of your parents"he smiled.She gave him a 'What the hell did you just say' glare.I would know Grey had given me the looks since the day we met and I had no intentions on losing that
"Why are you under the covers ."Grey asked.Dylan shyly smile
Dylan shy?
"Umm i'm cold"He said
"Oh really"Aubrey said spinning her heels toward him then he gave her the same look he had given him before a surreptitious smile grew on her face.
"Do you have pants on?"I asked he nodded
"Then what's the problem"Grey asked
"Umm i'm really tired"he said
Oh shit
I reconized that look that fear and that moment.No wonder he didn't stand or anything.I couldn't pinion the deep chuckle that grew within me
"Come on Grey let's go"
"Why do you call her that"
"That's was my nickname"
"Still is"I said seriously.I bender my finger toward Aubrey motioning her to follow me
"Take my Mother-In-Law and Mate what kind if friend are you Christian"Dylan said
"Deal with your problems"I said raising my eyebrows he had a serious face then began laughing.We knew each other that long.The thought of my friend being with my daughter wasn't a pleasing sight but I guess I know what Grey's dad felt like when he felt out.I had gone through the five stages of denial
And finally Acceptance
I walked out the room leaving Dtlan to tend to his 'Problems' my spine shivered of that my daughter wa the reason. UGHHH
"So Grey you can have this talk with her"I said patting Aubrey's back
"What talk"
"Just come with me"She said
"I know about sex"she sighed.
"No the other talk"
"She isn't ready"She whispered
"I don't care.Do you think we were ready Grey"he said
"do you remember what I told you"she said
"Yes but they need to be ready you said it yourself something is happening"
"Did you guys get that feeling too"Aubrey said.Grey's eyes snapped to her.
"What feeling"
"The feeling that something bad is going to happen its in the pit of your stomach.It doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel good and you know things."
"You had that feeling"
"Yes"Aubrey said looking at me with anger in her eyes
I give her a week tops to forgive me.I can tell if she's anything like her mother
Maybe a month
"When did you get this feeling"
"About ten fifteen minutes ago"she explained
"What were you doing"
"I was holding my head I
I hit it on the floor"she shyly said palling with her nails
"It's fine"she added before I questioned
"That's it"Grey asked
"What happened exactly"
"What do you mean"
"I mean why we're you hurt"
"Um I have a slight concussion."
"I fainted"she said
"Please don't waste time on being specific"I said.Grey slapped my stomach
"Shut up Christian"she said
"Why do you always hit me there"
"It's been a while Christain and you are still like this"she said facing toward me with a smile hiding behind her lips.I was going to say something but it would be really wrong for Aubrey to see that.
"As you were saying"I said facing Aubrey
"Uhh yeah"she said looking down.I looked at Grey.She was doing the same thing unintentionally.She pushed some hair behind her ear and kes than a second later so did Aubrey.Grey looked beautiful I mean I never knew I could like blondes but she did it well.She looked up from the side toward me.Once Grey saw me staring at her.
'How do you make me blush after all these years'she said.
Did she realise the bond was now in affect since we have been together for 24 hours
'I don't know it can be charming good looks and the constant picture of me n-'
"Dylan kinda bit me"She said ruffling her hair.Grey's jaw dropped and I think mine did too
"Is it that bad"
"Where is the mark?"Grey asked looking at her neck
"Umm I don't know it's not healing though"she sai pointing to the bandage on her neck
"Dylan!"I shouted running into the room.
"What"he said
"Did you mark my daughter?"
Aubrey's POV
"Did you mark my daughter?"Christian screamed.Dylan slightly nodded
"Dylan's in trouble"I sang.Dylan looked at me with a not-now look then sheepishly smile toward Christian
"Well speak up Dylan"He said
"Yes I did"
"Thank god"he sighed.Did Christian,my father just sigh in relief that Dylan marked me
"What?!"I said
"I'm glad he did it now then later"
"Well then"I said turning around
"I'm not finshed with you young lady"Christian said.My mom chuckled
"Young Lady what am I your...."I cut off my own words
"Beta"I finished
Beta?"Christian said
"Beta?"Dylan said
"Beta"my Mum giggled
"Yes Beta."i confirmed.Dylan laughed against the wall and then I felt his arm brush against mine and once he took it into account he stopped to and stood beside me
"Anyways why isn't your mark healing"
"Pureblood"I said pointing to myself
"Pureblood"I said pointing to Dylan.His hand snaked around my waist and I could barely comprehend what was going on
"Wait your both purebloods?" Christian said
"Yeah"I nodded like my neck was composed of springs and took a loud gulp and Dylan's hand tightened
"Well shit"Christain huffed
"Tell me about it"Dylan said placinging his head on my shoulders.I tried to act natural
Notice how I said
Short I know no revelations now but stay tuned for my next chapter.Go check out my other story
falling into the future
It's about an uprising actress's that accidentally is sent into the future with no way back and no idea of how she got there.UPDATES Will Be LONGER I GOT my phone stolen
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Your Fellow Wattpadian, Erin

The Big Bad Alpha
Hombres LoboAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...