Go Naruto!!

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''One day when i was four I had this horrible seal carved in my forehead trough that curse seal jutsu. That day a grand ceremony was taking place in the leaf. A shinobi leader from cloud village which had been warring the leaf for many years had arrived to sing an alliance treaty. But at the ceremony which everyone attended from jonin to genin one clan was missing. That was the Hyuga clan. Because that was the important day when the hyuga heir turned three. Hinata-sama turned three. My father Hyuga Hizashi and Hinata-sama's father over there Hyuga Hiashi-sama were twins. But Hinata-sama's father Hiashi-sama was born first  a member f the main family. And my father, the second son became a member of the second of a branch family.

**Neji's pov*Flashback** (Bet ya didn't see that coming)

''Hinata-sama is already three. Congratulations'' father said. I smiled at Hinata-sama but she looked shyly away ''Isn't he cute father?'' i asked whispering but father stayed quiet ''Is something wrong father?'' i asked ''No it's nothing''he said ''I'll take Neji now Hizashi'' uncle said ''Yes'' father answered.

**Flashback end*Kemono's pov**

''When the Hyuga's firt daughter grew up and became three i was turned in to a 'The bird in the cage' through this curse. As a Hyuga branch family member'' Neji said ''Why is that necessary? Why do you have that weird mark? To distinguish main family members?'' Naruto asked ''No this mark isn't simply just a decoration. This curse seal is the absolute fear of death given to the branch family by the main family members. With a secret hand seal the branch members mind can be easilly destroyed death is just as easy of course. And this curse seal disappears only after death. Sealing up the ability to use byakugan along with it. The Hyuga house is a clan that holds great advanced blood. Those that go after those secrets are incalculable so with this jutsu the branch family is allowed to live only to protect the main family. No disobedience is allowed by the main family it's an effective system created to eternally protect the advance byakugan of the hyuga. And that incident occurered......my father was killed by the main family. One night someone tried to kidnap Hinata-sama. Then Hiashi-sama quicly took care of it and killed him. It was dark and he was wearing a mask. Who do you think he was? He was...he was the cloud country shinobi leader who had just singed the alliance treaty. It became clear that he was after the Hyuga secrets from the beginning but the cloud country with one of their leaders killed the failed plain made demands of the leaf breaking the alliance. Of course the Leaf and Cloud bickered back and fourth... it almost became a war. BUt Leaf avoided this war by making a black door deal with the cloud'' Neji said ''Deal?'' Naruto asked ''The cloud wanted the Hyuga's main family's advanced blood and Byakugan... they demanded the corpse of Hiashi-sama.  And the leaf agreed to their wishes. And the war was avoided. Thanks to my dad. Who was killed by the main family to replace Hyuga Hiashi's corpse. To escape this horrible curse there's no method but death. They were twins, their strength was virtually the same born first...born second destiny was decided just by that. And this fight your  destiny was decided the moment i became your opponent. Your destiny is lose to me there's no doubt'' Neji said ''You don't know until it's over!'' Naruto yelled while Neji putted his headband on.

''I don't know how much it hurt that your dad was killed a long time ago but thinking that destiny is decided by just that is a huge mistake!!'' Naruto yelled ''You are hopeless'' Neji said and hit Naruto and the impact sent him few meters backwards ''Examiner it's over'' Neji said ''Damn loser'' Neji said and stared to turn away ''Hey...don't run away'' Naruto said and weakly got up ''I don't run...i don't go back in my word'' Naruto said ''Heh..i've heard that before'' Neji said smirking ''There's no way i'll lose to someone that's whining about destiny'' Naruto said ''An ignorant brat like you shouldn't be lecturing. People are burdened with a destiny the cannot oppose. You could never understand what is like to be burdened with a symbol you could never get rid of by yourself!!'' Neji yelled ''Yeah i can...but so what?'' Naruto asked ''Pft stop acting cool you're not the only one that's special. Hinata suffered as much as you!! She coughed blood when she was fighting you!!  You're the same!! The branch family was supposed to protect the main family yet doing that to Hinata!! In truth you are trying to disobey your destiny!'' Naruto yelled ''Your 64 points are closed. You won't be able to use your chakra for a while, how can you fight? In the end you and Hinata-sama have the same destiny!!'' Neji said ''Shut up! Stop using your Byakugan to decide and act like you know everyone's destiny!!'' Naruto yelled ''Then prove to me that you are correct'' Neji said ''Yeah! I am going to defeat you and prove that you are wrong!!'' Naruto yelled ''Enough talking. Examiner i am going to kill him. If you want to stop me then go a head'' Neji said. Naruto putted his hands in a ram hand seal ''Useless. All of your 64 point are already pressed'' Neji said 'Sight Kurama-otosan please give him power but don't let him do anything stupid'  i asked/said 'Sight* Five kit' Kurama-otosan said 'Thank you' i thanked him ''Can i asked you one thing? Why are you against your destiny so much?'' Neji asked ''Because i was called a loser!'' Naruto yelled and released Kurama's chakra ''Here i come!'' Naruto yelled. Naruto jumped behind Neji and while he was still in air he threw shurikens at Neji but he catched them and threw them in to the wall. They both grabbed kunai and launched towards each other and it created a smoke wall so no one could see what happened but soon it cleared and they flew apart from each other. Neji got up first and walked towards Naruto that was still laying on the ground ''Loser accept your fate'' Neji said 'Idiot. Cant you tell apart what is a clone and what is real?' i thought as real Naruto shot up from the ground and hit Neji in his chin knocking him out ''Heh. The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!!'' Genma yelled and the audience broke in to cheers ''That was great!'' ''Incredible!!!'' and ''Great win shrimp!!'' were the  yells from the audience 'Thank you Kurama-otosan' i thought smiling ''The next fight is Hatake Kemono vs Miku Hoshigaki!'' Genma yelled '....shit' i thought and looked at Miku who was sweating bullets ''Let's not kill each other kay?'' she asked but i got a great idea and smirked ''Nah. No promises'' i said and smirked ''....shit'' Miku said and i chuckled 'This is going to be interesting.

To be continue...................... .-.

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