Question for jonins

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''Thanks for waiting. I am Morino Ibiki, the examiner for chunin exams first part'' Ibiki said and smirked slightly and many glupped because Ibiki was slightly scary  Ibiki pointed at us ''Hidden sound ninjas stop doing as you please before the exam. Do you want to fail already?'' Ibiki said ''Sorry. It's your first time we got bit carried away'' Dosu said ''Bah. Here's good moment say this. There will be no fighting without the permission of the examiner. Even if the permission is granted killing your oponet will not be tolerated. Those pigs who disobey me will fail immediately. Do i make my self clear?'' Ibiki asked ''Heh this exams sounds easy'' Zaku said ''We will start written part of chunin exam. Instead of you current seats you will pick one of these tabs and sit on the seat assigned to you. We will hand you the exam'' Ibiki said ''WHAT?! WRITTEN TEST?!'' Naruto yelled. My number was 666 how nice the devils number but on my left was Gaara and on my right was some rain ninja.

''Don't turn your tests over. Listen closely what i am about to say. There are many important rules in the first exam. i'll write it on the board while i explain but questions are not allowed'' Ibiki said ''The first rule: You will start with 10 points. The test is made from 10 questions and the all are worth 1 point. If you answer in all 10 question correctly you will keep all of your points. But if you miss of fail lets say 3 question you will have 7 points. Second rule is: Tis is a team test'' he added ''WAIT A SECOND!! I don't understand this initial points system either but why i sthe test?'' Sakura asked ''Shut up. You don't have the right to question me. There is a reason for this, now be quiet'' Ibiki said ''Third an the most important rule is: If you are caught cheating you will lose two points'' Ibiki said. ''We'll have our eyes on you guys'' Kotetsu said ''realize that the pathetic ones that get caught cheating will be destroying them self's. As ninjas trying to achieve the chunin level be proud ninjas'' Íbiki said (This is so annoying i always write Ikibi even thought his name is Ibiki and i have to fix his name like a million time!)Last rule is: If one of your team fail you all fail'' Ibiki said.

'...... nee oto-san's you will help me right?' i asked in my head 'sure kit' Matatabi oto-san said ''Ok. The exam will last an hour. BEGIN!'' Ibiki said and i looked at the test 'ok what the fuck is the first ones answer?' i asked and one by one by parents told me the answers and i was in 3rd question until someone raised up ''Umm i would like to know. How many teams will past this test'' some sand ninja asked ''He he he. Knowing that will not help you. Or do you want to be disqualified?'' Ibiki asked ''S-sorry'' boy stuttered and sat down. I looked back to my paper and soon i was done but i saw that Gaara was struggling 'huh i guess that is hard to find the right answer' i thought 'nee shukaku oto-san?' i asked in my head 'yeah kit?' he asked 'Can you please tell Gaara to copy from me of tell him the answers please?' i asked in my head politely 'ughhhh sure kit' he grumbled and soon i feld sand in my right eye and Gaara was copying my answers and i smiled and soon he was done too 'he said thanks' Shukaku said 'ah so you told him' i said 'well yeah' he grumbled. I turned my paper and stared to draw.

I drew picture of my little sister

I drew picture of my little sister

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