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Ok this is my opinion in this

To people who don't know.

She is fucking FINE

There was no fucking abuse.

There was no fucking kidnapping.

And there was no fucking Isis in this shit.

She. Is. Fine

And what is a fucking # going to help?

Some one is just magically going to safe her?

The after this would popular enough every thing would be fucking rainbows and sunshine?

And this thing where she whispers help me in to the mike. I don't hear anything. I listened it 10 fucking times and I could barely hear Fuck me

And that bruise shit?

I mean it is obvious she is abused.

I mean there is no fucking ways she could have gotten them in a fucking accidentally so she must be a fucking abuse victim. We society is the fucking problem. Why? Because we think women cant stand up for them self's, defend them self's and they need the social justice to come to their fucking aid. We say 'Women are strong. Women are powerful' yet the moment we see bruises 'Well this poor little helpless girl needs a fucking hero'' doesn't she?

I mean of course she is a victim. If this was a man making that video and showing the bruises . Well lets be honest for a sec




we wouldn't give a shit.

Or if she was old fat ugly woman? Well honestly we wouldn't care because she isn't pretty.

We only care because she in not old. Because she is not ugly. Because she is not a male.

We only care because she is young. She is beautiful. Because she is a female.

And oh boy don't we get satisfaction when we pretend to be fucking heroes?

I mean OMG get this girl help. But we are not going to get it with a fucking # are we? Fucking no. # are usually fucking useless. What we need to do is to call the fucking person that knows her like a family member or a friend and ask if they could check on her.

But you don't want to investigate and really help her now do you?

You just want to put on a fucking cape and feel like fucking super man.


I just realized what could help just like the fucking #.

Pray to the fucking god.

The god was the one who let this happen in the first place but hey maybe he just doesn't give a shit. I mean. He drowned almost all of us it the fucking flood just because he fucked up.

I am so prod if you read this far and didn't just throw hateful comments at me that in the end i don't give a shit about.

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