Miku is in the town YAY

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Iasked what we are going to do. Miku told that Haku and Zabuza was fine with the fact well Haku just follows Zabuza and Miku threatened to break Zabuza's sword in to little pieces and Zabuza knew she told that Zabuza knew that she wasn't kidding so after awhile he said yes ''Well we are going to come to the leaf but only problem in the Hokage'' Miku said ''Oh don't worry about it i am sure he will say yes as long you don't hurt or destroy village or its people and i think he wants some information'' I said smiling ''Oh....'' she said.

**Time skip**

It's been 2 days when I woke up and it was our time to leave ''Thanks to you we completed the bridge'' Tazuna said. Naruto and Inari were about to cry ''Don't worry! We will come to visit'' Naruto said to Inari ''You better'' Inari said and i walked up to Inari and i gave Inari a necklace and he hugged me. I hugged back smiling but soon I let him go and walked back to my team. Naruto looked Inari ''Hey Inari.... you are sad right? It's ok to cry'' Naruto said ''I am not going to cry!! But it's ok for you to cry Naruto!'' Inari yelled back ''Fine later'' Naruto said and turned away but he was crying and so was Inari ''Those two chanced Inari's (Kemono and Naruto) heart and Inari chanced the people's heart's. Those two gave us a bridge to hope called courage. This bridges name will be 'The great Naruto bridge' and the river beneath it will be called 'The great Kemono river'' Tazuna said ''Yeah those are good names'' Tsunami said smiling ''YAY!! LET'S GO HOME FAST SO I CAN GET IRUKA-SENSEI BUY SOME RAMEN!! OH YEAH I HAVE TO TELL KOHONAMARU ABOUT MY LEGENDARY MISSION'' Naruto yelled ''Ca we go on a date when we are home Sasuke-kun?'' Sakura asked ''No'' Sasuke answered bluntly voice ''HEY!! HOW ABOUT ME!?'' Naruto yelled ''NO'' Sakura yelled back I just face palmed ''I am surrounded by idiots'' I grumbled 'Does that mean i am an idiot' Miku said her i assume thoughts out loud   ''No'' I answered bored 'does she read my mind?' She asked  ''No i don't you are just saying your thoughts out loud'' I said ''O-oh'' she said embarrassed.

**Time skip to the village**

I saw Izumo and Kotetsu sleeping at the gate again but we walked past them towards the Hokage tower. I summoned Seinaru and she teleported us close to Hokage's door and she poofed away. Kakashi knocked the door ''Come in'' Hokage said. We walked in and i picked up Neo (If anyone wonders they were most of the time in Tazuna's house healing and they were safer there). I walked inside while petting Neo ''Kakashi what is the meaning of this?'' Hokage asked as he saw Zabuza, Haku and Miku ''They have chanced their live style and wished to start a new live in Konoha'' I said before dad ''Hmmmm if they bring any harm to this village they will be executed and now they are interrogated by Ikibi'' Hokage said

**Time skip**

I trained for two hours until someone yelled my name. I turned around and saw Miku ''Did he let you stay in the village?'' i asked ''Yeah'' she said smiling and i smiled back and i hugged her but soon we went to our home's.

In the next chapter they will meet the sand siblings

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