Team part 2

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I was watching when Sakura and Ino came to class yelling who was first and some random girls yelled that they were here before them 'they don't see me do they?' i thought and saw Sakura walk up Next to Naruto ''Hi Sakura-chan'' Naruto said ''MOVE NARUTO I WANNA SIT NEXT TO SASUKE-KUN'' she yelled and the she looked at me ''You too freak'' she said ''.....Freak?'' i asked her ''Yeah i mean you got cat ears and tail'' she said ''and you care why? i mean seriously how is it you problem that i have cat ears and tail?'' i asked her ''Well... i uh'' she did't come you with a smartass comment ''What cat got your tongue?'' i asked her ''or was it me?'' i added and smled her sweetly.

And Naruto jumped table in front of Sasuke and he glared him and guy sitting front seat bumped on Naruto and he kissed Sasuke and i pretty much laughed my ass off and soon after they both stared to spit out saliva ''nee Sasuke should i call you Sa...

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And Naruto jumped table in front of Sasuke and he glared him and guy sitting front seat bumped on Naruto and he kissed Sasuke and i pretty much laughed my ass off and soon after they both stared to spit out saliva ''nee Sasuke should i call you Sasgay for now on?'' i asked him and he just glared at me.

Isaw Sasuke's fan-girls were about to beat up Naruto so summoned Binkan ''Who doesn't want to get poison in their veins shall back the fuck up'' i said smiling and they backed off and i saw others stare me with amaze well Shino stared Binkan ''May i go now Hime-sama?'' Binkan asked ''First off don't call me Hime-sama and yes you may go'' and he left as Iruka entered the class ''Ok now you will be but in your teams'' Iruka-sensei said ''Team 1 ......'' and i zoned'out until i herd my name ''Kemono Hatake'' who will be in my team? ''Naruto Uzumaki'' he said ''Sakura Haruno'' Naruto cheered and Sakura sulked ''and Sasuke Uchiha'' he said so i am in team 7 wait that means dad will be your sensei yay ''Wait forehead is in Sasuke-kun's team?'' Ino asked ''Hah in your face Ino-pig'' she said to her smirking ''Why is Sasuke even so great?'' Shikamaru asked ''Ugh you don't understand'' Ino said to him ''Well i am not girl and i don't see Kemono rubbing her self against him'' he said ''Oh god i hope i will not be in your team'' Ino said 'really that's the best you can come up with?' i thought and next team  was Ino, Shikamaru and Choji. Iruka said reast of the teams ''Ok your new Senseis will come and get you after lunch'' he said and dismissed us. After other left i saw Sakura next to Sasuke ''Sasuke-kun do you wanna eat lunch with me you know we are in the same team and all'' she said and Sasuke grunted and left ''Hey Sakura-chan i can eat lunch with you'' Naruto said ''In your dreams Naruto'' she said to him and left after Sasuke ''Nee Naruto i can eat lunch with you'' i said to him ''No thanks Kem-chan i have to do something'' he said and left. What is this feeling is it loneliness? it's weird i never had thins feeling after i entered to this world but i still hate it 'ugh i guess i will just eat my lunch alone then' i thought and as you can guess i ate alone and went beck to the class. After 10 minutes others came and i just stared to draw girl

when i looked up from the drawing and saw Naruto put something between door and wall and Sakura stared to complain about it

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when i looked up from the drawing and saw Naruto put something between door and wall and Sakura stared to complain about it. I saw the door get opened and there was dad ''My firstimpression  of you guys...... i hate you'' he said ''if you hate my so much why did you adopt me?'' i asked him with out looking from the drawing ''Well i don't hate you but anywasys meet me at the roof and he poofed away and i jumped out of the window and used chakra to run to the roof and saw dad and smiled at him and sat down and waited few minutes ''Ehhh Kem-chan don't scare us like that!'' Naruto and Sakura yelled ''Don't you know how to use chakra or something?'' i asked them and stared at dad ''Ok now introduce your self's'' dad said ''What are we supposed to say?''Sakura asked ''Well your name likes dislikes hobbies and dreams'' he said ''why don't you go first sensei'' Sakura said ''Yeah you seem suspicious'' Naruto added ''Well My name is Kakashi Hatake i have likes and dislikes i have many hobbies and for my dreams i never thought about it'' he said ''What he means he likes p mhmhfhf'' i was about to say but dad covered my mouth ''don't you dare'' he warned me and un covered my mouth and i saw him sat back down ''He likes to read porn books'' i said an his eye widened while Naruto and Sakura looked at him with 'really?' look. '' No dango's for week'' he said ''gaps noooo how can you be so cruel dad?! i thought you loved meeeee!'' i anime cried ''Well next time don't tell anyone about my stuff'' he said ''i hate you'' and he went to emo corner while Naruto and Sakura sweat dropped ''anyways blondie you start'' dad said pointing at Naruto ''My name is Naruto Uzumaki i like rame, i hate those 3 minutes you have to wait until your ramen is cooked my hobby is eating different types of ramen and my dream is to become the Hokage. Believe it!'' he yelled ''Pink one'' dad said to Sakura ''My name is Sakura Haruno thinks i like well the person i like *looks at Sasuke* My hobby is *looks at Sasuke* and my dream is*looks at Sasuke and blushes*'' she said ''And what do you hate?'' dad asked ''NARUTO'' she yelled ''Well because no one can understand Sakura's fan girl language i can translate (girly voice) i like Sasuke My hobby is to stalk Sasuke when he sleeps My dream is to rape Sasuke and have his kids and i hate Naruto'' i said Sasuke looked scared Sakura and Naruto were shocked ''Never mind i hate Kemono and Naruto!'' she yelled ''and i care why?'' i asked her ''Ravenette'' dad said to Sasuke ''i don't like anything i hate every thing my hobby is to train and i don't have dream because i will make it true i will resurrect my clan and kill certain someone'' he said and there was silence ''Ok now Kemono'' I like my village, family, animals and friends i hate those who will hurt them without good reason my hobbies are training, singing and drawing my dream is help so many people i can'' i said smiling ''You  said as many you can so you help evil too?'' Sakura asked smirking ''Well in away i will. I will try to save the from wrong path'' i said ''but why help evil?'' Naruto asked ''sometimes they are not so bad, sometimes they are just misunderstood and lonely and waiting for someone to give them light and help out of darkness'' i said smiling ''Ok the tommorow we are training'' dad said ''What type of training?'' Sakura asked and he explained   the training  and he went home ''do you know what training we are going to have Kemono?'' Sakura asked bitterly ''No'' i said to her ''so you don't know what type of training your dad has how sad i wonder if he hates you or just doesn't  trust you'' she laughed and my eyes watered ''you are just like the others laugh at those who are different'' i said to her and ran away before they could see me cry i ran all the way to training grounds and jumped on tree and cried abit ''No what am i doing crying is not gonna help anything'' i said to my self ''why is youthfull flower crying?'' i heard voice behind me i looked back and saw Guy-sensei ''ah it's nothing you shoul worry abot'' i said to him '' NO I MUST KNOW WHY SOMEONE YOUTHFUL AS YOU IS CRYING'' he hugged me and i saw Team Guy jump on near branches ''Help meeee'' i cried to them ''Guy-sensei she can't breath'' Tenten said and he let me go ''well it was nice to meet you but i have to go name is Kemono bye'' i said and ran away and i herd Guy yell something apout 'youth'.

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