Shikamaru vs Temari pt 2

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''Ah i see. I've seen trough your kagemane no jutsu! Looks like there is a limit how much you can stretch, shrink and chance the shape of your shadow, isn't there? No matter how much you chance and stretch the shape of your shadow, you still can't stretch it any further than the surface area of your normal shadow right?'' Temari asked ''Heh...that's right'' Shikamaru said. There was a moment of silent as Shikamaru looked at the sky and putted his finger tips together making a circle and he closed his eyes ''What is he doing?'' Miku asked ''Thinking a strategy'' i said ''The guy might me lazy but if i heard correct information his IQ is over 200'' I added ''T-two hundred?'' Miku asked in disbelieve and I nodded ''Looks like you are going to be little bit serious!!'' Temari yelled and did the  Sickle Weasel Technique. Shikamaru jumped behind a tree and used the tree as a shield ''There is no use in hiding!!'' Temari yelled ''How long are you going to keep running away from me!! Gie up already!!'' Temari yelled. The blow created a thick dust cloud and Shikamaru threw a kunai at Temari but she used her fan as a shield. Shikamaru withdraw his kagemane no jutsu. He created a new shadow that reached over the mark Temari made but she jumped away jut in time ''Very good, you saw trough that'' Shikamaru said ''I see. You were whiling away time waiting for the sun drop lower so the shadow of the wall and yourself would grow larger'' Temari said ''Hmp'' Shikamaru grunted ''Temari! From above!!'' Kankuro yelled 'Smart' i thought. Shimakaru had created a small shadow from his vest that was tied to his headband ''When did he have the time to build that?'' Miku asked ''I am guessing he created it while he was hiding behind the tree'' I said. The thing he created made a shadow on the ground and connected with Shikamaru's shadow and reached closer to Temari and she did her best trying to dodge the shadow ''You can't escape!!'' Shikamaru yelled. Soon the shadow Shikamaru created shrunk as well and Temari smirked ''I see you saw trough that too'' Shikamaru said but soon Temari was controlled my Shikamaru ''W-what?'' she asked ''How did that happed?'' Miku asked ''Shikamaru used the hole Naruto made in his battle'' I said ''What?'' Miku asked ''*Sight* You will see soon'' i said ''W-why wouldn't my body move? The shadow couldn't reach this far'' Temari said ''I'll show you what behind you'' Shikamaru said and turned his head and Temari noticed the hole that was behind her ''You noticed it didn't you? That's the hole Naruto used and ambushed with in his battle. It's connected in to the larger hole in front of you'' Shikamaru said ''N-no way...the shadow inside of the tunnel'' Temari muttered in disbelieve ''Exactly'' Shikamaru said and begun to rise his hand ''Yes! Do it!'' Miku yelled ''Just wait for it'' I said holding back a smile ''Neh? Wait for what?'' she asked and tiled her head like a lost god damn puppy ''In a second'' I said and looked at Shikamaru ''That's is....I give up'' Shikamaru said ''W-WHAT!!'' Naruto and Miku yelled ''And there it is'' I said and shook my head slightly ''Winner, Temari!!'' Genma yelled and Shikamaru released his jutsu. ''What?! That idiot gave up! I am going to lecture him!!'' Naruto yelled and jumped on the battle ground ''lectures are tricky things if you don't want to anger the other person'' Shino said ''Idiot!!'' Naruto yelled and pointed at Shikamaru ''Shut up you super idiot'' Shikamaru said 'Comeback of the fucking year' I thought ''Why did you give up!!'' Naruto yelled 'There is thing called asking. I think you should try that' I thought ''Forget about that already. Let's just enjoy the next fight'' Shikamaru said and they came back to the balcony ''Where's the Uchiha!!'' yelled the crowd 'Not here obviously' I thought 'Thanks captain obvious' Kurama-otosan said 'Oh no need to thank me' I said sarcastically '...i really hate you right now' he said 'You hate me! Oh no my heart is broken!!' I said to him and he stayed silent ''Where is Sasuke?'' Miku asked ''He'll be here soon'' I said.

This shitty fanfiction shall the next chapter:3

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