Like Jenna hamiltons first blog is like this chapter Rubbed Raw and Reeling.
Chapter 5: She-man man hating club
(Unedited:Raw as sushi)
"Why are you so mean to her"I asked Aiden
"I'm not mean I do it all out of fun joking but sometimes not.I would never really want to hurt her feelings"He Smiled.Gloria rolled her eyes at him.
"That doesn't make sense"
"Most of the time i'm just messing with her but other times she can be brutal" he said
"I'm going to go talk to her"I said.Aiden's eyebrows raised and he smirked.
"Be careful you might end up with a black eyes"Gloria warned .Aiden rolled his eyes and I walked off
"Yeah sure"I huffed.I followed her into the woods.I sniffed around for her scent.I saw her beating up a tree.
"Misty"I shouted running toward her
"Go find toto "she grunted and continued to fight the tree,her knuckles weren't bleeding ,yet
"Misty stop you're going to hurt yourself"I said.I could easier grab her hand and removed her from the environment,but I liked it out here.It was quiet and secluded,and I wasn't evaded with my
Mothers thoughts"How do you relieve stress"She said as she stopped punching for a moment
"I fight"
"I fight too but for now I punch trees"She said and her fists moved faster and harder than before.
"Fight me"I said
"No offense Dorothy you don't seem to match me"She said.I don't know where she was on the fighting scale but I knew a little bit more that the basics.
"You would be surprised"I softly said
"I'm not going to fight with the new pack member I'm the Alpha's sister I have a reputation to uphold"
"I know consider it an assessment."
"I don't know I could seriously wound you"she said.I would heal than.
"No I guess you are too afraid i'll beat you no big deal"
"That's not the problem"
"Then what's stopping you"I said.She stopped and looked toward me.Her fists were bloody now.
"Fine but don't cry to hard"She said
"I don't think i'll cry at all"I said
"We will see about that"She smiled.She looked at me for the longest time and then struck a move and hit me in the face.Then again
"Why aren't you fighting back"
"Just hit me"I said
"What i'm not a psycho who just a hits people."Misty said.No correction, your a psycho who hits trees,things that supply us with oxygen.From the looks of it I could tell she'd beaten more trees than I expected.I saw two trees who were jaggedly chopped down (could have been fists),and trees with chopped wood and blood (could have been Misty)
"Just hit me"I said
"Get it all out"I said
"I am not going to hit you"
"Hit me"
"Why"She screamed

The Big Bad Alpha
WerewolfAubrey never thought her life was special, she never thought she was special. She lived in Kansas withholding a secret that could cost her her family and her life, the fact she was a Lycan. However when her and her mother have the opportunity to mov...