Chunin exams

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We were the bridge waiting for dad to come '' HEY!! HOW IS THIS FAIR?! WHY DOES HE MAKE US WAIT?!'' Sakura yelled ''YEAH!! SAKURA-CHAN IS RIGHT!!'' Naruto yelled ''WHAT ABOUT THE FEELING OF A YOUNG GIRL WHO OVERSLEPT AND DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO DO Y HAIR!!'' Sakura yelled ''YEAH I OVERSLEPT TOO!! I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO BRUSH MY TEETH OR CHANCE MY UNDERWEAR!!'' Naruto yelled ''No wonder you smell so bad'' i mumbled ''Disgusting'' Sakura said ''Morning!'' dad yelled ''Today i got lost on the path of life'' he added ''YEAH RIGHT!! LIAR!!'' Sakura yelled ''Well anyways this is sudden but. I've nominated you guys for chunin exams'' dad said ''Kakashi-sensei i love you!!'' Naruto yelled ''Hey let go'' dad said as Naruto hugged him ''This is just an nomination. Whether to take the exams is up to each of you. Those who wish to take this test you should sing those papers and turn them in room 301 by tomorrow. Oh Kemono and Miku you will take the test together'' dad said ''That's all'' he added and teleported away.  ''Hihihii chunin exams'' Naruto giggled happily ''There is going to be lot of strong guys in this thing! Like the sand shinobi!'' Naruto added and stared to walk away with Sasuke so me and Miku were with Sakura who looked sadly at her paper ''Sakura i am going to train. Wanna come? I can help you if you want'' i said to her ''Yeah me too!'' MIku said happily ''W-what? Really? Why would you help me?'' Sakura asked ''Well no offence but you really need it and even little bit of training can help'' i said to her ''Yeah sure! Thank you so much!!'' Sakura said happily and we went to the training grounds.

**After hours of training**

We trained for six hours. Two hours of genjutsu two hours of taijutsu and two hours of ninjutsu and Sakura was better 'hopefully that is enough' i thought ''Ok. We quit for this day. And Sakura'' i said and Sakura looked me worried ''Great job'' i said smiling and held my hand for her and helping her up ''Now how about we go home?'' i asked and she nodded and walked to her home ''Bye Miku! See ya tomorrow!'' i yelled and stared to walk home ''Bye Kemono! See you!'' she yelled.

**Time skip to night**

I couldn't get any sleep so i went wondering around the village and soon i saw Gaara on top one of the roofs and i teleported behind him ''Hello'' i said calmly and he quickly cover me with his sand ''Hey don't worry. I am not going to hurt you'' i said but he didn't let go 'sigh Shukaku oto-san can you please tell you jinchuriki to let me go. With out hurting him' i asked him in my head and soon Gaara's sands grip eased ''Why are you here?'' Gaara asked ''i couldn't get any sleep so i decided to walk around the village and the i saw you'' i said and sat next to him ''Why are you still here? I am a mon mmhmhmmhh'' Gaara was about to say but i blocked his mouth ''Gaara you are not a monster. I know that you have killed many people but the fact that you are a jinchuriki'' i said and i took my hand away from his mouth ''Say Gaara do you think i am a freak?'' i asked and looked at him ''Why would you be a freak?'' he asked me ''I have fox ears and tail and weird markings in my face that why people say i am a freak'' i said to him ''No. The fact that you have fox ears and tail those don't make you a freak'' he said calmly ''Thank you Gaara. But i must say we have similar past'' i said to him and he looked me questionably but soon returned to him emotionless face ''And how is that?'' he asked ''Before i moved in Konoha me and my sister were adopted by i nice looking woman. But she was everything but nice. She beat me all the time when she was mad and of course she would have hit my sister too but i took her hits. After five years someone found out that she was beating me she was captured but we were homeless. After year for begging for food and money so i could feed my little sister a boy that was same age as me took us in. He was orphan too and i thought i could trust him but i was wrong. One day i went to look for food and i left Minami (her sister) alone with Hiniku (orphan boy) for and hour and i thought that she would hug me when i would come home but i was wrong. When i went in side of the house i smelled blood and a lot of it. I dropped my bags and ran towards the smell and i saw that M-Mikumi w-was dead and h-her own b-blood was surrounding h-her. Hiniku was behind me and stabbed me too. I killed him s-soon and the lasts words he said were 'you are a freak! You are meant to be alone!' he yelled and died. W-when i picked up Mikumi's body i-i saw that he cut  off her ears and tail. Think about it 10 year old kills 5 year old little girl'' i said crying and Gaara was actually shocked. Soon Gaara hugged me (Yes i know that he is totally ooc) i soon fell a sleep in Gaara's arms.

**Gaara's pov**

I was bit shocked. Her adopted by+ a child beater and lost her little sister. I felt how she relaxed in my arms and i looked at her 'she looks so peaceful' i thought. I wonder why Shukaku told me to not to kill this girl. I saw two foxes to teleport next to me other was black with little but of blue and other one was on blue flames. They stared Kemono 'Gaara give Kemono to the foxes. They are her friends' Shukaku said and i gave her to the foxes and they teleported away 'what a weird night' i thought.

The next chapter will be about the chunin exams first part

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