© 2014 MellowDramatic All Rights Reserved No part of this story can be reproduced, duplicated or copied in any way.This storyline,the credit, the plot, and every word belongs to the author, please respect that and enjoy
Chapter 28: Departure
The three voices chorused and I felt my heart crumble.My heart began beating out of my chest.Dylan's hand was tightly wrapped around mine.
"Come on"I said.The words incoherently fell from my mouth.I pulled Dylan's hand.He had his eyes still on his mother.He looked broken.I never thought today of all days,Dylan and Aiden's mom would return.I placed my hand over his and I saw the despondency in his eyes
'Is that her'Misty thought.I looked at Misty and Her and Aiden's hands were tightly clasped.Aiden had tears in his eyes ready to fall freely and spill on his cheeks.That was his mom,but my mom was also his mom.The woman took care of Aiden,when my mom failed to do so.
I looked to the one bleeding on the floor and I couldn't tell who was who.I had seen pictures of Aiden's mom and Dylan's but I couldn't tell.The adrenaline was rushing and clouding every indicating sense in my body
Dylan's feet finally shifted and they slowly began walking forward.I felt his pain by each step he took and as I gave myself some perspective from Dylan.Tears were leaking down my cheeks.Aiden and Misty followed behind us and my heart couldn't stop beating
I wore this woman's dress
I kissed her son
And from Dylan's Perspective I saw everything,I saw why he was so cruel and cold.Why he had pushed himself into being alpha,and why he was so strung on me being Luna.He was hurting,he felt robbed from his mother and he didn't know how to cloud his pain.He shut everyone else and couldn't cope with losing his mom,so forced himself into the responsibility if being an alpha
'Aubrey am I dreaming? 'I heard dylan's voice.
'I don't think so'I thought.His hand held onto mine so right I finally heard a crack in my bones.His grip released immediately.He looked at me away from his mom and held my hand.
"Are you okay?"He asked.I nodded,there was a slight pain but I knew it would heal,because it always does.He looked back to his mother.I couldn't tell whose mom was who.There was another woman there that I didn't know,but I did know.Someone was bleeding out.I began moving faster and Dylan walked after me.
"Katherine?"I called.Then I saw it.The look in one of the woman's eyes,her eyes faltered and I noticed the same shade of color Dylan had.Her hair was brown and short.She looked at Dylan and then me.She stepped forward.She had tears in her eyes,
"Soldier"Her voice shivered and broke me.Dylan ran to her and wrapped his arms around her.I heard Misty run up to her and hug her too.Aiden followed Misty and went to his mother,she had long blonde hair and had golden eyes.
I stood right there and realised there was someone bleeding out.I ran to them and looked at her.
"Hey hold on for me."I said.
Where was my mom?
"Can you give my daughter a message?"She asked.
"You can tell her yourself."
"Oh Shit"I heard my moms voice she rushed to my side.
"This isn't going to heal soon."
"Then I can bring her back"I said.

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...