I fight to protect my friends

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''Goodbye! Please take care of Naruto'' dad yelled ''He pushed his body to the limit. I don't think he'll be able to move his body today'' he added ''Ok. Let's go'' Tazuna said and we walked to the bridge. When we arrived to the bridge and saw bodies ''WHAT HAPPENED!?'' Tazuna yelled ''Monster'' one of the builders said and the mist was thickening ''HERE THEY COME!!'' dad yelled ''KAKASHI SENSEI THIS IS HIS HIDDEN MIST NO JUTSU RIGHT!?!'' Sakura yelled ''Long time no see Kakashi. I see you still with the brats..... he's shaking again poor kid'' Zabuza said and soon after many of his clones around us ''I am shaking of excitement'' Sasuke said ''Do it Sasuke'' dad said to him and Sasuke destroyed all the clones ''Hmm.. he saw trough my water clones. The brat has grown'' Zabuza said ''It looks like rival has appeared Haku'' Zabuza said ''It does indeed'' Haku said ''Those two with mask's they obviously are Zabuza's comrades'' dad said ''Stop stuckhiding under those mask's and face us!!'' Sakura yelled ''Tricking us with stupid mask act.... i hate bastards like that the most'' Sasuke said ''You're so cool Sasuke-kun'' Sakura said  ''An impressive young man even thought water clone has only 1/10 of the strength of the original. Still very impressive'' Haku said ''But we have gained first advantage. Go!'' Zabuza said to Haku and he teleported next to Sasuke and attacked him with seabon needle but he dodged it and Haku was about to stab him but i pushed Sasuke out of the way and blocked Haku's attack ''My enemy is child behind you'' Haku said ''Well too bad you are fighting me'' i said and pulled out Haku ryū no yuri. I started to fight him and i blocked his seabons and actually hit him few times but he created his Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals no jutsu and i got trapped in side. Haku went in side of the mirrors ''I see you are from Yuki clan I doubt that there is many of people alive that posses same Kekkei Genkai as you. It would be a shame and waste if you died'' i said to Haku ''I do must say i am impressed. You are younger then me but still looks like you posses more information then me'' Haku said ''Dammit!!'' dad yelled ''Hey your opponent is me'' Zabuza said to dad ''Sensei don't worry about me! I'll be fine!'' i yelled as i blocked and dodge Haku's seabons. I looked how Sasuke was going and he was fighting Miku 'shit! please be fine Sasuke. I will not let my team mate die' i thought and Haku's seabon hit my stomach ''KYAAHH!'' i yelled in pain ''KEMONO!!'' dad yelled ''Sorry Tazuna-san i have to leave you for a moment'' I herd Sakura say ''Yeah! Go!'' Tazuna yelled and that's when Sakura sprinted towards us and threw a kunai at Haku but he caught it. 

Someone *Cough cough* Naruto *Cough* threw shuriken at Haku and he fell from the mirror ''Uzumaki Naruto has finally arrived!'' Naruto yelled ''Now when i am here everything will be fine!! The hero usually arrives late!!'' he added ''Naruto!!'' Sakura yelled and Zabuza threw shuriken's at Naruto but Haku blocked them ''Haku what is the meaning of this?'' Zabuza asked ''Zabuza-san please let me fight these kids'' Haku said ''So you don't want me to interfere Haku? You're always been soft'' Zabuza said 'Kit are you sure you don't need help?' Kurama-oto san asked 'No i have to win this my self i can't always count on you' i said to them ''Hey i am here to safe you!'' Naruto yelled and i stared at him and rubbed the bridge of my nose ''First you make the loudest enter as possible and the you come here willingly? You are the dumbest ninja i have ever seen'' i said to Naruto hwo looked angry ''HEY!! I CAME HERE TO SAFE YOU AND THIS HOW YOU THANK ME!?!'' Naruto yelled ''Yes Naruto is nice that you help me but you really couldn't help me OUT SIDE of the mirrors?'' I asked angry and i glared Naruto who shivered  ''I-I am soryyyyyy'' Naruto cried and i sighed ''Oh well when you are here i guess you can do something'' i said to him ''Ok! I promise do my best!!'' Naruto yelled and i smiled at him. Haku entered in the mirrors and i glared at him but soon he moved behind me ''Over here'' he said and i looked behind me 'i wonder will it work?' i thought 'oh well i might as well try' i thought ''Fire Release: Demon Lantern!'' i yelled and did the hand seals and shot the landers at the mirrors but it melt only a bit 'shit i would have to do that jutsu multiple time but naruto could get hurt' i thought ''Ahh what a powerful jutsu but not strong enough to melt my ice'' Haku said 'well no shit i saw that' i thought.

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