Lee almost died

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I was walking out of Hayate's room  and i heard Naruto's voice 'i wonder what that's about' i thought 'someone i going to kill bush brow' Kurama oto-san said and i stared to run towards Lee's room and i saw Gaara there ''YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!'' I heard Naruto yelled ''I told you to stop! His strength is like monsters! Don't you understand that!'' Shikamaru yelled ''He's Naruto do you honestly think he would listen to you?'' i asked as i walked in to the room ''And Gaara please try not to kill my friends'' i said ''Or i can always hurt you. You know very well that Shukaku's sand doesn't protect you from my attacks'' i said ''Indeed but there is a reason why it doesn't. I know that you are...'' Gaara was about to say but i blocked his voice with my sand ''If you finish that  sentence i will hurt you'' i said and removed the sand and he just glared at me ''Glare me all you want. It's nothing new to me'' i said but soon sand rise from the floor and it almost hit us but i use my sand and gems to protect us ''You ok?'' i asked and Naruto and Shikamaru nodded ''The exam is tomorrow don't get so antsy'' i said and Gaara grabbed his head in pain and stared to walk out ''I'll kill you all. You just wait'' Gaara said and ''....well if we ignore the part Lee almost died i would say that went well'' i said looking at the door ''Well gotta go. See ya'' i said and walked out.

**Time skip brought by because i almost every time write ship instead of skip..i am not even kidding**

Today was the final exam and i would have to fight Miku. We were standing in a line looking at the crown. I looked around but i didn't see Sasuke but i know he will come. Hokage stoop up ''Thank you every one for coming to the chunin exam! We will start the main tournament matches between the 10 participants who made it trough the preliminaries. Please stay and watch until the end!'' Hokage said and sat back down.

I know i am sorry but i have a test soon and i don't know shit about it! Hell i don't even know how in the fuck light moves! I am so fucked if i fail the fucking test and i don't want my mom to fucking yell shit about it while i just listen to music and don't give a shit! So i am fucking sorry!......Holy fuck i curse a lot today .-.

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