Sand siblings

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(Just fyi Miku will be in team 7 but no when the chunin  exams begin they are not in the same team)

''Good morning Sakura-chan!!'' Naruto yelled but when he saw Sasuke he quickly turned away glaring and so did Sasuke ''Kemono-chan!'' Miku yelled behind me and glomped me and i face planed to the ground and i growled ''Hehehe sorry'' she apologized got up and helped me. Three hours later dad came ''Hey guy's! I got lost'' he told us but i glared him ''STOP LYING!!'' Sakura yelled ''HEY HEY!! KAKASHI SENSEI!! LATELY OUR MISSIONS HAVE BEEN TOO EASY!! I WANT MORE YOU KNOW!!'' Naruto yelled ''Yeah yeah *Sigh* i pretty much know what you are going to say'' dad said and we stared to leave but Naruto was just standing there ''Nee Naruto what are you doing? Let's go'' i said smiling ''OH YEAH!!'' he yelled and ran to us ''YOU ARE REALLY ANNOYING TODAY!!'' Sakura yelled.

**after the mission**

I was helping Naruto walk because he got pretty beaten ''Hn... Can't you take care of your self?'' Sasuke asked and Naruto snapped ''God dammit!!'' Naruto yelled ''If you don't clam down you are going to hurt your self'' i said to him but it didn't help and Sakura 'had' to hit him so he would clam down ''It seems that team work has been suffering lately'' dad said ''Indeed'' Miku and i said ''yeah! you are ruining your team work Sasuke!!'' Naruto yelled ''That's you moron. And if you want me to stop making you look bad become stronger then me'' Sasuke said and he had glaring contest with Naruto ''Ok that is it for to day'' dad said grapping his book ''I am going home'' Sasuke said ''Ah Sasuke-kun wait! We can work our team work ya know just us'' Sakura said with annoying voice ''You are the same as Naruto. If you have time to bother me then go learn jutsu or two. Frankly you ability is below Naruto's'' Sasuke said and left ''Hey Sakura-chan!! Forget about Sasuke let's train together!!'' Naruto yelled and dad teleported away ''Nee Kemono i am going to train. Wanna come?'' Miku asked ''No. Not yet i have a feeling that something is going to happen'' i said to her ''Oh. Do you want me to stay?'' she asked me ''Nah i think we should be fine but take Neo with you just in case'' I said to her and she nodded ''Ok Neo go with Miku'' i said to Neo who nodded and stared to follow Miku. I looked at Aoi and smiled Naruto got rejected by Sakura and stared to walk some random direction and i followed him with Aoi and soon he noticed the box behind us moving ''Oh come on! Square rock with two holes? I can see trough that!!''Naruto yelled ''That's the man i view as my rival!!'' Kohonamaru yelled ''Oh. It's Kohonamaru. What's with the googles?'' Naruto asked ''We  are copying your old look bro!!'' he yelled ''Aww how cute! You have fans'' i chirped and the trio blushed ''Ah...'' Naruto said ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN AH? WHY YOU ARE SO COLD?!'' Kohonamaru yelled. I punched Naruto's ''Naru-kun please stop acting like Sasuke. I really don't want two emo kids in the village'' i said to him ''Anyways why are you here?'' Naruto said ignoring me ''Umm.. Leader are you free?'' Moegi asked ''No i have to train!'' Naruto yelled ''What?! You promised play ninja with us today!'' Kohonamaru yelled ''Oh yeah'' Naruto remembered ''Why would you play ninja?'' Sakura asked ''Bro! Who is that girl?'' Kohonamaru asked and after awhile he came up with something ''Ahh not bad bro! She is your girlfriend isn't she?'' Kohonamaru asked. Moegi saw Aoi and stared her with awe and i notices her stare ''Ya know the flames don't burn you'' i said to her while petting Aoi ''You can pet her too'' i said smiling and slowly Moegi stared to per Aoi and she wagged her tail happily and licked Moegi's face but this moment was cut out thanks to Sakura who punched Naruto to the wall '' How dare you!! No leader don't die!! You ugly bitch!!'' Kohonamaru yelled (No really that what he said in the manga well at least one of the translations he said that Sakura was a bitch and i won't say he was wrong) Sakura hit Kohonamaru's and Naruto's heads and stared to walk away ''Damn it! That ugly huge forehead is she really your girl?'' Kohonamaru asked and Sakura herd him and stared to chase them but Kohonomaru bumped in to Kankuro soon.

''That hurt'' he said ''Kohonamaru!'' Naruto yelled as Kankuro grabbed Kohonamaru's scarf ''That hurt you little piece of shit'' Kankuro said ''Don't we will get yelled later'' Temari said ''I am sorry. It's my fault'' Sakura said ''Hey fat ass!! Let him go!!'' Naruto yelled ''Let's play a little before boss come's'' Kankuro said ''Bastard!!'' Naruto yelled and ran towards Kankuro but he tripped in air '' Leaf genins are weak'' Kankuro said and tightened his grip on Kohonamaru. I opened my gourd (Like Gaara's but smaller and it is white, black and red) and took some of my sand and it quickly wrapped around Kankuro's hand ''Now if you want to keep your hand it would be smart to let go'' i said and he dropped Kohonamaru ''Good boy. It's a good thing i didn't have to crush your hand. Other wise you would have been useless in the chunin exams'' i said to him and put my sand back to the gourd.  ''You little bitch. I hate show offs like you the most'' Kankuro said and took out Karasu ''Hey are you really going to use Karasu in this?'' Temari asked ''Kankuro stop'' Gaara said from the tree branch ''You are going to embarrass our village'' he added ''Ga-Gaara'' Kankuro stuttered ''Losing control of yourself in a fight. How pathetic. Do you even remember the reason why we are here?'' Gaara asked emotionless ''N-no Gaaara they stared it'' Kankura stared to explain but i picked up and threw it on Kankuro's head ''Cut it out with that bull shit. You were the one that was about to kill a god damn eight year old child that accidently bumped in to you'' i said glaring at him.

Gaara teleported next to his sibling ''Sorry about this mess'' he said ''It's fine. It's not your fault that your team mate is an idiot'' i said smiling ''Let's go'' Gaara said and was ready to leave ''Hey wait!'' Sakura yelled ''What?'' Gaara asked ''You are from the hidden sand right? You may be allies with us but it's forbidden to enter each other's country with out permission. State your purpose in here. Depending on it, we might to be able to let you go''  Sakura asked ''Sakura i would believe that they are here for chunin exams and even if they would be here to do something else 1: why the fuck the would tell their original reason to be here and 2: even if they wouldn't be here for chunin exams and would state their original business here how are we going to stop them we have Naruto here and yes he might be able to fight one of them for a while at least and then we have you and three eight year old kid that are still in the academy. You are weaker then Naruto and i doubt that Naruto and i would be able to hold tree kids from hidden sand that seem to be strong not to mention that one of them is an god damn jinchuriki of the one tails. So no we would be beaten in minutes mainly because of the jinchuriki so it would be useless and we would probably lose our lives'' i said bluntly ''But anyways you are here for the chunin exams right?'' i asked and Temari nodded ''I don't know what chunin exams are! Believe it!'' Naruto yelled ''Some time i wonder if you are a retard'' i said to Naruto who went to emo corner ''Well anyways  i am going to train with Miku'' i said and turned around ''Wait'' Gaara said and i stopped and turned around again ''Yeah?'' i asked him ''What is your name?'' he asked me ''I am Kemono Hatake and you are Gaara Of The Sand right?'' i said/asked and he nodded ''See ya and luck in the exam'' i said smiling and went to the training grounds to train with Miku and i explained everything what happened.

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